成功解决 ProxyError: Conda cannot proceed due to an error in your proxy configuration

简介: 关掉win10的代理软件, 没有效果, 想起来代理软件会自动更改ie的代理设置

给win10的ubuntu1804安装anaconda, 执行conda create -n daily python=3.7创建虚拟环境时报错

Collecting package metadata (current_repodata.json): failed
ProxyError: Conda cannot proceed due to an error in your proxy configuration.
Check for typos and other configuration errors in any '.netrc' file in your home directory,
any environment variables ending in '_PROXY', and any other system-wide proxy
configuration settings.

一. 关掉win10的代理软件, 没有效果, 想起来代理软件会自动更改ie的代理设置

二. 关掉ie的代理设置, 如下图所示, 这步操作后, 对于一些人应该就可以解决问题了



三. 但是我还不行, 此时说明问题不在于win10, 而在于ubuntu1804, 我是不是在ubuntu1804上设置了环境变量? 突然一惊, 执行命令env | grep -i "_PROXY", 果不其然, 有两行输出, 再打开~/.bashrc一看, 如下图, 原来是大半年以前设置的环境变量… 把这两行注释掉, 保存退出, 重新打开终端就能创建虚拟环境了


成功解决ProxyError: Conda cannot proceed due to an error in your proxy configuration.Check for typos an
成功解决ProxyError: Conda cannot proceed due to an error in your proxy configuration.Check for typos an
成功解决ProxyError: Conda cannot proceed due to an error in your proxy configuration.Check for typos an
Java Spring
成功解决Initialization failed for ‘https://start.spring.io‘ Please check URL, network and proxy settings
这篇文章提供了解决Spring Initializr网站初始化失败问题的方法,包括检查URL、网络和代理设置。
成功解决Initialization failed for ‘https://start.spring.io‘ Please check URL, network and proxy settings
Java Spring
Initialization failed for 'https://start.spring.io' Please check URL, network and proxy settings.
Initialization failed for 'https://start.spring.io' Please check URL, network and proxy settings.
1228 0
Java Spring
Initialization failed for ‘https://start.spring.io‘ Please check URL, network and proxy settings解决办法
Initialization failed for ‘https://start.spring.io‘ Please check URL, network and proxy settings解决办法
3724 1
Initialization failed for ‘https://start.spring.io‘ Please check URL, network and proxy settings解决办法
configure: error: libacl not found
configure: error: libacl not found
91 0
configure: error: gperf is needed
configure: error: gperf is needed
127 0
configure: error: cups-config not found
configure: error: cups-config not found
125 0
解决办法:configure: error: You requested SRTP (requires libsrtp) but not found...die
解决办法:configure: error: You requested SRTP (requires libsrtp) but not found...die
158 0
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onfigure: error: no acceptable C compiler found in $PATH See `config.log' for more details 问题解决
onfigure: error: no acceptable C compiler found in $PATH See `config.log' for more details 问题解决
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