Anaconda ValueError:check_hostname requires server_hostname

简介: Anaconda ValueError:check_hostname requires server_hostname

Anaconda pip安装外部库时会报出ValueError:check_hostname requires server_hostname




ssh: Could not resolve hostname centos02: Temporary failure in name resolution
ssh: Could not resolve hostname centos02: Temporary failure in name resolution
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SQL 关系型数据库 MySQL
check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near lin
注意这种一般情况下是语法问题,说明mysql的各种语句还是不够熟练, (1)看表名是不是使用了Mysql的关键字,如果是,请立马改掉; (2)语句给出哪里错误,如我的题目中给出“near”,说明在那附近有问题。 (3)检查mybatis中mapper里sql语句占位符是否写对,我的问题是将#{name}写成了#(name),尴尬。
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Docker 容器
docker报错ERROR: for hass “host” network_mode is incompatible with port_bindings
docker报错ERROR: for hass “host” network_mode is incompatible with port_bindings
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ValueError: check_hostname requires server_hostname的解决办法
报错ValueError: check_hostname requires server_hostname通常是因为版本冲突等原因,查遍网上众多大佬总结的经验后,最终发现是由网络代理导致的问题,即我们通常说的vpn问题。
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服务器重启后 Host key verification failed
服务器重启后 Host key verification failed
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服务器重启后 Host key verification failed
python报错——check_hostname requires server_hostname
python报错——check_hostname requires server_hostname
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python报错——check_hostname requires server_hostname
SQL 关系型数据库 MySQL
check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near
check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near
985 0
check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near
Python遇到的坑--ValueError: check_hostname requires server_hostname
原因:这个其实跟选用的python版本的关系不大,主要原因是因为每次使用 pip install 命令下载插件的时候,下载的都是最新的版本,比如下载requests插件,它会自动的将依赖的urllib3这个插件也安装,然后依赖的插件版本太高,就导致了这个报错的问题。
Python遇到的坑--ValueError: check_hostname requires server_hostname