import netmiko import socket import re from netmiko import ConnectHandler, SSHDetect from netmiko.ssh_exception import NetMikoTimeoutException from netmiko.ssh_exception import NetMikoAuthenticationException ##This script use to login device by ssh or telnet,it will detect the TCP port (22,23) automaticly and #find out which is open to use,you can use port_scan to comfirm which metod will be used to connect device #and following two Classes are the different because the first one is only use to login cisco device,and #second one is use to login all devices now it supports 'cisco','huawei','juniper',and it can be detect #automatic! ## class CiscoLogin(): ##Only use to Login cisco device!!! # def __init__(self,username,password,enable_pwd,ip): self.username = username self.password = password self.enable_pwd = enable_pwd self.ip = ip def port_scan(self): connect_protocol = 'unknown' sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET,socket.SOCK_STREAM) try: sock.connect((self.ip,22)) sock.shutdown(2) sock.close() connect_protocol = 'ssh' except Exception as e: try: sock.connect((self.ip,23)) sock.shutdown(2) sock.close() connect_protocol = 'telnet' except Exception as e: print('[+]%s端口不可达'%self.ip) return connect_protocol def ssh_login(self): auth_flag = False net_conn = '' hostname = '' devtype = '' device = { 'device_type': 'cisco_ios', 'ip': self.ip, 'username': self.username, 'password': self.password, 'secret': self.enable_pwd, # 'timeout': 5, } # 尝试探测设备型号以及登陆设备 try: devtype = 'cisco_ios' print ('-' * 30) print ("[+] Trying to connect to: " + self.ip) net_conn = ConnectHandler(**device) # print (net_conn) print ("[+] connected to: " + self.ip) login_out = net_conn.find_prompt() print(login_out) hostname = login_out.replace('#', ' ').replace('>',' ').rstrip() if '#' in login_out: auth_flag = True print('login success') elif '>' in login_out: try: net_conn.enable() auth_flag = True except Exception as e: print('ENABLE authtication fail') except (EOFError, NetMikoAuthenticationException): print ('username/password wrong!') except (ValueError,NetMikoAuthenticationException): print ('enable password wrong!') return net_conn, auth_flag, hostname, devtype def telnet_login(self): auth_flag = False net_conn = '' hostname = '' devtype = '' device = { 'device_type': 'cisco_ios_telnet', 'ip': self.ip, 'username': self.username, 'password': self.password, 'secret': self.enable_pwd, } # 尝试探测设备型号以及登陆设备 print ('[+] 尝试TELNET登陆%s设备...' % self.ip) try: devtype = 'cisco_ios_telnet' net_conn = ConnectHandler(**device) login_out = net_conn.find_prompt() if '#' in login_out: auth_flag = True hostname = login_out.replace('#', '') elif '>' in login_out: try: net_conn.enable() if net_conn.check_enable_mode(): auth_flag = True hostname = login_out.replace('#', '') print('[+] 登陆ASA:%s设备成功...' % self.ip) except Exception as e: print('ENABLE认证失败') except (EOFError, NetMikoAuthenticationException): print ('username/password wrong!') except (ValueError,NetMikoAuthenticationException): print ('enable password wrong!') return net_conn, auth_flag, hostname, devtype class AllDevLogin(): ##Use to login all devices,and it can autodetect device brand,support 'cisco','huawei','juniper' ## def __init__ (self,username,password,enable_pwd,ip): self.username = username self.password = password self.enable_pwd = enable_pwd self.ip = ip def port_scan(self): connect_protocol = 'unknown' sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET,socket.SOCK_STREAM) try: sock.connect((self.ip,22)) sock.shutdown(2) sock.close() connect_protocol = 'ssh' except Exception as e: try: sock.connect((self.ip,23)) sock.shutdown(2) sock.close() connect_protocol = 'telnet' except Exception as e: print('[+]%s端口不可达'%self.ip) return connect_protocol def telnet_autodetect(self): dev_detect_flag = False dev_telnet = { 'device_type': 'cisco_ios_telnet', 'ip': self.ip, 'username': self.username, 'password': self.password, 'secret': self.enable_pwd, # 'timeout':5, # 'global_delay_factor':1.3, } net_conn = ConnectHandler(**dev_telnet) if True: dev_out = net_conn.send_command('show version') if 'Adaptive' in dev_out: devtype = 'cisco_asa_telnet' elif 'Cisco' in dev_out: devtype = 'cisco_ios_telnet' elif 'Unrecognized command' in dev_out: dev_out = net_conn.send_command('display version') devtype = 'huawei_telnet' elif 'unknown keyword' in dev_out: dev_out = net_conn.send_command('get sys') devtype = 'juniper_junos_telnet' else: devtype = 'None' return devtype def ssh_login(self): auth_flag = False net_conn = '' hostname = '' devtype = 'cisco_ios' device = { 'device_type': 'autodetect', 'ip': self.ip, 'username': self.username, 'password': self.password, 'secret': self.enable_pwd, 'timeout':5, # 'global_delay_factor':1.3, } # 尝试探测设备型号以及登陆设备 try: ###device autodetect print('[+] 正在尝试分析'+self.ip+'的设备品牌...') devtype_detect = SSHDetect(**device) devtype = devtype_detect.autodetect() device['device_type'] = devtype print ("[+] 正在尝试SSH登陆: " + self.ip) net_conn = ConnectHandler(**device) login_out = net_conn.find_prompt() print (login_out) ###SSH to device if 'cisco' in devtype: if '#' in login_out: auth_flag = True hostname = login_out.replace('#', '') #print (hostname) elif '>' in login_out : net_conn.enable() print('enable') if net_conn.check_enable_mode(): auth_flag = True hostname = login_out.replace('#', '') print('[+] 登陆:%s设备成功...' % self.ip) else: print('[+] Enable:%s设备失败...' % self.ip) elif devtype == 'huawei': hostname = login_out.replace('<','').replace('>','') if login_out: auth_flag = True print('[+] 登陆%s设备成功...'%self.ip) if '>' in login_out: try: net_conn.config_mode() auth_flag = True except Exception as e: print('[+] Config_mode authtication fail') elif devtype == 'netscreen' or 'juniper': hostname = login_out.replace('->','') if '>' in login_out: auth_flag = True except (EOFError, NetMikoAuthenticationException): print ('username/password wrong!') except (ValueError,NetMikoAuthenticationException): print ('enable password wrong!') return net_conn, auth_flag, hostname, devtype def telnet_login(self): device = { 'device_type': 'cisco_ios', 'ip': self.ip, 'username': self.username, 'password': self.password, 'secret': self.enable_pwd, } try: devtype= telnet_autodetect() device['device_type'] = devtype net_conn = ConnectHandler(**device) login_out = net_conn.find_prompt() if 'cisco' in devtype: print ('-' * 30) print ("[+] 正在尝试TELNET登陆: " + self.ip) hostname = login_out.replace('#', '').replace('>','') # print (hostname) if '#' in login_out: auth_flag = True print('[+] 登陆%s设备成功...'%self.ip) elif '>' in login_out: try: net_conn.enable() if net_conn.check_enable_mode(): auth_flag = True except Exception as e: print('ENABLE authtication fail') elif devtype == 'huawei_telnet': print ('-' * 30) print ("[+] Trying to connect to: " + self.ip) net_conn = ConnectHandler(**device) print ("[+] Connected to: " + ip) login_out = net_conn.find_prompt() print(login_out) hostname = login_out.replace('<', '').replace('>','') # print (hostname) if ']' in login_out: auth_flag = True print('[+] 登陆%s设备成功...'%self.ip) elif '>' in login_out: auth_flag = True try: net_conn.config_mode() auth_flag = True except Exception as e: print('[+] Config_mode authtication fail') elif devtype == 'juniper_junos_telnet': hostname = login_out.replace('->', '') print (hostname) if '>' in login_out: auth_flag = True except (EOFError, NetMikoAuthenticationException): print ('username/password wrong!') except (ValueError,NetMikoAuthenticationException): print ('enable password wrong!') return net_conn, auth_flag, hostname, devtype
dev_config.py调试命令文件 import netmiko import time import csv import re import getpass import socket import devlogin import fileinput from netmiko import ConnectHandler, SSHDetect from devlogin import CiscoLogin def fail_write(fail_path, data): with open(fail_path, 'a', encoding='utf-8', newline='') as faillogin: faillogin.write(data + '\r\n') def config_write(fail_path, data): with open(fail_path, 'a', encoding='utf-8', newline='') as config_write: config_write.write(data + '\r\n') config_write.write('-'*30 + '\r\n') def device_config(net_conn,hostname,devtype,ip,config_commands): config_output = net_conn.send_config_from_file ('cmd.txt') print (config_output) return config_output def main(): total_time = 0 file_path = 'config.txt' fail_path = 'fail.txt' config_commands = [] dev_count = 0 username = input('[+] Please Enter Username:') password = getpass.getpass('[+] Please Enter password:') enable_pwd = getpass.getpass('[+] Please Enter enable secret:') print ('[+] starting...') for cmd in fileinput.input('cmd.txt'): cmd= cmd.rstrip() config_commands.append(cmd) print('您要配置的命令如下:') for value in config_commands: print (value) cmd_comfirm= input('请确认是否使用以上命令进行配置[Y/N]?') if cmd_comfirm == 'y' or cmd_comfirm == 'Y': print ('-'*30) print ('[+] 开始执行...') print ('-'*30) for ip in fileinput.input('ip.txt'): start_time = time.time() ip = ip.rstrip() dev_count +=1 print ('-' * 30) print ('[+] 正在尝试用用户名:'+ username +'登陆%s设备...'%ip) login = CiscoLogin(username,password,enable_pwd,ip) connect_protocol = login.port_scan() if connect_protocol == 'ssh': net_conn, auth_flag, hostname, devtype = login.ssh_login() elif connect_protocol == 'telnet': net_conn, auth_flag, hostname, devtype = login.telnet_login() else: print ('[+] 设备的端口不可达..') if auth_flag: config_output = device_config(net_conn,hostname,devtype,ip,config_commands) config_write(file_path,config_output) else: fail_write(fail_path, ip) print ('-'*30) else : print ('请修改cmd.txt中的命令后重新执行!脚本将直接退出!') exit(1) print ('总共配置了{0}设备'.format(dev_count)) end_time = time.time() run_time = end_time - start_time run_time = round(run_time,2) total_time += run_time total_time = round(total_time,2) print ('[+] 运行耗时%s秒'%run_time) print ('[+] 运行总耗时%s秒'%total_time) conti=input('[+] 请按任意键退出:') if conti: exit(1) if __name__ == '__main__': login_info = u''' ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 此脚本为CISCO设备批量配置脚本, 请将需要配置的命令行保存在程序目录下并以cmd.txt命名, 请将需要登陆的设备IP保存在程序目录下并以ip.txt命名, 系统将自动读取IP以及命令并自动配置到设备, 注意,请在命令行最后加上'do copy running start'/'do write'以 确保配置能正确保存到设备! ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ''' print(login_info) main()
import netmiko import sys import os import time import re import fileinput from netmiko import ConnectHandler, SSHDetect from devlogin import AllDevLogin def config_bak(net_conn,devtype): cmd = 'show run' if 'cisco' in devtype: config = net_conn.send_command('show running-config') elif devtype == 'huawei': config = net_conn.send_command('display current-configuration') else: print('[+] Not in Config Mode,Please check enable password') return config,cmd def file_write(hostname,config,cmd,ip): filename = (u'{0}_{1}_{2}.txt'.format(hostname,ip,cmd)) filepath = r'configbak/' if os.path.exists(filepath): print ('[+] The "%s" file exists.' %filepath) else: print ('[+] Now, I will create the %s'%filepath) os.makedirs(filepath) save = open(filepath + filename,'w') print(u'[+] executing {0} command'.format(cmd)) save.write(config) print(u'[+] {0} command executed,result was saved at configbak,named {2}!'.format(cmd,filepath,filename)) def main(): # fail_path = 'fail.txt' username = input('[+] Please Enter Username:') password = input('[+] Please Enter password:') enable_pwd = input('[+] Please Enter enable secret:') print ('[+] start to backup...') for ip in fileinput.input('ip.txt'): ip = ip.rstrip() login = AllDevLogin(username,password,enable_pwd,ip) connect_protocol = login.port_scan() if connect_protocol == 'ssh': net_conn, auth_flag, hostname, devtype = login.ssh_login() elif connect_protocol == 'telnet': net_conn, auth_flag, hostname, devtype = login.telnet_login() if auth_flag: config, cmd = config_bak(net_conn, devtype) file_write(hostname,config,cmd,ip) if __name__ == '__main__': login_info = u''' ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 此脚本为CISCO设备配置备份脚本, 请将需要登陆的设备IP保存在程序目录下并以ip.txt命名, 系统将自动读取IP并登陆到设备完成备份,并将备份保存在configbak文件夹下 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ''' print(login_info) main()