$ pnpm add -D @typescript-eslint/eslint-plugin @typescript-eslint/parser eslint-config-prettier eslint-plugin-prettier eslint-plugin-vue eslint prettier or $ yarn add -D @typescript-eslint/eslint-plugin @typescript-eslint/parser eslint-config-prettier eslint-plugin-prettier eslint-plugin-vue eslint prettier or $ npm i -D @typescript-eslint/eslint-plugin @typescript-eslint/parser eslint-config-prettier eslint-plugin-prettier eslint-plugin-vue eslint prettier点击复制复制失败已复制
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{ "recommendations": [ "streetsidesoftware.code-spell-checker", "aaron-bond.better-comments", "mikestead.dotenv", "wayou.vscode-todo-highlight", "gruntfuggly.todo-tree", "johnsoncodehk.volar", "dbaeumer.vscode-eslint", "esbenp.prettier-vscode" ] }点击复制复制失败已复制
.eslintrc.js 文件配置
module.exports = { root: true, env: { browser: true, node: true, es6: true, 'vue/setup-compiler-macros': true }, extends: [ 'plugin:vue/vue3-recommended', 'eslint:recommended', 'plugin:prettier/recommended', // 使用prettier中的样式规范,且如果使得ESLint会检测prettier的格式问题,同样将格式问题以error的形式抛出.确保在最后一个. 'plugin:vue/vue3-essential', 'plugin:vue/vue3-strongly-recommended', 'plugin:vue/base', 'prettier' ], parser: 'vue-eslint-parser' /* 优先级低于parse的语法解析配置 */ , parserOptions: { parser: '@typescript-eslint/parser', ecmaVersion: 2020, sourceType: 'module', ecmaFeatures: { jsx: true } }, rules: { 'no-console': process.env.NODE_ENV === 'production' ? ['error', { allow: ['warn', 'error'] }] : 'off', 'no-debugger': process.env.NODE_ENV === 'production' ? 'warn' : 'off', 'prettier/prettier': 0, // 会优先采用prettierrc.json的配置,不符合规则会提示错误 'vue/script-setup-uses-vars': 'error', 'vue/html-self-closing': [ 'error', { html: { void: 'always', normal: 'never', component: 'always' }, svg: 'always', math: 'always' } ], 'vue/no-parsing-error': 'off', 'vue/require-default-prop': 'off', 'vue/mustache-interpolation-spacing': ['error', 'always'], 'vue/attribute-hyphenation': 'off', 'vue/singleline-html-element-content-newline': 'off', 'vue/multiline-html-element-content-newline': 'off', 'vue/require-prop-types': 'off', 'vue/name-property-casing': ['error', 'PascalCase'], 'vue/no-v-html': 'off', 'vue/multi-word-component-names': 'off', 'no-constant-condition': 'off', 'accessor-pairs': 2, 'arrow-spacing': [ 2, { before: true, after: true } ], 'block-spacing': [2, 'always'], 'brace-style': [ 2, '1tbs', { allowSingleLine: true } ], camelcase: [ 0, { properties: 'always' } ], 'comma-dangle': [2, 'never'], 'comma-spacing': [ 2, { before: false, after: true } ], 'comma-style': [2, 'last'], 'constructor-super': 2, curly: [2, 'multi-line'], 'dot-location': [2, 'property'], 'eol-last': 2, eqeqeq: 0, 'generator-star-spacing': [ 2, { before: true, after: true } ], 'handle-callback-err': 0, indent: [ 2, 2, { SwitchCase: 1 } ], 'jsx-quotes': [2, 'prefer-single'], 'key-spacing': [ 2, { beforeColon: false, afterColon: true } ], 'keyword-spacing': [ 2, { before: true, after: true } ], 'new-cap': [ 2, { newIsCap: true, capIsNew: false } ], 'new-parens': 2, 'no-array-constructor': 'off', 'no-caller': 2, 'no-class-assign': 2, 'no-cond-assign': 2, 'no-const-assign': 2, 'no-control-regex': 0, 'no-delete-var': 2, 'no-dupe-args': 2, 'no-dupe-class-members': 2, 'no-dupe-keys': 2, 'no-duplicate-case': 2, 'no-empty-character-class': 2, 'no-empty-pattern': 2, 'no-eval': 2, 'no-ex-assign': 2, 'no-extend-native': 2, 'no-extra-bind': 2, 'no-extra-boolean-cast': 2, 'no-extra-parens': [2, 'functions'], 'no-fallthrough': 2, 'no-floating-decimal': 2, 'no-func-assign': 2, 'no-implied-eval': 2, 'no-inner-declarations': [2, 'functions'], 'no-invalid-regexp': 2, 'no-irregular-whitespace': 2, 'no-iterator': 2, 'no-label-var': 2, 'no-labels': [ 2, { allowLoop: false, allowSwitch: false } ], 'no-lone-blocks': 2, 'no-mixed-spaces-and-tabs': 2, 'no-multi-spaces': 2, 'no-multi-str': 2, 'no-multiple-empty-lines': [ 2, { max: 1 } ], 'no-native-reassign': 2, 'no-negated-in-lhs': 2, 'no-new-object': 0, 'no-new-require': 2, 'no-new-symbol': 2, 'no-new-wrappers': 0, 'no-obj-calls': 2, 'no-octal': 2, 'no-octal-escape': 2, 'no-path-concat': 2, 'no-proto': 2, 'no-redeclare': 0, 'no-regex-spaces': 2, 'no-return-assign': [2, 'except-parens'], 'no-self-assign': 2, 'no-self-compare': 2, 'no-sequences': 2, 'no-shadow-restricted-names': 2, 'no-spaced-func': 2, 'no-sparse-arrays': 2, 'no-this-before-super': 2, 'no-throw-literal': 2, 'no-trailing-spaces': 0, 'no-undef': 0, 'no-undef-init': 0, 'no-unexpected-multiline': 2, 'no-unmodified-loop-condition': 2, 'no-unneeded-ternary': [ 2, { defaultAssignment: false } ], 'no-unreachable': 2, 'no-unsafe-finally': 2, 'no-unused-vars': 0, 'no-useless-call': 2, 'no-useless-computed-key': 2, 'no-useless-constructor': 2, 'no-useless-escape': 0, 'no-whitespace-before-property': 2, 'no-with': 2, 'one-var': [ 2, { initialized: 'never' } ], 'operator-linebreak': [ 2, 'after', { overrides: { '?': 'before', ':': 'before' } } ], 'padded-blocks': [2, 'never'], quotes: [ 1, 'single', { avoidEscape: true, allowTemplateLiterals: true } ], semi: ['error', 'always'], 'semi-spacing': [ 2, { before: false, after: true } ], 'space-before-blocks': [2, 'always'], 'space-before-function-paren': [ 'error', { anonymous: 'always', named: 'never', asyncArrow: 'always' } ], 'space-in-parens': [2, 'never'], 'space-infix-ops': 2, 'space-unary-ops': [ 2, { words: true, nonwords: false } ], 'template-curly-spacing': [2, 'never'], 'use-isnan': 2, 'valid-typeof': 0, 'wrap-iife': [2, 'any'], 'yield-star-spacing': [2, 'both'], yoda: [2, 'never'], 'prefer-const': 0, 'object-curly-spacing': 'off', 'array-bracket-spacing': [2, 'never'] } };
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.DS_Store node_modules /dist # npm and yarn lock file (use pnpm) package-lock.json yarn.lock # local env files .env.local .env.*.local # Log files npm-debug.log* yarn-debug.log* yarn-error.log* pnpm-debug.log* .pnpm-debug.log* # Editor directories and files .idea *.suo *.ntvs* *.njsproj *.sln *.sw? # IDE - VSCode .vscode/* !.vscode/settings.json !.vscode/tasks.json !.vscode/launch.json !.vscode/extensions.json .eslintcache 点击复制复制失败已复制
{ "compilerOptions": { "target": "esnext", "module": "esnext", "strict": true, "jsx": "preserve", "importHelpers": true, "moduleResolution": "node", "skipLibCheck": true, "esModuleInterop": true, "allowSyntheticDefaultImports": true, "sourceMap": true, "baseUrl": ".", "types": [ "webpack-env" ], "paths": { "@/*": [ "src/*" ] }, "lib": [ "esnext", "dom", "dom.iterable", "scripthost" ] }, "include": [ "src/**/*.ts", "src/**/*.tsx", "src/**/*.vue", "tests/**/*.ts", "tests/**/*.tsx" ], "exclude": [ "node_modules" ] }点击复制复制失败已复制
const path = require('path'); const { IgnorePlugin } = require('webpack'); function resolve(dir) { return path.join(__dirname, './', dir); } module.exports = { productionSourceMap: false, pluginOptions: { plugins: [ new IgnorePlugin({ resourceRegExp: /serialport/ }) ], electronBuilder: { nodeIntegration: true, externals: ['serialport'] } }, configureWebpack: { // cdn 忽略 externals: {}, // 路径别名配置 resolve: { alias: { '@': resolve('src') } } }, // pwa 配置 pwa: { iconPaths: { favicon32: 'favicon.ico', favicon16: 'favicon.ico', appleTouchIcon: 'favicon.ico', maskIcon: 'favicon.ico', msTileImage: 'favicon.ico' }, workboxPluginMode: 'GenerateSW', workboxOptions: { skipWaiting: true } }, chainWebpack: config => { // svg rule loader const svgRule = config.module.rule('svg'); // 找到svg-loader svgRule.uses.clear(); // 清除已有的loader, 如果不这样做会添加在此loader之后 svgRule.exclude.add(/node_modules/); // 正则匹配排除node_modules目录 svgRule.exclude.add(/iconfont/); // 正则匹配排除iconfont目录 svgRule // 添加svg新的loader处理 .test(/\.svg$/) .use('svg-sprite-loader') .loader('svg-sprite-loader') .options({ symbolId: 'icon-[name]' }); // 修改images loader 添加svg处理 const imagesRule = config.module.rule('images'); imagesRule.exclude.add(resolve('src/assets/svg')); config.module.rule('images').test(/\.(png|jpe?g|gif|svg)(\?.*)?$/); } };