Gaitset是具有泛化能力的, 这一点和图像分类网络完全不一样,
论文地址GaitSet: Cross-view Gait Recognition through Utilizing Gait as a Deep Set | IEEE Journals & Magazine | IEEE Xplore
github地址GitHub - AbnerHqC/GaitSet: A flexible, effective and fast cross-view gait recognition network
3.1 config.py配置
给出详细的注释:(win10 num_workers必须设置为0)不然跑不了!
conf = { "WORK_PATH": "./work", "CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES": "0", # 所用GPU编号 "data": { 'dataset_path': r"C:\Users\3i\Desktop\GaitSet-master\output", # 数据加载路径(预处理时输出的“绝对”路径) 'resolution': '64', # 输出轮廓图的分辨率,不用更改 'dataset': 'CASIA-B', # 数据集名称 # In CASIA-B, data of subject #5 is incomplete. # Thus, we ignore it in training. # For more detail, please refer to # function: utils.data_loader.load_data 'pid_num': 73, # 训练集人数,73用于训练,其余用于测试 'pid_shuffle': False, # 是否对数据集进行随机划分,如果为False,则直接选取1-pid_num }, "model": { 'hidden_dim': 256, # 最后一层全连接层的隐藏层数 'lr': 1e-4, # 学习率 'hard_or_full_trip': 'full', # 损失函数 'batch_size': (8, 16), # 批次p*k = 8*16, 'restore_iter': 0, # 第几步开始训练 'total_iter': 80000, # 训练次数 'margin': 0.2, # 损失函数的margin参数 'num_workers': 0, # 线程数 'frame_num': 30, # 每个批次的帧数 'model_name': 'GaitSet', }, }
3.2 pretreatment.py配置(预处理数据集,使得图片格式可以投入网络训练:64×64且裁剪过)
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # @Author : Abner # @Time : 2018/12/19 import os from scipy import misc as scisc import cv2 import numpy as np from warnings import warn from time import sleep import argparse from multiprocessing import Pool from multiprocessing import TimeoutError as MP_TimeoutError START = "START" FINISH = "FINISH" WARNING = "WARNING" FAIL = "FAIL" def boolean_string(s): if s.upper() not in {'FALSE', 'TRUE'}: raise ValueError('Not a valid boolean string') return s.upper() == 'TRUE' wd = os.getcwd() parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Test') parser.add_argument('--input_path', default='', type=str, help='Root path of raw dataset.') parser.add_argument('--output_path', default='', type=str, help='Root path for output.') parser.add_argument('--log_file', default='./pretreatment.log', type=str, help='Log file path. Default: ./pretreatment.log') parser.add_argument('--log', default=False, type=boolean_string, help='If set as True, all logs will be saved. ' 'Otherwise, only warnings and errors will be saved.' 'Default: False') parser.add_argument('--worker_num', default=1, type=int, help='How many subprocesses to use for data pretreatment. ' 'Default: 1') opt = parser.parse_args() INPUT_PATH = opt.input_path OUTPUT_PATH = opt.output_path IF_LOG = opt.log LOG_PATH = opt.log_file WORKERS = opt.worker_num T_H = 64 T_W = 64 def log2str(pid, comment, logs): str_log = '' if type(logs) is str: logs = [logs] for log in logs: str_log += "# JOB %d : --%s-- %s\n" % ( pid, comment, log) return str_log def log_print(pid, comment, logs): str_log = log2str(pid, comment, logs) if comment in [WARNING, FAIL]: with open(LOG_PATH, 'a') as log_f: log_f.write(str_log) if comment in [START, FINISH]: if pid % 500 != 0: return print(str_log, end='') def cut_img(img, seq_info, frame_name, pid): # A silhouette contains too little white pixels # might be not valid for identification. if img.sum() <= 10000: message = 'seq:%s, frame:%s, no data, %d.' % ( '-'.join(seq_info), frame_name, img.sum()) warn(message) log_print(pid, WARNING, message) return None # Get the top and bottom point y = img.sum(axis=1) y_top = (y != 0).argmax(axis=0) y_btm = (y != 0).cumsum(axis=0).argmax(axis=0) img = img[y_top:y_btm + 1, :] # As the height of a person is larger than the width, # use the height to calculate resize ratio. _r = img.shape[1] / img.shape[0] _t_w = int(T_H * _r) img = cv2.resize(img, (_t_w, T_H), interpolation=cv2.INTER_CUBIC) # Get the median of x axis and regard it as the x center of the person. sum_point = img.sum() sum_column = img.sum(axis=0).cumsum() x_center = -1 for i in range(sum_column.size): if sum_column[i] > sum_point / 2: x_center = i break if x_center < 0: message = 'seq:%s, frame:%s, no center.' % ( '-'.join(seq_info), frame_name) warn(message) log_print(pid, WARNING, message) return None h_T_W = int(T_W / 2) left = x_center - h_T_W right = x_center + h_T_W if left <= 0 or right >= img.shape[1]: left += h_T_W right += h_T_W _ = np.zeros((img.shape[0], h_T_W)) img = np.concatenate([_, img, _], axis=1) img = img[:, left:right] return img.astype('uint8') def cut_pickle(seq_info, pid): seq_name = '-'.join(seq_info) log_print(pid, START, seq_name) seq_path = os.path.join(INPUT_PATH, *seq_info) out_dir = os.path.join(OUTPUT_PATH, *seq_info) frame_list = os.listdir(seq_path) frame_list.sort() count_frame = 0 for _frame_name in frame_list: frame_path = os.path.join(seq_path, _frame_name) img = cv2.imread(frame_path)[:, :, 0] img = cut_img(img, seq_info, _frame_name, pid) if img is not None: # Save the cut img save_path = os.path.join(out_dir, _frame_name) cv2.imwrite(save_path, img) count_frame += 1 # Warn if the sequence contains less than 5 frames if count_frame < 5: message = 'seq:%s, less than 5 valid data.' % ( '-'.join(seq_info)) warn(message) log_print(pid, WARNING, message) log_print(pid, FINISH, 'Contain %d valid frames. Saved to %s.' % (count_frame, out_dir)) if __name__ == '__main__': pool = Pool(WORKERS) results = list() pid = 0 print('Pretreatment Start.\n' 'Input path: %s\n' 'Output path: %s\n' 'Log file: %s\n' 'Worker num: %d' % ( INPUT_PATH, OUTPUT_PATH, LOG_PATH, WORKERS)) id_list = os.listdir(INPUT_PATH) id_list.sort() # Walk the input path for _id in id_list: seq_type = os.listdir(os.path.join(INPUT_PATH, _id)) seq_type.sort() for _seq_type in seq_type: view = os.listdir(os.path.join(INPUT_PATH, _id, _seq_type)) view.sort() for _view in view: seq_info = [_id, _seq_type, _view] out_dir = os.path.join(OUTPUT_PATH, *seq_info) os.makedirs(out_dir) results.append( pool.apply_async( cut_pickle, args=(seq_info, pid))) sleep(0.02) pid += 1 pool.close() unfinish = 1 while unfinish > 0: unfinish = 0 for i, res in enumerate(results): try: res.get(timeout=0.1) except Exception as e: if type(e) == MP_TimeoutError: unfinish += 1 continue else: print('\n\n\nERROR OCCUR: PID ##%d##, ERRORTYPE: %s\n\n\n', i, type(e)) raise e pool.join()
import os from PIL import Image import numpy as np def cut_image(path, cut_path, size): ''' 剪切图片 :param path: 输入图片路径 :param cut_path: 剪切图片后的输出路径 :param size: 要剪切的图片大小 :return: ''' for (root, dirs, files) in os.walk(path): temp = root.replace(path, cut_path) if not os.path.exists(temp): os.makedirs(temp) for file in files: image, flag = cut(Image.open(os.path.join(root, file))) if not flag: Image.fromarray(image).convert('L').resize((size, size)).save(os.path.join(temp, file)) print(temp) pass def cut(image): ''' 通过找到人的最小最大高度与宽度把人的轮廓分割出来,、 因为原始轮廓图为二值图,因此头顶为将二值图像列相加后,形成一列后第一个像素值不为0的索引。 同理脚底为形成一列后最后一个像素值不为0的索引。 人的宽度也同理。 :param image: 需要裁剪的图片 N*M的矩阵 :return: temp:裁剪后的图片 size*size的矩阵。flag:是否是符合要求的图片 ''' image = np.array(image) # 找到人的最小最大高度与宽度 height_min = (image.sum(axis=1) != 0).argmax() height_max = ((image.sum(axis=1) != 0).cumsum()).argmax() width_min = (image.sum(axis=0) != 0).argmax() width_max = ((image.sum(axis=0) != 0).cumsum()).argmax() head_top = image[height_min, :].argmax() # 设置切割后图片的大小,为size*size,因为人的高一般都会大于宽 size = height_max - height_min temp = np.zeros((size, size)) # 将width_max-width_min(宽)乘height_max-height_min(高,szie)的人的轮廓图,放在size*size的图片中央 # l = (width_max-width_min)//2 # r = width_max-width_min-l # 以头为中心,将将width_max-width_min(宽)乘height_max-height_min(高,szie)的人的轮廓图,放在size*size的图片中央 l1 = head_top - width_min r1 = width_max - head_top # 若宽大于高,或头的左侧或右侧身子比要生成图片的一般要大。则此图片为不符合要求的图片 flag = False if size <= width_max - width_min or size // 2 < r1 or size // 2 < l1: flag = True return temp, flag # centroid = np.array([(width_max+width_min)/2,(height_max+height_min)/2],dtype='int') temp[:, (size // 2 - l1):(size // 2 + r1)] = image[height_min:height_max, width_min:width_max] return temp, flag if __name__ == '__main__': cut_image("/home/embo/jzl/GaitDatasetB-silh", "/home/embo/jzl/GaitSet/pretreatmented", 64)
3.3 train.py的踩坑
pytorch container.py... IndexError: index 0 is out of range
重载了模型,也就是训练过一次原来工作目录已经有了模型,删掉原来的模型(partition文件全部删掉)或者换一个工作路径(原来的工作路径: ./work )
3.4 test.py的踩坑
pip install numpy=1.16.2 -i https://pypi.mirrors.ustc.edu.cn/simple
pid_list = np.load(xxxx,allow_pickle=True)
运行test.py,只需要确保确保 config.py中满足以下条件:
'pid_num': 73, # LT划分方式 pid_num+1用于训练,其余用于测试 'pid_shuffle': False, # 是否对数据集进行随机划分,如果为False,则直接选取 'model_name': 'GaitSet', 'dataset': 'CASIA-B',
3.5 另外的踩坑
Warning: masked_scatter_ received a mask with dtype torch.uint8, this behavior is now deprecated,please use a mask with dtype torch.bool instead
在triplet.py文件中的第19-24行 找到带有_mask的两个变量分别加上 :
hp_mask = hp_mask.bool() hn_mask = hn_mask.bool()