1 内容介绍
2 部分代码
%% A Level Set Method Based on Additive Bias Correction for Image Segmentation
% Author:Guirong Weng
% (School of Mechanical and Electric Engineering, Soochow University, Suzhou 215021, China)
% All rights researved by Guirong Weng, who formulated the model, designed
% and implemented the algorithm in the above paper.
% E-mail:wgr@suda.edu.cn, 2020.2.12
% Expert Systems With Applications,185(2021)115633
%% Model theory:
% Image observed I(x),i(x)=log(I): i(x)=b(x)+r(x)+n(x);
% A: the bias field b is supposed to be varying smoothly,
% B: the spatial derivatives of the observed intensity are mostly due to edges in the reflectance r.
% C: n is additive noise, The additive noise n can be assumed to be zero-mean Gaussian noise.
% D: b is therefore assumed to be piecewise (approximately)constant in a local region.
close all; clear; clc
imgID = 9 ; % image ID = 1 ~15
Img1 = imread([num2str(imgID),'.bmp']);
c0 = 1; initialLSF = ones(size(Img1(:,:,1))).*c0;
% Three parameter settings, iteration, initial contour
[sigma,alfa,iterNum,k,initialLSF] = ABC_Switch(imgID,c0,initialLSF);
Img = double(Img1(:,:,1));
Img = log(1+Img/255); % rescale the image intensities
fmin = min(Img(:));
fmax = max(Img(:));
Img = 255*(Img-fmin)/(fmax-fmin); % Normalize Img to the range [0,255]
timestep = 1; % constant 1
epsilon = 1; % constant 1
G = fspecial('average',k); % Create predefined filter
u = initialLSF;
r = zeros(size(Img)); % Initial the reflection image
Ksigma = fspecial('gaussian',round(2*sigma)*2+1,sigma); % Gaussian kernel
KONE = conv2(ones(size(Img)),Ksigma,'same'); % G*1, in Eq. (20)
beta = std2(Img); % Standard deviation of image in Eq.(25)
figure;imagesc(Img1); colormap(gray); axis off; axis equal
hold on; contour(initialLSF,[0 0],'g','LineWidth',2);
figure;imagesc(Img1); colormap(gray); axis off; axis equal
% -----start level set evolution-----
for n = 1:iterNum
[u,r,b1,b2] = ABC_2D(Img,u,Ksigma,KONE,r,beta,alfa,epsilon,timestep);
u = tanh(7*u); % constant 7,in Eq.(26)
u = imfilter(u,G,'symmetric'); % in Eq.(27)
if mod(n,10) == 0
colormap(gray); axis off; axis equal;
hold on; contour(u,[0 0],'c');title(n);
% hold off;
hold on;contour(u,[0 0],'r','LineWidth',2);
iterNumN = [num2str(n), ' iterations']; title(iterNumN);
Hu = 0.5*(1+(2/pi)*atan(u./epsilon));
b = b1.*Hu+b2.*(1-Hu); % Bias field image
figure; imagesc(b); colormap(gray); axis off; axis equal;
title('Bias image');
Ib = Img-b; % Bias correction image
figure; imagesc(Ib); colormap(gray); axis off; axis equal;
title('Bias correction image');
figure; imagesc(r); colormap(gray); axis off; axis equal;
title('ireflectance image');
3 运行结果
4 参考文献
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[2] Weng G , Dong B , Lei Y . A level set method based on additive bias correction for image segmentation[J]. Expert Systems with Application, 2021(185-Dec.).