引用楼主代达罗斯于2016-04-22 23:29发表的 2个关于题目理解的问题 :
1. Merchant_id_list里说每个用户最多可以列出10个Merchant,如果我列出大于10个Merchant,评测时是只能查到前10个Merchant吗?10个Merchant是表明在
2. 如果我预测一个User12月内在一个Location重复购买多次同样的商品,那么是只写一个Merchant还是每个都写?我觉得根据Budget本身的定义(constraints)和最后的评测手段,似乎应该考虑重复购买多次的情况。。。 [url=https://bbs.aliyun.com/job.php?action=topost&tid=278731&pid=tpc][/url]
1. First, there is only a few (less than five) users in the testing set who buy items from more than 10 merchants in single location. Second, it’s quite common for a recommender system to refer a limited number item/merchant to a user.
2. We only consider unique tuples (user, location, merchant) in evaluation. Namely, though User u buy multiple items from Merchant m in Location l, the tuple (u, m, l) should be recommended only once. On the other hand, you may recommend (u, m, l1) and (u, m, l2) simultaneously when you believe User u buy items from Merchant m in both Location l1 & l2.
We will update the FAQ page later.