



  • 03.05 13:25:06
    发表了文章 2025-03-05 13:25:06

    Langchain and RAG Best Practices

    This is a quick-start essay for LangChain and RAG which mainly refers to the Langchain chat with your data course which are taught by Harrison Chase and Andrew Ng. You can check the entire code in the rag101 repository. This article is also posted on my blog, feel free to check it.


  • 02.19 12:40:28
    发表了文章 2025-02-19 12:40:28

    Further Understanding of Proc

    The `/proc` in Linux is a kind of Pseudo file system (also known as Virtual File System), what it saves is a series of special files that store the current running state of the kernel, and the user can check the hardware info and the runnning processes via the files, even adjust some files to change
  • 02.18 19:43:40
    发表了文章 2025-02-18 19:43:40

    The Iftop

    I frequently use `ifconfig` and `cat /proc/net/dev` to examine network information. However, today, my cloud server crashed unexpectedly. I reached out to the cloud support for assistance. The engineer utilized `iftop` to analyze the situation. After the issue was resolved, I started to consider usi
  • 02.15 21:56:57
    发表了文章 2025-02-15 21:56:57

    CPU can only see the threads

    In python, due to the GIL (Global Interpreter Lock), which is a mutex and ensures only one thread can execute at a time, so the multiple threads parallel execution is not supported under the CPython interpreter. But what about the multiple processes? What is the difference between them? How to choos
  • 02.13 11:18:26
    发表了文章 2025-02-13 11:18:26

    Go Common Test

    The test methods in Go mainly include three types: unit test, benchmark test, and example test.
  • 02.12 11:38:17
    发表了文章 2025-02-12 11:38:17

    Go Cheatsheet

    ### syntax 1. The uppercase of the first letter of const, var, func, type is exported. And the lowercase is private. 2. The `{` cannot be as a separate line. 3. Not need to use `;` to end the statement.(Not recommend) 4. `//` or `/* */` can be used to comment. 5. the string can be connected by `+`
  • 02.10 11:46:51
    发表了文章 2025-02-10 11:46:51

    The Encode and Decode in Python

    Do you really know the encode and decode in Python? The encode and decode in Python are used to convert between strings and bytes. That we all know that the string in the computer storage and communication in the network is in the form of **byte sequence**, not the unicode.
  • 02.09 12:01:24
    发表了文章 2025-02-09 12:01:24

    About the Systemd

    It has been a long time that the linux use `init` to manage the startup process, such as `sudo /etc/init.d/apache2 start` or `service apache2 start`, but the `init` is serial. To address this issue, the `systemd` was born. The d is the abbreviation of `daemon`, which means the `systemd` is a daemon
  • 02.08 13:17:00
    发表了文章 2025-02-08 13:17:00

    The Tips About Dockerfile

    Normally, we often write a `Dockerfile` in the current directory. - The `Dockerfile` is a configuration file that describes how to build the image. You can refer to the [official documentation](https://docs.docker.com/reference/dockerfile/) for more details.
  • 02.07 13:40:39
    发表了文章 2025-02-07 13:40:39

    Docker Cheatsheet

    This is a cheatsheet of docker.
  • 02.06 20:30:06
    发表了文章 2025-02-06 20:30:06

    Docker 101

    Docker is a practical tool for everyday use, and like `Git`, you can learn it in just 30 minutes.
  • 02.05 10:18:15
    发表了文章 2025-02-05 10:18:15

    The Instance Class Static Magic Method in Python

    So what is the difference between the Instance method, the Class method and the Static method?
  • 02.04 16:37:20
    发表了文章 2025-02-04 16:37:20

    The Overview of Security

    In today's digital age, security is paramount. As we increasingly rely on technology for communication, commerce, and data storage, understanding the fundamentals of security becomes essential. This article provides an overview of key security concepts, including encryption, digest algorithms, and d
  • 02.03 20:10:38
    发表了文章 2025-02-03 20:10:38

    How to Publish Your Code as a Pip Module

    Last week, I have made a python cli tool. To make it more convenient to use, I want to publish it as a pip module, so I have made some research and mistakes, and finally succeeded.
  • 02.02 10:20:41
    发表了文章 2025-02-02 10:20:41

    Introduction to the HTTP and HTTPS Protocol

    HTTP protocol is the foundation of the Internet, and HTTPS is the secure version of HTTP. HTTP is an application layer protocol based on TCP/IP protocol. It does not involve packet (packet) transmission, mainly specifying the communication format between the client and the server, and the default po
  • 02.01 00:07:27
    发表了文章 2025-02-01 00:07:27

    Mail Service and Protocol

    Recently, I have been working on DNS of my domain name. And then I need to set up the mail service of my domain name. When I tried many times, I always failed to receive the mail on my phone. Suddenly, I remembered that I didn't set up IMAP service. So let's review the mail service and protocol.


  • 01.30 10:04:31
    发表了文章 2025-01-30 10:04:31

    A Brief Introduction to DNS

    This article is also posted on my blog, feel free refer to it for the latest revisions: [A Brief Introduction to DNS](https://blog.timerring.com/posts/a-brief-introduction-to-dns/)
  • 01.29 23:23:47
    发表了文章 2025-01-29 23:23:47

    Real Computer Network

    本文深入浅出地介绍了计算机网络的基本概念、服务提供商(如IDC、ISP)、公共与专用网络电路、IP地址及其归属、DNS解析机制、CDN内容分发网络以及代理等相关知识。文章不仅涵盖了基础概念,还探讨了网络优化和实际应用中的常见问题,帮助读者从不同角度理解计算机网络的运作原理。更多详细内容请参阅我的博客:[Real Computer Network](https://blog.timerring.com/posts/real-computer-network/)。
  • 01.28 13:29:57
    发表了文章 2025-01-28 13:29:57

    Deploy Github Pages With GPG Signing

    This article is also posted on my blog, feel free refer to it for the latest revisions: [Deploy Github Pages With GPG Signing](https://blog.timerring.com/posts/deploy-github-pages-with-gpg-signing)
  • 01.26 16:47:55
    发表了文章 2025-01-26 16:47:55

    GPG 101





  • 发表了文章 2025-03-05

    Langchain and RAG Best Practices

  • 发表了文章 2025-02-19

    Further Understanding of Proc

  • 发表了文章 2025-02-18

    The Iftop

  • 发表了文章 2025-02-15

    CPU can only see the threads

  • 发表了文章 2025-02-13

    Go Common Test

  • 发表了文章 2025-02-12

    Go Cheatsheet

  • 发表了文章 2025-02-10

    The Encode and Decode in Python

  • 发表了文章 2025-02-09

    About the Systemd

  • 发表了文章 2025-02-08

    The Tips About Dockerfile

  • 发表了文章 2025-02-07

    Docker Cheatsheet

  • 发表了文章 2025-02-06

    Docker 101

  • 发表了文章 2025-02-05

    The Instance Class Static Magic Method in Python

  • 发表了文章 2025-02-04

    The Overview of Security

  • 发表了文章 2025-02-04

    How to Publish Your Code as a Pip Module

  • 发表了文章 2025-02-02

    Introduction to the HTTP and HTTPS Protocol

  • 发表了文章 2025-02-01

    Mail Service and Protocol

  • 发表了文章 2025-01-30

    A Brief Introduction to DNS

  • 发表了文章 2025-01-30

    Real Computer Network

  • 发表了文章 2025-01-28

    Deploy Github Pages With GPG Signing

  • 发表了文章 2025-01-26

    GPG 101

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