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# 网络架构 #
对技术的热爱不止一点点 | 对话阿里云 MVP Alberto Roura
Alberto Roura,"I’ve always been interested in systems, networking and security. When the first VPS resellers came into an existence, I recognized the change of paradigm around computing and became an early adopter of the cloud. Years later, when learning about Alibaba Cloud, I liked the fact that Alibaba, which has a good record in helping SMEs, was into IaaS.Being frustrated by the lack of online resources compared to other providers, I decided to create them myself getting several Alibaba Cloud certifications, participating in the community, writing technical articles and recording videos. After pushing myself into uncharted territories, I became Alibaba Cloud MVP in 2018. In 2019, apart of being MVP for the second time, I got recognised as MVP of the Year.My focus clearly shifted to specialise in APAC IaaS."