<script type="text/javascript">
/* function to make the thumbs menu scrollable */
function buildThumbs($elem){
var $wrapper = $elem.next();
var $menu = $wrapper.find('.sc_menu');
var inactiveMargin = 150;
/* move the scroll down to the
beggining (move as much as the height of the menu) */
/* when moving the mouse up or down, the wrapper moves (scrolls) up or down */
var wrapperHeight = $wrapper.height();
var menuHeight = $menu.outerHeight() + 2 * inactiveMargin;
var top = (e.pageY - $wrapper.offset().top) * (menuHeight - wrapperHeight) / wrapperHeight - inactiveMargin;
var stacktime;
$('#menu li > a').bind('mouseover',function () {
var $this = $(this);
var pos = $this.next().find('a').size();
var f = function(){
if(pos==0) clearTimeout(stacktime);
/* each thumb will appear with a delay */
stacktime = setInterval(f , 50);
/* on mouseleave of the whole <li> the scrollable area is hidden */
$('#menu li').bind('mouseleave',function () {
var $this = $(this);
/* when hovering a thumb, change its opacity */
$('.sc_menu a').hover(
function () {
var $this = $(this);
function () {
var $this = $(this);
为什么是$wrapper啊 很多有加$的 我只知道$(function(){}),$.ajax等等,