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org-apache.rocketmq-client.exception.MQBrokerException: CODE: 16 DESC: User: rocketmq2 is not found.

For more information, please visit the url, https://rocketmq-apache.org/docs/bestPractice/06FAQ

嘟嘟嘟嘟嘟嘟 2024-08-20 22:40:10 72 0
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  • The error message you're encountering, MQBrokerException: CODE: 16 DESC: User: rocketmq2 is not found, suggests that the RocketMQ broker is unable to authenticate the client identified as "rocketmq2". This typically means that the user credentials provided by your client during its attempt to connect to the RocketMQ broker are incorrect or the user does not exist on the broker side.
    Here are some steps to troubleshoot and resolve this issue:

    Check the Credentials: Ensure that the username and password (if any) configured in your client's connection settings match those set up on the RocketMQ broker for authentication. RocketMQ supports several authentication mechanisms including plain text passwords, SSL certificates, and others depending on how your RocketMQ cluster is configured.

    User Configuration: If you are using ACL (Access Control List) in RocketMQ, verify that the user rocketmq2 has been properly defined in the broker's configuration. RocketMQ's configuration files, usually located in the conf directory of your broker installation, may contain an aclConfig.json file where you define users and their permissions.

    Authorization Settings: Make sure the user has the necessary permissions to perform the actions it's attempting. In the ACL configuration, permissions are granted per topic or globally. If the client is trying to produce or consume from a specific topic, ensure that rocketmq2 has the corresponding READ or WRITE permissions for that topic.

    Broker Configuration: Revisit the broker's configuration files (broker.conf, namesrv.conf, etc.) and ensure that the broker is correctly configured to use the authentication plugin that matches your setup. If you're using ACL, ensure that the broker is started with the -c option pointing to the correct aclConfig.json.

    Service Restart: After making any changes to the broker's configuration related to authentication or authorization, you might need to restart the broker service for the changes to take effect.

    Log Inspection: Examine the broker's logs for more detailed error messages related to this issue. The logs can provide additional context about why the user was not authenticated successfully.

    Documentation Reference: As suggested in the error message, referring to the official RocketMQ documentation, specifically the FAQ section or the section on security and access control, can provide further guidance on configuring authentication and resolving common issues.

    If you've recently made changes to your RocketMQ cluster's security settings or are setting up a new client, double-checking these configurations should help resolve the issue.
    此回答整理自钉群“群2-Apache RocketMQ 中国开发者钉钉群”

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