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Nacos中 这个是什么问题?

Nacos中 http/2 client preface string missing or corrupt

真的很搞笑 2024-07-18 08:53:56 26 0
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  • The error message "Nacos http/2 client preface string missing or corrupt" indicates an issue with the HTTP/2 protocol when a Nacos client is trying to establish a connection to a server, typically a Nacos Server in the context of Alibaba's Nacos (Dynamic Naming and Configuration Service).
    Here's what this error means:

    HTTP/2 Preface String: In the HTTP/2 protocol, every connection starts with a predefined sequence of 24 bytes known as the "preface." This preface includes a specific string "PRI * HTTP/2.0\r\n\r\nSM\r\n\r\n", which acts like a handshake or greeting between the client and server. It's a way for the client to say it wants to start an HTTP/2 communication and for the server to confirm the same.

    Missing or Corrupt: The error suggests that either the expected preface string is not present at all (missing) or it's not in the correct format (corrupt). This can happen due to various reasons, such as:

    Protocol Mismatch: The server might not be configured to support HTTP/2, or the connection attempt might be incorrectly using an HTTP/1.x protocol.
    Network Interference: There could be intermediaries (like proxies, load balancers) that don't understand HTTP/2 and might be altering or removing the preface.
    Client or Server Bug: There could be a bug in either the Nacos client or the server's HTTP/2 implementation causing incorrect handling of the preface.
    TLS Handshake Issues: If HTTPS is used, problems during the TLS handshake could prevent the preface from being properly sent or received.

    To troubleshoot this issue:

    Check Server Compatibility: Ensure the Nacos Server you're connecting to supports HTTP/2.
    Inspect Network Setup: Look into any network configurations, proxies, or firewalls that might interfere with HTTP/2 connections.
    Update Software: Make sure both your Nacos client and server software are up-to-date, as older versions might have known issues.
    Enable Debugging Logs: Increase logging verbosity on both client and server sides to get more details about the connection attempt and where it fails.
    Direct Connection Attempt: Try connecting directly without any intermediaries to isolate potential network device issues.

    If after troubleshooting the issue persists, reaching out to the Nacos community or checking open/closed issues on the project's repository could provide further insights or solutions, as others may have encountered and resolved similar problems. ,此回答整理自钉群“Nacos社区群4”

    2024-07-18 09:11:49
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