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花开富贵111 2024-05-31 19:16:13 186 0
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  • Here's a breakdown of the key points from your error message:

    Nacos serialize page error: This indicates that Nacos is having trouble serializing (preparing or formatting) data for a request, likely as part of its data pagination process.

    DataId and Group are empty: The placeholders dataId= and group= suggest that these parameters might not have been properly filled in the context of the error, but this isn't directly related to the SQL issue.

    PreparedStatementCallback; bad SQL grammar: This points out that the SQL command prepared by the application (in this case, Nacos) has incorrect syntax or references something incorrectly in the database.

    SELECT ... ENCRYPTED_DATA_KEY ...: The problematic part of the SQL query is attempting to select data including a column named ENCRYPTED_DATA_KEY.

    SQLSyntaxErrorException: This is the specific error type indicating that the SQL command violates the syntax rules of the database.

    Column 'ENCRYPTED_DATA_KEY' is either not in any table...: The core issue – the database cannot find a column named ENCRYPTED_DATA_KEY in the config_info table referenced by the query.


    Verify Table Structure: Check the actual structure of the config_info table in your database management system to confirm if the column ENCRYPTED_DATA_KEY indeed exists. If it doesn't, and it's supposed to be there based on your application requirements, you'll need to add it.

    Schema Mismatch: If you recently updated the schema or are migrating configurations, ensure that the database schema used by Nacos matches the expected schema defined in your Nacos configuration. This could involve applying missing migrations or schema updates.

    Code/Configuration Update: If the column was recently added in your codebase but not reflected in the database, you need to apply the corresponding database migration script to add the column.

    Review Nacos Configuration: Ensure that Nacos' database connection settings are correct and pointing to the right database. Sometimes, errors like this can occur if Nacos is configured to use an older database schema that doesn't have the latest changes.

    Check for Typos: Although less likely given the detailed error, verify that there isn't a simple typo in the column name specified in the SQL query or in your Java code if using ORM tools like Hibernate.

    Remember, any changes to the database schema should be handled carefully, especially in production environments, to avoid data loss or service disruptions. Always backup your data before applying schema modifications.此回答整理来自钉群“Nacos社区群2(已满,欢迎加4群:12810027056)”。

    2024-06-05 08:34:53
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