PolarDB-X之前执行不下去的DDL,执行 CONTINUE DDL 1729701006830370816;还是出现之前的错误。怎么解决?
4700 - [1801489663428000][][xio_mes]ERR-CODE: [PXC-4700][ERR_SERVER] server error by Failed to execute the DDL task. Caused by: Failed to SYNC to the following nodes: - Communications link failure
The last packet sent successfully to the server was 0 milliseconds ago. The driver has not received any packets from the server.; - Communications link failure
The last packet sent successfully to the server was 0 milliseconds ago. The driver has not received any
时间: 509.258s
GMS leader节点执行下 : UPDATE config_listener SET op_version = op_version + 1 WHERE data_id = 'polardbx.server.info.{polardbx集群名}
此回答整理自钉群“阿里云 PolarDB-X 开源交流群”
PolarDB 分布式版 (PolarDB for Xscale,简称“PolarDB-X”) 是阿里云自主设计研发的高性能云原生分布式数据库产品,为用户提供高吞吐、大存储、低延时、易扩展和超高可用的云时代数据库服务。