平头哥芯片有谁用过fmx7ar3b的板子,wujian100生成cfg.bit下载到板子上后,在cdk中debug报错如下,Error in start debugger:
[ERROR]Fail to check had module of CPU 0, please check:
1. the physical connection;
2. the power of the target;
3. the link clock (link clock <= (CPU clock\2));
4. the reference voltage of link, default 3.3v;
For more information, please run Debugserver with connect log:
Console: run Debugserver with arguments "--debug connect".
UI : select "Connect" from menu "Setting->Verbose Setting".有大神知道什原因的吗?下载后,rgb灯也亮灯了,但是没有前面师兄们文章写的闪烁三次,而是一直常亮