mysql in the data studio in the dataworks ?

How can I using sql of analyticdb for mysql in the data studio in the dataworks ?

真的很搞笑 2023-10-15 20:16:10 77 分享 版权
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  • 月移花影,暗香浮动

    To use SQL of AnalyticDB for MySQL in Data Studio in DataWorks, follow these steps:

    1、Ensure that you have created a project in DataWorks and added a MySQL database connection to that project.
    2、Open the project you want to use SQL in DataStudio.
    3、In the left-hand "Resources" pane, select "Data Source."
    4、In the data source page, select the MySQL database connection you created in DataWorks project.
    5、On the data source page, click the "New Query" button to open the query editor.
    6、In the query editor, you can write SQL query statements. Please note that you should use AnalyticDB-compatible SQL syntax.
    7、After writing the query statement, you can click "Execute" to run the query and view the results in the query result pane.

    Please note that if you are not familiar with AnalyticDB's SQL syntax, it is recommended to first refer to the relevant documentation or tutorials to learn its syntax and common statements. When using SQL, it is also important to be aware of SQL injection attacks and avoid concatenating user-supplied parameters directly in queries.

    2023-10-16 16:10:03
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  • 在Data Studio中,您可以使用SQL查询来连接和操作AnalyticDB for MySQL。以下是一些步骤:

    1. 打开Data Studio并创建一个新的连接。
    2. 选择“MySQL”作为数据源类型。
    3. 输入您的AnalyticDB for MySQL实例的相关信息,包括主机名、端口、用户名和密码。
    4. 点击“测试连接”以确保您已正确配置了连接。
    5. 一旦连接成功,您可以开始编写SQL查询来操作您的数据库。


    SELECT * FROM my_table;


    SELECT * FROM my_table WHERE age > 30;
    2023-10-16 09:16:14
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