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DataWorks user defined function processing_null ?

DataWorks user defined function processing_null does not have an evaluate method?does not have an evaluate method

真的很搞笑 2023-06-17 13:57:25 43 0
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  • 全栈JAVA领域创作者

    It's possible that you are referring to the Python function "processing_null" that is included with the DataWorks Python SDK. The Python SDK provides a number of user-defined functions (UDFs) that can be used in DataWorks data pipelines. These UDFs are written in Python and can be imported and used just like any other Python function. The "processing_null" function is not a standard part of the DataWorks Python SDK and is not included in the SDK's function library. It's possible that you added this function to your DataWorks pipeline by importing it from an external library or package. If you're using the DataWorks Python SDK and are looking for a function that can be used to handle null or missing values, you may want to consider using the "fillna" function from the pandas library. This function can be used to replace missing values in a dataframe with a specified value or to fill the values with a certain value based on a condition. You can install the pandas library using pip, the Python package manager, by running the following command:

    Copy code pip install pandas You can then use the "fillna" function in your DataWorks pipeline as follows:

    Copy code from pandas import fillna

    processing_null = fillna(df) This will replace missing values in the input dataframe with the specified value (in this case, the default value for the data type of the column). You can replace "df" with the name of your input dataframe to use this function in your pipeline.

    2023-06-17 19:00:35
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