2018-11-06 17:58:33.528 [destination = example , address = / , EventParser] WARN c.a.o.c.p.inbound.mysql.rds.RdsBinlogEventParserProxy - prepare to find start position by switch ::1541491533000 2018-11-06 17:58:33.529 [destination = example , address = / , EventParser] ERROR c.a.o.c.p.inbound.mysql.rds.RdsBinlogEventParserProxy - dump address / has an error, retrying. caused by com.alibaba.otter.canal.parse.exception.CanalParseException: command : 'show master status' has an error! pls check. you need (at least one of) the SUPER,REPLICATION CLIENT privilege(s) for this operation 2018-11-06 17:58:33.530 [destination = example , address = / , EventParser] ERROR com.alibaba.otter.canal.common.alarm.LogAlarmHandler - destination:example[com.alibaba.otter.canal.parse.exception.CanalParseException: command : 'show master status' has an error! pls check. you need (at least one of) the SUPER,REPLICATION CLIENT privilege(s) for this operation ]