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这个句话的意思是,delete时间我可以从cdc 获取_id 和 op:d?

MongoDB’s change event record doesn’t have update before message. So, we can only convert it to Flink’s UPSERT changelog stream. An upsert stream requires a unique key, so we must declare _id as primary key. We can’t declare other column as primary key, becauce delete operation do not contain’s the key and value besides _id and sharding key.

雪哥哥 2022-11-03 21:47:46 252 0
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  • 是的,使用 stream api 的话,删除的时候只能获取 _id 的,delete by _id(此答案整理自Flink CDC 社区)

    2022-11-03 22:03:38
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