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[DISCUSS] FLIP-133: Rework PyFlink Documentation

Since the release of Flink 1.11, users of PyFlink have continued to grow. As far as I know there are many companies have used PyFlink for data analysis, operation and maintenance monitoring business has been put into production(Such as 聚美优品1, 浙江墨芷[2] (Mozhi) etc.). According to the feedback we received, current documentation is not very friendly to PyFlink users. There are two shortcomings:

  • Python related content is mixed in the Java/Scala documentation, which makes it difficult for users who only focus on PyFlink to read.
  • There is already a "Python Table API" section in the Table API document to store PyFlink documents, but the number of articles is small and the content is fragmented. It is difficult for beginners to learn from it.

In addition, FLIP-130 introduced the Python DataStream API. Many documents will be added for those new APIs. In order to increase the readability and maintainability of the PyFlink document, Wei Zhong and me have discussed offline and would like to rework it via this FLIP.

We will rework the document around the following three objectives:

  • Add a separate section for Python API under the "Application Development" section.
  • Restructure current Python documentation to a brand new structure to ensure complete content and friendly to beginners.
  • Improve the documents shared by Python/Java/Scala to make it more friendly to Python users and without affecting Java/Scala users.

More detail can be found in the FLIP-133: https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/FLINK/FLIP-133%3A+Rework+PyFlink+Documentation

Best, Jincheng

[1] https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/zVsBIs1ZEFe4atYUYtZpRg [2] https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/R4p_a2TWGpESBWr3pLtM2g*来自志愿者整理的flink邮件归档

说了是一只鲳鱼 2021-12-07 10:44:12 744 0
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  • Thanks a lot for bringing up this discussion and the proposal. +1 to improve the Python API doc.

    I have received many feedbacks from PyFlink beginners about the PyFlink doc, e.g. the materials are too few, the Python doc is mixed with the Java doc and it's not easy to find the docs he wants to know.

    I think it would greatly improve the user experience if we can have one place which includes most knowledges PyFlink users should know.*来自志愿者整理的flink邮件归档

    2021-12-07 11:29:13
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