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# packstack --allinone
Welcome to the Packstack setup utility

The installation log file is available at: /var/tmp/packstack/20151013-235559-uj3uVU/openstack-setup.log
Packstack changed given value  to required value /root/.ssh/id_rsa.pub

Clean Up                                             [ DONE ]
Discovering ip protocol version                      [ DONE ]
Setting up ssh keys                                  [ DONE ]
Preparing servers                                    [ DONE ]
Pre installing Puppet and discovering hosts' details [ DONE ]
Adding pre install manifest entries                  [ DONE ]
Setting up CACERT                                    [ DONE ]
Adding AMQP manifest entries                         [ DONE ]
Adding MariaDB manifest entries                      [ DONE ]
Fixing Keystone LDAP config parameters to be undef if empty[ DONE ]
Adding Keystone manifest entries                     [ DONE ]
Adding Glance Keystone manifest entries              [ DONE ]
Adding Glance manifest entries                       [ DONE ]
Adding Cinder Keystone manifest entries              [ DONE ]
Checking if the Cinder server has a cinder-volumes vg[ DONE ]
Adding Cinder manifest entries                       [ DONE ]
Adding Nova API manifest entries                     [ DONE ]
Adding Nova Keystone manifest entries                [ DONE ]
Adding Nova Cert manifest entries                    [ DONE ]
Adding Nova Conductor manifest entries               [ DONE ]
Creating ssh keys for Nova migration                 [ DONE ]
Gathering ssh host keys for Nova migration           [ DONE ]
Adding Nova Compute manifest entries                 [ DONE ]
Adding Nova Scheduler manifest entries               [ DONE ]
Adding Nova VNC Proxy manifest entries               [ DONE ]
Adding OpenStack Network-related Nova manifest entries[ DONE ]
Adding Nova Common manifest entries                  [ DONE ]
Adding Neutron FWaaS Agent manifest entries          [ DONE ]
Adding Neutron LBaaS Agent manifest entries          [ DONE ]
Adding Neutron API manifest entries                  [ DONE ]
Adding Neutron Keystone manifest entries             [ DONE ]
Adding Neutron L3 manifest entries                   [ DONE ]
Adding Neutron L2 Agent manifest entries             [ DONE ]
Adding Neutron DHCP Agent manifest entries           [ DONE ]
Adding Neutron Metering Agent manifest entries       [ DONE ]
Adding Neutron Metadata Agent manifest entries       [ DONE ]
Checking if NetworkManager is enabled and running    [ DONE ]
Adding OpenStack Client manifest entries             [ DONE ]
Adding Horizon manifest entries                      [ DONE ]
Adding Swift Keystone manifest entries               [ DONE ]
Adding Swift builder manifest entries                [ DONE ]
Adding Swift proxy manifest entries                  [ DONE ]
Adding Swift storage manifest entries                [ DONE ]
Adding Swift common manifest entries                 [ DONE ]
Adding Provisioning Demo manifest entries            [ DONE ]
Adding Provisioning Glance manifest entries          [ DONE ]
Adding MongoDB manifest entries                      [ DONE ]
Adding Redis manifest entries                        [ DONE ]
Adding Ceilometer manifest entries                   [ DONE ]
Adding Ceilometer Keystone manifest entries          [ DONE ]
Adding Nagios server manifest entries                [ DONE ]
Adding Nagios host manifest entries                  [ DONE ]
Adding post install manifest entries                 [ DONE ]
Copying Puppet modules and manifests                 [ DONE ]
Applying                         [ DONE ]          
Applying                           [ ERROR ]          
Applying Puppet manifests                         [ ERROR ]

ERROR : Error appeared during Puppet run:
Error: Could not start Service[rabbitmq-server]: Execution of '/usr/bin/systemctl start rabbitmq-server' returned 1: Job for rabbitmq-server.service failed. See 'systemctl status rabbitmq-server.service' and 'journalctl -xn' for details.
You will find full trace in log /var/tmp/packstack/20151013-235559-uj3uVU/manifests/
Please check log file /var/tmp/packstack/20151013-235559-uj3uVU/openstack-setup.log for more information
Additional information:
 * A new answerfile was created in: /root/packstack-answers-20151013-235600.txt
 * Time synchronization installation was skipped. Please note that unsynchronized time on server instances might be problem for some OpenStack components.
 * File /root/keystonerc_admin has been created on OpenStack client host To use the command line tools you need to source the file.
 * To access the OpenStack Dashboard browse to .
Please, find your login credentials stored in the keystonerc_admin in your home directory.
 * To use Nagios, browse to username: nagiosadmin, password: 66a56a7737914055




爱吃鱼的程序员 2020-06-12 10:45:54 935 0
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  • https://developer.aliyun.com/profile/5yerqm5bn5yqg?spm=a2c6h.12873639.0.0.6eae304abcjaIB


    2020-06-12 10:46:13
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