#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Copyright 2012-2015 Matt Martz # All Rights Reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may # not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain # a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. import os import re import sys import math import signal import socket import timeit import platform import threading __version__ = '0.3.4' # Some global variables we use user_agent = None source = None shutdown_event = None scheme = 'http' # Used for bound_interface socket_socket = socket.socket try: import xml.etree.cElementTree as ET except ImportError: try: import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET except ImportError: from xml.dom import minidom as DOM ET = None # Begin import game to handle Python 2 and Python 3 try: from urllib2 import urlopen, Request, HTTPError, URLError except ImportError: from urllib.request import urlopen, Request, HTTPError, URLError try: from httplib import HTTPConnection, HTTPSConnection except ImportError: e_http_py2 = sys.exc_info() try: from http.client import HTTPConnection, HTTPSConnection except ImportError: e_http_py3 = sys.exc_info() raise SystemExit('Your python installation is missing required HTTP ' 'client classes:\n\n' 'Python 2: %s\n' 'Python 3: %s' % (e_http_py2[1], e_http_py3[1])) try: from Queue import Queue except ImportError: from queue import Queue try: from urlparse import urlparse except ImportError: from urllib.parse import urlparse try: from urlparse import parse_qs except ImportError: try: from urllib.parse import parse_qs except ImportError: from cgi import parse_qs try: from hashlib import md5 except ImportError: from md5 import md5 try: from argparse import ArgumentParser as ArgParser except ImportError: from optparse import OptionParser as ArgParser try: import builtins except ImportError: def print_(*args, **kwargs): """The new-style print function taken from https://pypi.python.org/pypi/six/ """ fp = kwargs.pop("file", sys.stdout) if fp is None: return def write(data): if not isinstance(data, basestring): data = str(data) fp.write(data) want_unicode = False sep = kwargs.pop("sep", None) if sep is not None: if isinstance(sep, unicode): want_unicode = True elif not isinstance(sep, str): raise TypeError("sep must be None or a string") end = kwargs.pop("end", None) if end is not None: if isinstance(end, unicode): want_unicode = True elif not isinstance(end, str): raise TypeError("end must be None or a string") if kwargs: raise TypeError("invalid keyword arguments to print()") if not want_unicode: for arg in args: if isinstance(arg, unicode): want_unicode = True break if want_unicode: newline = unicode("\n") space = unicode(" ") else: newline = "\n" space = " " if sep is None: sep = space if end is None: end = newline for i, arg in enumerate(args): if i: write(sep) write(arg) write(end) else: print_ = getattr(builtins, 'print') del builtins class SpeedtestCliServerListError(Exception): """Internal Exception class used to indicate to move on to the next URL for retrieving speedtest.net server details """ def bound_socket(*args, **kwargs): """Bind socket to a specified source IP address""" global source sock = socket_socket(*args, **kwargs) sock.bind((source, 0)) return sock def distance(origin, destination): """Determine distance between 2 sets of [lat,lon] in km""" lat1, lon1 = origin lat2, lon2 = destination radius = 6371 # km dlat = math.radians(lat2 - lat1) dlon = math.radians(lon2 - lon1) a = (math.sin(dlat / 2) * math.sin(dlat / 2) + math.cos(math.radians(lat1)) * math.cos(math.radians(lat2)) * math.sin(dlon / 2) * math.sin(dlon / 2)) c = 2 * math.atan2(math.sqrt(a), math.sqrt(1 - a)) d = radius * c return d def build_user_agent(): """Build a Mozilla/5.0 compatible User-Agent string""" global user_agent if user_agent: return user_agent ua_tuple = ( 'Mozilla/5.0', '(%s; U; %s; en-us)' % (platform.system(), platform.architecture()[0]), 'Python/%s' % platform.python_version(), '(KHTML, like Gecko)', 'speedtest-cli/%s' % __version__ ) user_agent = ' '.join(ua_tuple) return user_agent def build_request(url, data=None, headers={}): """Build a urllib2 request object This function automatically adds a User-Agent header to all requests """ if url[0] == ':': schemed_url = '%s%s' % (scheme, url) else: schemed_url = url headers['User-Agent'] = user_agent return Request(schemed_url, data=data, headers=headers) def catch_request(request): """Helper function to catch common exceptions encountered when establishing a connection with a HTTP/HTTPS request """ try: uh = urlopen(request) return uh, False except (HTTPError, URLError, socket.error): e = sys.exc_info()[1] return None, e class FileGetter(threading.Thread): """Thread class for retrieving a URL""" def __init__(self, url, start): self.url = url self.result = None self.starttime = start threading.Thread.__init__(self) def run(self): self.result = [0] try: if (timeit.default_timer() - self.starttime) <= 10: request = build_request(self.url) f = urlopen(request) while 1 and not shutdown_event.isSet(): self.result.append(len(f.read(10240))) if self.result[-1] == 0: break f.close() except IOError: pass def downloadSpeed(files, quiet=False): """Function to launch FileGetter threads and calculate download speeds""" start = timeit.default_timer() def producer(q, files): for file in files: thread = FileGetter(file, start) thread.start() q.put(thread, True) if not quiet and not shutdown_event.isSet(): sys.stdout.write('.') sys.stdout.flush() finished = [] def consumer(q, total_files): while len(finished) < total_files: thread = q.get(True) while thread.isAlive(): thread.join(timeout=0.1) finished.append(sum(thread.result)) del thread q = Queue(6) prod_thread = threading.Thread(target=producer, args=(q, files)) cons_thread = threading.Thread(target=consumer, args=(q, len(files))) start = timeit.default_timer() prod_thread.start() cons_thread.start() while prod_thread.isAlive(): prod_thread.join(timeout=0.1) while cons_thread.isAlive(): cons_thread.join(timeout=0.1) return (sum(finished) / (timeit.default_timer() - start)) class FilePutter(threading.Thread): """Thread class for putting a URL""" def __init__(self, url, start, size): self.url = url chars = '0123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ' data = chars * (int(round(int(size) / 36.0))) self.data = ('content1=%s' % data[0:int(size) - 9]).encode() del data self.result = None self.starttime = start threading.Thread.__init__(self) def run(self): try: if ((timeit.default_timer() - self.starttime) <= 10 and not shutdown_event.isSet()): request = build_request(self.url, data=self.data) f = urlopen(request) f.read(11) f.close() self.result = len(self.data) else: self.result = 0 except IOError: self.result = 0 def uploadSpeed(url, sizes, quiet=False): """Function to launch FilePutter threads and calculate upload speeds""" start = timeit.default_timer() def producer(q, sizes): for size in sizes: thread = FilePutter(url, start, size) thread.start() q.put(thread, True) if not quiet and not shutdown_event.isSet(): sys.stdout.write('.') sys.stdout.flush() finished = [] def consumer(q, total_sizes): while len(finished) < total_sizes: thread = q.get(True) while thread.isAlive(): thread.join(timeout=0.1) finished.append(thread.result) del thread q = Queue(6) prod_thread = threading.Thread(target=producer, args=(q, sizes)) cons_thread = threading.Thread(target=consumer, args=(q, len(sizes))) start = timeit.default_timer() prod_thread.start() cons_thread.start() while prod_thread.isAlive(): prod_thread.join(timeout=0.1) while cons_thread.isAlive(): cons_thread.join(timeout=0.1) return (sum(finished) / (timeit.default_timer() - start)) def getAttributesByTagName(dom, tagName): """Retrieve an attribute from an XML document and return it in a consistent format Only used with xml.dom.minidom, which is likely only to be used with python versions older than 2.5 """ elem = dom.getElementsByTagName(tagName)[0] return dict(list(elem.attributes.items())) def getConfig(): """Download the speedtest.net configuration and return only the data we are interested in """ request = build_request('://www.speedtest.net/speedtest-config.php') uh, e = catch_request(request) if e: print_('Could not retrieve speedtest.net configuration: %s' % e) sys.exit(1) configxml = [] while 1: configxml.append(uh.read(10240)) if len(configxml[-1]) == 0: break if int(uh.code) != 200: return None uh.close() try: try: root = ET.fromstring(''.encode().join(configxml)) config = { 'client': root.find('client').attrib, 'times': root.find('times').attrib, 'download': root.find('download').attrib, 'upload': root.find('upload').attrib} except AttributeError: # Python3 branch root = DOM.parseString(''.join(configxml)) config = { 'client': getAttributesByTagName(root, 'client'), 'times': getAttributesByTagName(root, 'times'), 'download': getAttributesByTagName(root, 'download'), 'upload': getAttributesByTagName(root, 'upload')} except SyntaxError: print_('Failed to parse speedtest.net configuration') sys.exit(1) del root del configxml return config def closestServers(client, all=False): """Determine the 5 closest speedtest.net servers based on geographic distance """ urls = [ '://www.speedtest.net/speedtest-servers-static.php', '://c.speedtest.net/speedtest-servers-static.php', '://www.speedtest.net/speedtest-servers.php', '://c.speedtest.net/speedtest-servers.php', ] errors = [] servers = {} for url in urls: try: request = build_request(url) uh, e = catch_request(request) if e: errors.append('%s' % e) raise SpeedtestCliServerListError serversxml = [] while 1: serversxml.append(uh.read(10240)) if len(serversxml[-1]) == 0: break if int(uh.code) != 200: uh.close() raise SpeedtestCliServerListError uh.close() try: try: root = ET.fromstring(''.encode().join(serversxml)) elements = root.getiterator('server') except AttributeError: # Python3 branch root = DOM.parseString(''.join(serversxml)) elements = root.getElementsByTagName('server') except SyntaxError: raise SpeedtestCliServerListError for server in elements: try: attrib = server.attrib except AttributeError: attrib = dict(list(server.attributes.items())) d = distance([float(client['lat']), float(client['lon'])], [float(attrib.get('lat')), float(attrib.get('lon'))]) attrib['d'] = d if d not in servers: servers[d] = [attrib] else: servers[d].append(attrib) del root del serversxml del elements except SpeedtestCliServerListError: continue # We were able to fetch and parse the list of speedtest.net servers if servers: break if not servers: print_('Failed to retrieve list of speedtest.net servers:\n\n %s' % '\n'.join(errors)) sys.exit(1) closest = [] for d in sorted(servers.keys()): for s in servers[d]: closest.append(s) if len(closest) == 5 and not all: break else: continue break del servers return closest def getBestServer(servers): """Perform a speedtest.net latency request to determine which speedtest.net server has the lowest latency """ results = {} for server in servers: cum = [] url = '%s/latency.txt' % os.path.dirname(server['url']) urlparts = urlparse(url) for i in range(0, 3): try: if urlparts[0] == 'https': h = HTTPSConnection(urlparts[1]) else: h = HTTPConnection(urlparts[1]) headers = {'User-Agent': user_agent} start = timeit.default_timer() h.request("GET", urlparts[2], headers=headers) r = h.getresponse() total = (timeit.default_timer() - start) except (HTTPError, URLError, socket.error): cum.append(3600) continue text = r.read(9) if int(r.status) == 200 and text == 'test=test'.encode(): cum.append(total) else: cum.append(3600) h.close() avg = round((sum(cum) / 6) * 1000, 3) results[avg] = server fastest = sorted(results.keys())[0] best = results[fastest] best['latency'] = fastest return best def ctrl_c(signum, frame): """Catch Ctrl-C key sequence and set a shutdown_event for our threaded operations """ global shutdown_event shutdown_event.set() raise SystemExit('\nCancelling...') def version(): """Print the version""" raise SystemExit(__version__) def speedtest(): """Run the full speedtest.net test""" global shutdown_event, source, scheme shutdown_event = threading.Event() signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, ctrl_c) description = ( 'Command line interface for testing internet bandwidth using ' 'speedtest.net.\n' '------------------------------------------------------------' '--------------\n' 'https://github.com/sivel/speedtest-cli') parser = ArgParser(description=description) # Give optparse.OptionParser an `add_argument` method for # compatibility with argparse.ArgumentParser try: parser.add_argument = parser.add_option except AttributeError: pass parser.add_argument('--bytes', dest='units', action='store_const', const=('byte', 1), default=('bit', 8), help='Display values in bytes instead of bits. Does ' 'not affect the image generated by --share') parser.add_argument('--share', action='store_true', help='Generate and provide a URL to the speedtest.net ' 'share results image') parser.add_argument('--simple', action='store_true', help='Suppress verbose output, only show basic ' 'information') parser.add_argument('--list', action='store_true', help='Display a list of speedtest.net servers ' 'sorted by distance') parser.add_argument('--server', help='Specify a server ID to test against') parser.add_argument('--mini', help='URL of the Speedtest Mini server') parser.add_argument('--source', help='Source IP address to bind to') parser.add_argument('--timeout', default=10, type=int, help='HTTP timeout in seconds. Default 10') parser.add_argument('--secure', action='store_true', help='Use HTTPS instead of HTTP when communicating ' 'with speedtest.net operated servers') parser.add_argument('--version', action='store_true', help='Show the version number and exit') options = parser.parse_args() if isinstance(options, tuple): args = options[0] else: args = options del options # Print the version and exit if args.version: version() socket.setdefaulttimeout(args.timeout) # Pre-cache the user agent string build_user_agent() # If specified bind to a specific IP address if args.source: source = args.source socket.socket = bound_socket if args.secure: scheme = 'https' if not args.simple: print_('Retrieving speedtest.net configuration...') try: config = getConfig() except URLError: print_('Cannot retrieve speedtest configuration') sys.exit(1) if not args.simple: print_('Retrieving speedtest.net server list...') if args.list or args.server: servers = closestServers(config['client'], True) if args.list: serverList = [] for server in servers: line = ('%(id)4s) %(sponsor)s (%(name)s, %(country)s) ' '[%(d)0.2f km]' % server) serverList.append(line) print_('\n'.join(serverList).encode('utf-8', 'ignore')) sys.exit(0) else: servers = closestServers(config['client']) if not args.simple: print_('Testing from %(isp)s (%(ip)s)...' % config['client']) if args.server: try: best = getBestServer(filter(lambda x: x['id'] == args.server, servers)) except IndexError: print_('Invalid server ID') sys.exit(1) elif args.mini: name, ext = os.path.splitext(args.mini) if ext: url = os.path.dirname(args.mini) else: url = args.mini urlparts = urlparse(url) try: request = build_request(args.mini) f = urlopen(request) except: print_('Invalid Speedtest Mini URL') sys.exit(1) else: text = f.read() f.close() extension = re.findall('upload_extension: "([^"]+)"', text.decode()) if not extension: for ext in ['php', 'asp', 'aspx', 'jsp']: try: request = build_request('%s/speedtest/upload.%s' % (args.mini, ext)) f = urlopen(request) except: pass else: data = f.read().strip() if (f.code == 200 and len(data.splitlines()) == 1 and re.match('size=[0-9]', data)): extension = [ext] break if not urlparts or not extension: print_('Please provide the full URL of your Speedtest Mini server') sys.exit(1) servers = [{ 'sponsor': 'Speedtest Mini', 'name': urlparts[1], 'd': 0, 'url': '%s/speedtest/upload.%s' % (url.rstrip('/'), extension[0]), 'latency': 0, 'id': 0 }] try: best = getBestServer(servers) except: best = servers[0] else: if not args.simple: print_('Selecting best server based on latency...') best = getBestServer(servers) if not args.simple: print_(('Hosted by %(sponsor)s (%(name)s) [%(d)0.2f km]: ' '%(latency)s ms' % best).encode('utf-8', 'ignore')) else: print_('Ping: %(latency)s ms' % best) sizes = [350, 500, 750, 1000, 1500, 2000, 2500, 3000, 3500, 4000] urls = [] for size in sizes: for i in range(0, 4): urls.append('%s/random%sx%s.jpg' % (os.path.dirname(best['url']), size, size)) if not args.simple: print_('Testing download speed', end='') dlspeed = downloadSpeed(urls, args.simple) if not args.simple: print_() print_('Download: %0.2f M%s/s' % ((dlspeed / 1000 / 1000) * args.units[1], args.units[0])) sizesizes = [int(.25 * 1000 * 1000), int(.5 * 1000 * 1000)] sizes = [] for size in sizesizes: for i in range(0, 25): sizes.append(size) if not args.simple: print_('Testing upload speed', end='') ulspeed = uploadSpeed(best['url'], sizes, args.simple) if not args.simple: print_() print_('Upload: %0.2f M%s/s' % ((ulspeed / 1000 / 1000) * args.units[1], args.units[0])) if args.share and args.mini: print_('Cannot generate a speedtest.net share results image while ' 'testing against a Speedtest Mini server') elif args.share: dlspeedk = int(round((dlspeed / 1000) * 8, 0)) ping = int(round(best['latency'], 0)) ulspeedk = int(round((ulspeed / 1000) * 8, 0)) # Build the request to send results back to speedtest.net # We use a list instead of a dict because the API expects parameters # in a certain order apiData = [ 'download=%s' % dlspeedk, 'ping=%s' % ping, 'upload=%s' % ulspeedk, 'promo=', 'startmode=%s' % 'pingselect', 'recommendedserverid=%s' % best['id'], 'accuracy=%s' % 1, 'serverid=%s' % best['id'], 'hash=%s' % md5(('%s-%s-%s-%s' % (ping, ulspeedk, dlspeedk, '297aae72')) .encode()).hexdigest()] headers = {'Referer': 'http://c.speedtest.net/flash/speedtest.swf'} request = build_request('://www.speedtest.net/api/api.php', data='&'.join(apiData).encode(), headers=headers) f, e = catch_request(request) if e: print_('Could not submit results to speedtest.net: %s' % e) sys.exit(1) response = f.read() code = f.code f.close() if int(code) != 200: print_('Could not submit results to speedtest.net') sys.exit(1) qsargs = parse_qs(response.decode()) resultid = qsargs.get('resultid') if not resultid or len(resultid) != 1: print_('Could not submit results to speedtest.net') sys.exit(1) print_('Share results: %s://www.speedtest.net/result/%s.png' % (scheme, resultid[0])) def main(): try: speedtest() except KeyboardInterrupt: print_('\nCancelling...') if __name__ == '__main__': main() # vim:ts=4:sw=4:expandtab
sh spe.py spe.py: line 17: import: command not found spe.py: line 18: import: command not found spe.py: line 19: import: command not found spe.py: line 20: import: command not found spe.py: line 21: import: command not found spe.py: line 22: import: command not found spe.py: line 23: import: command not found spe.py: line 24: import: command not found spe.py: line 25: import: command not found spe.py: line 26: __version__: command not found spe.py: line 28: user_agent: command not found spe.py: line 29: source: =: file not found spe.py: line 30: shutdown_event: command not found spe.py: line 31: scheme: command not found spe.py: line 33: socket_socket: command not found spe.py: line 34: try:: command not found spe.py: line 35: import: command not found spe.py: line 36: except: command not found spe.py: line 37: try:: command not found spe.py: line 38: import: command not found spe.py: line 39: except: command not found spe.py: line 40: from: command not found spe.py: line 41: ET: command not found spe.py: line 43: try:: command not found spe.py: line 44: from: command not found spe.py: line 45: except: command not found spe.py: line 46: from: command not found spe.py: line 47: try:: command not found spe.py: line 48: from: command not found spe.py: line 49: except: command not found spe.py: line 50: syntax error near unexpected token `(' spe.py: line 50: `e_http_py2 = sys.exc_info()'