配置heritrix,前面都是没出错,最后执行heritrix --admin=admin:admin就出错了,求高手解答,我这个是在XP虚拟机里做的 C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator>cd \
C:\>cd heritrix
C:\heritrix>cd bin
C:\heritrix\bin>heritrix --admin=admin:admin
WARNING: It's currently not possible to run Heritrix in background on Windows. It was just started minimized in a new Window and will be shut down as soon as you log off.
2011-05-24 星期二 16:39:31.73
Starting heritrix Heritrix failed to start properly. Possible causes:
- Login and password have not been specified (see --admin switch)
- another program uses the port for the web UI (8080 by default) (e.g. another Heritrix instance)
- JMX password file is missing or permissions not set correctly JMX permissions file missing.
A template can be found in \heritrix\jmxremote.password.template.
Copy it to \heritrix\jmxremote.password and edit the passwords at the end of the file.
可能是最后那个 我再研究研究
######C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator>heritrix --admin=admin:admin
WARNING: It's currently not possible to run Heritrix in background
on Windows. It was just started minimized in a new Window
and will be shut down as soon as you log off.
2011-05-24 星期二 22:31:00.70 Starting heritrix
Heritrix failed to start properly. Possible causes:
- Login and password have not been specified (see --admin switch)
- another program uses the port for the web UI (8080 by default)
(e.g. another Heritrix instance)
- JMX password file is missing or permissions not set correctly
Do you want to try to fix the permissions (Y/N)?Y
Restart Heritrix (Y/N)?Y
WARNING: It's currently not possible to run Heritrix in background
on Windows. It was just started minimized in a new Window
and will be shut down as soon as you log off.
2011-05-24 星期二 22:32:18.04 Starting heritrix
Either fixing the permissions failed or there was another problem.
You may have to set the ownership of the file
manually to yourself (Administrator) and restrict the access to read-only.
C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator>
monitorRole @123456789@ ->monitorRole admin (@于@之间设置的是密码,后面是->用户角色用户名)
controlRole @123456789@ ->controlRole shi
这句话 怎么理解啊?
######我也遇到了这个问题 是jmxremote.password 存错目录啦 应该存在D:\heritrix-1.14.4\heritrix-1.14.4下 还好设置为只读模式 小细节