通用错误 错误代码 错误信息 HTTP 状态码 说明 MissingParameter The input parameter \ that is mandatory for processing this request is not supplied. 400 缺少参数。 InvalidParameter The specified parameter \ is not valid. 400 参数无效。 OperationDenied Your account does not open VOD service yet. 403 账号未开通视频点播服务。 OperationDenied.Suspended Your VOD service is suspended. 403 账号已欠费,请充值。 Forbidden User not authorized to operate on the specified resource. 403 无权限执行该操作。(一般是由于账号未获得相应权限,参考 账号授权策略。) InternalError The request processing has failed due to some unknown error. 500 后台发生未知错误,请稍后重试或联系客服解决。 ServiceUnAvailable The request has failed due to a temporary failure of the server. 503 服务不可用。