public class weirdStringArray {
String [] method1 = new String [] {"one","two","three"}; //<------ Works no matter where it's placed
String [] method2; //<------ "Syntax error on token ";", { expected after this token"
method2 = new String[3]; // Doesn't work in this postion
method2[0] = "one";
method2[1] = "two";
method2[2] = "three";
String [] method3 = new String[3]; //<------- No issue, works fine in this position
method3[0] = "one";
method3[1] = "two";
method3[2] = "three";
} // <----- Syntax error, insert "}" to complete ClassBody (but it does seem to complete ClassBody...?)
public class weirdStringArray {
String [] method1 = new String [] {"one","two","three"};
String [] method3 = new String[3]; //<------ "Syntax error on token ";", { expected after this token"
method3[0] = "one"; // Doesn't work in this postion
method3[1] = "two";
method3[2] = "three";
String [] method2; //<---------- Put it in a different place and it works
method2 = new String[3];
method2[0] = "one";
method2[1] = "two";
method2[2] = "three";
} // <----- Syntax error, insert "}" to complete ClassBody (but it does seem to complete ClassBody...?)
public class weirdStringArray {
//String [] method1 = new String [] {"one","two","three"};
String [] method2; //<------ "Syntax error on token ";", { expected after this token"
method2 = new String[3]; // Doesn't work in this postion
method2[0] = "one";
method2[1] = "two";
method2[2] = "three";
String [] method3 = new String[3]; //<------- No issue, works fine in this position
method3[0] = "one";
method3[1] = "two";
method3[2] = "three";
} // <----- Syntax error, insert "}" to complete ClassBody (but it does seem to complete ClassBody...?)
问题来源:Stack Overflow
public class weirdStringArray {
String [] method1 = new String [] {"one","two","three"}; //<-- Works no matter where it's placed, because this is a valid one line initialisation
String [] method2;
// We gave it the '{' the compiler asked for …
method2 = new String[3];
method2[0] = "one";
method2[1] = "two";
method2[2] = "three";
String [] method3 = new String[3];
method3[0] = "one";
method3[1] = "two";
method3[2] = "three";
} // <-- … and this is the missing '}'
这些' {…}'块是初始化块,在其静态变量中更广为人知/经常使用,作为属性的' static {…}' static final。这是因为通常将这些初始化程序中的代码更好地放入构造函数中。
回答来源:Stack Overflow