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  • 公共错误码 更新时间:2020-03-20 14:55:04

    编辑 我的收藏 HttpCode 错误码 错误信息 描述 400 AppCategoryNotMatchWithStacks The application type declared in the application does not match the type of the software stack. Please make sure that the types are consistent and then try again. 应用中所声明的应用类型与软件栈中的应用类型不匹配,需要确保两边一致后再进行重试。 403 AppDeleteNotAllowed You cannot delete this application. Make sure that all deployment environments in this application are terminated. 不允许删除该应用,如果该应用下有部署环境,需要确保所有环境均处于“已释放”状态才能删除应用,请检查对应环境的状态后重试。 400 AppMismatch The application specified does not match the application of source object. 指定的部署环境名与源部署环境的模板不属于同一个应用。 400 AppNameUsed The specified application name already exists in this region. Enter another application name. 创建应用时所使用的应用名称已被占用,请更换应用名称后重试。应用名在不同的地域下可重名。 400 AppNotExist A corresponding application was not found based on the application ID. 根据应用ID没有找到对应的应用。 404 AppPackageNotExists An application deployment package is required to create or update a deployment environment. For the first time of using WebPlus, we recommend that you use a sample project. 创建或更新一个部署环境时,请选择正确的应用部署包。当您首次使用Web+时,可以选择示例部署包来体验。 400 AppPackageOwnedByOthers The version of the application package used must be consistent with the application to which the environment belongs. 当创建或更新一个环境的版本信息时,所使用的应用部署包版本必须与环境所属的应用一致。 400 AppPackageOwnedByOthers The version of the deployment package used must be consistent with the application to which the environment belongs. 当创建或更新一个环境的版本信息时,所使用的应用部署包版本必须与环境所属的应用一致。 400 AppUpdateFailed An error occurred while updating application records. The application may have been deleted or the parameters may be invalid. 更新应用记录失败,有可能此应用已经被删除或参数有误。 401 AuthMissingEntityid The specified request object (application, environment, instance, change, software version, or template) ID does not exist. 请求实体(应用/环境/实例/变更/软件版本/模版)的 ID 不存在,请求非法。 401 AuthMissingUid The request is invalid. The primary account AliyunUID does not exist. 主账号ID不存在,请求非法。 400 BadRequest The specified request is invalid. It may contain invalid values, characters, or enumerated values. 请求不合法,可能请求中含有非法的数值、字符、或不符合定义的枚举值等。 404 CategoryNotExists The specified application category does not exist. 根据所使用的应用类型名称没有找到对应的记录,可能是配置错误或参数错误。 400 ChangeActionNameInvalid The specified change name is invalid. Valid values: Apply, RestartApp, StopApp, StartApp, ReloadProxy, Termination, GatherLog, and GatherStats. 变更名称枚举不合法,该枚举的取值范围为:Apply, RestartApp, StopApp, StartApp, ReloadProxy, Termination, GatherLog, GatherStats 。 400 ChangeFinished An error occurred while stopping the change. The change is already complete. 放弃变更失败,因为此次变更已经完成。 404 ChangeNotExists The change record could not be found based on the change ID specified, please double confirm the resource is still exists. 无法根据所指定的变更ID找到变更记录,该记录可能被删除或传入的参数有误。 400 ChangeOnAborting The change is being canceled. Please do not cancel again. 变更正在被中止,请勿重复操作。 400 ChangingAReadonlyConfig An error occurred while modifying the configuration. You cannot modify a read-only configuration. 更新配置失败,您不能对设置为只读的配置进行修改。 400 ConfigExists An error occurred while initializing the environment. The corresponding configuration template already exists. The change is terminated to prevent the existing configuration from being flushed. 初始化环境失败,在初始化环境的配置时,所对应的环境或者模版已经存在相应的配置,为防止覆盖已有的配置,先终止此次变更。 404 ConfigIdxNotExists The configuration index entry does not exist. 配置索引项没有找到。 404 ConfigOptionNotExists An error occurred while updating the configuration. The system did not locate the configuration item declared by the key. 更新配置失败,没能找到对应的Key所声明的配置项。 400 ConfigParamInvalid The request for obtaining the value of configuration index is invalid. Specify either the environment ID or the software stack ID. 获取配置索引的值的请求不合法,环境ID和软件栈ID必须存在一项。 400 ConfigParsingFailed An error occurred while extracting the corresponding item from the configuration. Please check the configuration and try again. 从配置中抽取出对应项时,出现解析参数项的配置;请认真核对配置,修正后重试。 400 ConfigValidationParamInvalid You must specify at least one of the following parameters: software stack ID, template ID, and environment ID. 校验配置失败,软件栈ID、模版ID、环境ID必须存在一项。 400 CreateCommandFailed The creation of the cloud assistant command failed. Please check if the cloud assistant's command exceeds the limit. 创建云助手命令失败,请检查云助手的命令是否超过限制。 404 DefaultVpcNotExists The default VPC in the current Region does not exist. You can manually create a VPC instance on the console and try again. 没有发现该用户对应地域下的默认VPC,您可通过控制台手动创建一个VPC后重试。 404 DefaultVswitchNotExists The default VSwitch is not found under the corresponding VPC. You can manually specify a VSwitch ID or create a new one through the console and try again. 在对应的VPC下,没有发现默认的Vswitch,您可以手动指定Vswitch ID或通过控制台创建Vswitch之后重试。 403 DeleteEnvNotAllowed You cannot delete an environment when the environment is abandoning an update, performing a change, or when the status is not “terminated". 删除应用环境失败,当环境处正在:放弃某次更新、正在执行变更、同时状态不是 "终止"时;不允许删除环境的操作。 404 DeletingEnvNotExists Deleting environment failed. The specified environment does not exist. 删除应用环境失败,将被删除的环境不存在。 400 DiskCategoryInvalid The specified disk category is invalid. 非法的磁盘类别 400 DiskSizeInvalid The specified disk size is invalid. 非法的数据磁盘大小 400 DuplicatedTemplateName An error occurred while generating an environment configuration template. The specified template name already exists in the application. 生成环境配置模版失败,在该应用下,您不能使用已经使用过的模版名称。 400 EcsLaunchTemplateInvalid An error occurred while updating the environment configuration. The start template of the specified ECS instance is not found. 环境配置更新失败,所指定的ECS的启动模版不存在或不可见。 400 EcsTagInalid The specified ECS Tag field is invalid. Please check the key and the value. Values cannot begin with aliyun, http, or https. 非法的ECS Tag,请确认tagKey和tagValue均存在,tagKey和tagValue均不支持aliyun、http://和 https://开头。tagKey不允许为空,tagValue允许为空字符串。 400 EmptyResponse The returned data is empty. 返回数据为空。 400 EnvContainsNoScalingGroup The current deployment environment is not bound to an ESS scaling group ID. This may cause an error when an user attempts to scale up the instance. 当前部署环境没有绑定弹性伸缩服务(ESS)的伸缩组ID,此数据缺失将导致用户实例扩所容的失败。 400 EnvCreateFailed An error occurred while creating an environment. 创建环境失败,在往插入记录时遇到未知错误。 400 EnvDeleteFailed An error occurred while deleting the application environment. This environment may have been deleted, or an error occurred while the server was deleting the environment configuration. 删除应用环境失败,有可能此环境之前已经被删除;或服务器删除环境配置时发生错误。 404 EnvNotExists The corresponding deploy environment was not found according to the env ID. 没有找到对应的应用部署环境,请确认此环境是否被删除或参数是否有误。 404 EnvNotExists The specified deployment environment does not exist. Check whether this environment is deleted or whether the parameter is invalid. 没有找到对应的应用部署环境,请确认此环境是否被删除或参数是否有误。 400 EnvOnChanging An error occurred while starting the change. Wait until the ongoing change is complete. 变更启动失败,原因是上一个变更正在进行,请等待上一次变更完成后再继续。 404 EnvTemplateNotExists When the environment was generated from the template, the corresponding template information was not found; please confirm whether the template was deleted or the parameters passed in were incorrect. 从模版生成环境时,没有发现对应的模版信息;请确认模版是否被删除或传入的参数有误。 401 ESSAuthFailed An error occurred while creating an ESS scaling group. Go to the RAM console and authorize this primary account with the ESS service role. 创建ESS伸缩组失败,您需要前往RAM控制台将ESS服务角色授权至此主账号。 400 EssScalingExecuteFailed An error occurred while scaling the cluster by using ESS. This may have been caused by network jitter. 通过弹性伸缩服务(ESS)进行实例伸缩失败,有可能是网络抖动等其他未知原因引起。 400 GatherLogOnTerminatedEnvNotAllowed It is not allowed to collect logs on an already terminated environment. 不允许在已经终止的环境上收集日志。 403 GatherStatsOnTerminatedEnvNotAllowed You cannot collect system operation statistics on a terminated environment. 不允许在已经终止的环境上收集系统运行统计信息。 400 InstanceIdParamInvalid The specified instance ID does not exist. 实例ID不存在。 404 InstanceNotExists The specified instance does not exist according to the Instance ID declared. The specified instance may have been released or the parameter passed in is invalid. 根据所声明的实例 ID,没有找到对应的实例,有可能所指定的实例已经被释放或参数传入有误。 400 InstanceSizeParamInvalid An error occurred while creating an instance. The number of declared instances must be greater than zero. 创建实例失败,所声明的实例个数必须大于 0。 400 InstanceUpdateInvalidId An error occurred while updating the instance status. The specified instance ID is invalid. 更新实例状态失败,没有找到合法的实例ID。 400 InstanceUpdateStatusFailed An error occurred while updating the data on the database instance. This results in a failure to update the instance status. Please make sure that this instance is still available within the deployed environment. 更新实例状态失败,原因是更新数据库实例数据失败,请确认此实例是否还在此部署环境之中。 500 InternalError An error occurred while creating a configuration template. A database error may have occurred. 配置模版创建失败,此处有可能是数据库发生错误。 500 InternalError An error occurred while creating an application version information record. A database error may have occurred. 应用版本信息记录创建失败,可能为数据库错误。 500 InternalError An error occurred while executing the change. Failed to update the database status for the records of the application environment. 执行变更失败,针对应用环境的记录更新数据库状态失败。 500 InternalError An error occurred while generating a record of changes. This may have been caused by a database error. 变更记录生成失败,此处引起的错误可能是数据库引起。 500 InternalError An error occurred while processing your request. Submit a ticket for a solution Web+网关暂时遇到后端服务短暂的未知错误,这些错误可能由配置、链接、或者后端Bug引起,如果此错误一直出现,请提交工单处理。 500 InternalError An error occurred while updating the application environment. Database entries such as configurations of the application and the environment records may not be updating correctly or they do not exist. 应用环境更新失败,发生此错误信息,有可能是由于应用的配置、环境记录等数据库记录更新有误或不存在。 500 InternalError An error occurred while WebPlus was attempting to insert a record into the database. The application was not created. 创建应用失败,当 WebPlus 试图往数据库中插入记录时失败。 500 InternalError The backend service connection timeout, please try again later. 后端服务地址连接超时,请稍候重试。 500 InternalError The backend service is not reachable, please try again later. 后端服务地址无法联通,请稍候重试。 500 InternalError The backend service resolved failed, the system may under maintenance, please try again later. Web+ 网关发现后端服务地址无法找到,可能系统正在维护;请稍候再重试此动作。 500 InternalError The backend service responded an http error, this request may caused a server error, please try again later. 后端服务返回了 HTTP 错误,请确认参数与操作正确后重试此操作。 400 ListenPortExists A listener with the specified port already exists 所指定的SLB端口已经存在。 400 NameDuplicated The specified name already exists. Please choose a different one. 设置名称已存在,请重设一个名称后继续。 400 NotAGatherLogAction The specified change order is not a change that collects logs. 此变更单ID不是一个收集日志的变更。 400 NotAGatherStatsAction The specified change order is not an order that collects system operational statistics. 此变更单ID不是一个收集系统运行统计信息的变更。 400 OperationFailed An unknown error occurred while processing your request. Please clear the cache or the cookies of your browser. If the problem still exists, please submit a ticket and provide the RequestId. 请求遇到未知错误,如经过清空浏览器缓存/Cookie 等动作重试后依然出现,请提交工单处理,同时请提供 RequestId。 404 OSSBucketNotExists No valid OSS Bucket configuration has been found. It may have been deleted, or the parameter passed in is invalid. 没有发现合法的OSS Bucket配置。有可能Bucket被删除,或传入的参数有误。 400 OSSPathInvalid The specified OSS path is invalid. For more information about OSS path, see oss://webx-demo/directory/file.json 非法的OSS路径,OSS路径请参考:oss://webx-demo/directory/file.json 400 ParameterValidationFailed An error occurred while verifying the parameter. Please confirm whether the value type, size, and range that you passed in for the request are consistent with the declared values. 参数校验失败,请确认请求中的参数传入的值类型、大小、范围等,是否与所声明的一致。 400 PausingFinishedChange An error occurred while pausing a change. You cannot pause a change that has already been completed. 暂停变更失败,您不能针对一个已经完成的变更进行暂停操作。 400 PausingPausedChange An error occurred while pausing a change. You cannot pause a change that has already been paused. 暂停变更失败,您不能针对一个已经暂停的变更进行暂停操作。 403 PermissionDenied Your request is denied. You do not have access to the requested resources. If you are sure that the specified resource belongs to the current primary account, ask the primary account owner to perform a RAM authorization first and try again. 请求拒绝,您对所请求的资源没有发起访问的权限;如确认此资源是属于当前主账号的资源,请联系主账号对此资源进行 RAM 授权后重试此操作。 400 ProfileNameInvalid The specified cluster type in the template is invalid. Valid values: Default, StandAlone, and HighAvailability. 启动模版的集群类型名称不合法,该枚举的取值范围为:Default, StandAlone, HighAvailability. 400 RemoveInstanceParamInvalid An error occurred while releasing an instance. The number of instances to be released need to be greater than zero or the instance ID cannot be empty. 释放实例失败,需要被释放的实例数必须大于 0 或实例 ID 不能为空。 403 ResourceAuthFailed The specified resource does not exist or it does not belong to this Alibaba Cloud account. 相关资源不存在或不属于此阿里云账号。 400 ResumingANotPausedChange An error occurred while restarting a change. You cannot restart a change that is not paused. 重启变更失败,您不能针对一个没有暂停的变更进行重启操作。 400 ResumingFinishedChange An error occurred while restarting a change. You cannot restart a change that has already been completed. 重启变更失败,您不能针对一个已经完成的变更进行重启操作。 404 ScalingGroupNotExists An error occurred while obtaining the scaling group rule of the Auto Scaling service (ESS). The scaling group may have been deleted or the parameters may be invalid. 获取弹性伸缩服务(ESS)伸缩组规则失败,有可能此伸缩组被删除或参数有误。 404 SecurityGroupNotExists An error occurred while updating the environment configuration. The specified security group does not exist. 环境配置更新失败,所指定的安全组不存在。 400 SecurityGroupVpcNotMatch An error occurred while updating the environment configuration. The VPC in which the specified security group is located does not match the VPC in which the instance is located. 环境配置更新失败,所指定的安全组所在的 VPC 与实例所在的 VPC 不匹配。 400 SlbRuleInvalid The SLB forwarding rule does not permit an empty domain name with a root path of /. SLB 转发规则不允许域名为空,同时路径为根路径(/)。 404 SourceEnvNotExists The source environment information does not exist while cloning from a deployment environment. Please check whether the environment is deleted or with wrong parameter. 克隆环境时,发现源环境信息不存在,请确认是否被删除或传入的参数有误。 404 SourceTemplateNotExists An error occurred while building an environment, because the declared template ID does not exist. 从模版生成环境失败,原因是所声明的模版ID不存在 400 StackContainsNoConfigOption An error occurred while modifying the configuration. The corresponding software stack does not contain any configuration items. 配置变更失败,对应的软件栈不包含任何的配置项。 404 StackNotExists The declared software stack information does not exist. 创建应用或更新应用环境时,所声明的软件栈信息不存在。 400 StartMovingFailed An error occurred while executing a change. Update failed when calculating the configurations and resources. 开始执行变更失败,当进入到资源规则匹配的计算时,后台出现更新失败。 403 StatusNotAllowedRebuild You can only rebuild a terminated environment or an environment that failed to be rebuilt. 应用环境重建只能针对两种状态进行:已终止或上次执行失败。其他状态不允许重建的操作。 403 StatusNotAllowedRestart Only a running environment or a terminated environment can be restarted. 应用环境重启只能针对两种状态进行:运行中或停止;其他状态不允许重启操作 403 StatusNotAllowedStart A start action can only be made to an environment that is already stopped. An environment with other status cannot be started. 应用启动只能针对已经停止的应用环境状态进行,其他状态不允许启动。 403 StatusNotAllowedStop A stop action can only be made to an environment that is already running. An environment with other status cannot be stopped. 应用停止只能针对已经在运行中的环境状态进行,其他状态不允许应用停止。 403 StatusNotAllowedTerminated A terminate action cannot be performed on an environment that has already terminated. 不能对已经终止的环境执行应用终止操作。 404 TemplateNotExists An error occurred while updating the configuration. No corresponding configuration template instance was found. 更新配置失败,没有找到相应的配置模版实例。 401 TenantInvalid The system did not find a username based on AliyunUID. 根据Aliyunuid没有获取到用户名。 400 VersionLabelExists An error occurred while creating an application version. The version name already exists. Please use a different name and try again. 创建应用版本失败,版本名称已经存在,请更换版本名称后重试此次操作。 403 VpcNotAllowedUpdate You are not allowed to modify the VPC ID against an unterminated environment. Please terminate it before continuing this operation. 未终止的环境不允许修改VPC ID,请先终止环境后再继续此项操作。 404 VPCNotExists An error occurred while changing the environment configuration. The specified VPC instance does not exist according to the specified VPC ID. 变更环境配置失败,根据所指定的VPC ID没有查询得到相应的VPC实例。 404 VSwitchNotExists An error occurred while changing the environment configuration. The specified VSwitch does not exist according to the specified VSwitch ID. 变更环境配置失败,根据所指定的VSwitch ID没有查询得到指定的VSwitch实例。 访问错误中心查看更多错误码。


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