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The Quest Panelobtain RS3gold free 900M buy cheap runescape gold on Mar18

Good news here that  The OSRS team released of a player-submittedrework for the Quest   side-panel, Drew and his Sandstone machine andQuality of Life changes   this week,so the following details is aboutthe quest Panel and other QoL Changes this week, but remember that thereis an important thing is RS3gold free 900M  rs gold is coming on Mar18, never miss join this biggest flash sale. Please mark the flash sale link earlier.
The Quest Panel
The OSRS team have updated the Quest side panel to have a moreintuitive tab system. This will now allow you to switch more easilybetween the Quest, Achievement Diaries, Minigames and Kourend Favourlists. There is scope for further tabs to be added if necessary, but the"player summary" tab would be better placed elsewhere in the userinterface.
QoL Changes This Week
Varrock Museum Cleaning Process
The process of cleaning finds at the Varrock Museum has been vastly improved! The following changes have been made:
1. Cleaning finds is now done automatically.
2. Cleaning finds has been sped up.
3. The click area of the rocks has been improved.
4. The pile of rocks on the left can now also be clicked on to get uncleaned finds.
5. Specimen tables now have a left-click clean option to clean your finds.
6.   The storage crates at the corner of the museum now have aleft-click   option which allows you to deposit all the useless findsyou have.
7.   When taking tools from the wall to work with, you will now begiven   everything you don't currently have to be able to clean findswith   rather than having to take one of everything.
8. Players can now hold as many Uncleaned finds as they want.
9. Picking up finds has been automated however it's still faster to manually pick up the rocks.
10.   The Museum guard no longer asks you if you would like to enterthe   cleaning area every time you try to enter. He will only ask on thefirst   time of every session.
Oldak Accepts Noted Glass
Players may now use noted Molten Glass to create Dorgesh-kaan spheres.
Mystic Robe Sets
Sets are now available from the Grand Exchange for all versions of Mystic Armour.
Right-Click Travel on Veos and Magoro
Veos and Captain Magoro now have right click options for their destinations of Port Sarim, Port Piscarilius and Land's End.
Brimstone Chest Counter
The Brimstone   Chest found by Konar on Mount Karuulm now tracks theamount of times the   player has opened it. The number will appear inyour message box each   time you open it and can be checked at any timeby right-click the   chest. As per usual when adding counters in-game,this will only track   the number you have opened since this update.
Sandstone to Sand
Drew and his   Sandstone Grinder have been added to the West of theGranite Quarry.   Drew can store up to 25,000 noted buckets. Players maytake unnoted   Sandstone to the grinder to generate up to 25,000 sandcharges. Each   size of sandstone brick from 10KG down to 1KG used tocharge the grinder   will provide 8/4/2/1 sand charges. Players can thenclaim noted buckets   of sand from Drew at a cost of 50 GP, 1 sandcharge and 1 stored   bucket.

rs3gold2 2019-03-16 16:43:11 2785 分享 版权
阿里云 AI 助理回答

It sounds like the Old School RuneScape (OSRS) team has introduced a series of exciting updates and quality-of-life improvements for players. Here's a summary of the changes:

The Quest Panel Update

  • The Quest side panel now features a more intuitive tab system, enhancing navigation between Quests, Achievement Diaries, Minigames, and Kourend Favour lists.
  • Future tabs can be added as needed, with the "player summary" potentially being relocated to a more suitable position in the user interface.

Quality of Life (QoL) Changes

Varrock Museum Cleaning Process Improvements

  • Automatic cleaning of finds and an accelerated process.
  • Enhanced click areas for rocks and additional interaction points.
  • Left-click options to clean finds on specimen tables and deposit useless items into storage crates.
  • Players receive all necessary tools when starting to clean, reducing manual selection.
  • Unlimited holding capacity for Uncleaned Finds, with automated pickup though manual collection remains faster.
  • Reduced interruptions from the Museum guard, who now only prompts once per session.

Other Notable QoL Adjustments

  • Oldak Accepts Noted Glass: Players can now use noted Molten Glass to craft Dorgesh-kaan spheres, streamlining the crafting process.
  • Mystic Robe Sets on Grand Exchange: Complete sets of Mystic Armour are now available for purchase via the Grand Exchange.
  • Right-Click Travel Options: Veos and Captain Magoro offer right-click travel destinations, including Port Sarim, Port Piscarilius, and Land's End.
  • Brimstone Chest Counter: A counter tracks how many times players have opened the Brimstone Chest at Mount Karuulm post-update.
  • Sandstone to Sand Conversion: Drew and his Sandstone Grinder near the Granite Quarry allow players to convert Sandstone into sand charges, which can then be redeemed for noted buckets of sand at a cost.

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