错误代码 | 错误信息 | HTTP状态码 | 描述 |
InvalidScalingRuleAri.NotFound | The specified scaling rule Ari does not exist. | 404 | 指定的伸缩规则在该用户账号下不存在 |
Forbidden.Unauthorized | A required authorization for the specified action is not supplied. | 403 | 用户并未向弹性伸缩完整授权Open API接口 |
IncorrectScalingGroupStatus | The current status of the specified scaling group does not support this action. | 400 | 指定伸缩规则所属的伸缩组为非active状态 |
ScalingActivityInProgress | You cannot delete a scaling group or launch a new scaling activity while there is a scaling activity in progress for the specified scaling group. | 400 | 指定伸缩规则所属的伸缩组有伸缩活动正在进行 |
InsufficientBalance | Your account does not have enough balance. | 400 | 用户账号余额不足 |
QuotaExceed.Instance | Living instance quota exceeded. | 400 | 用户的ECS实例个数使用达到上限 |
IncorrectLoadBalancerStatus | The current status of the specified load balancer does not support this action. | 400 | 指定伸缩规则所属的伸缩组的负载均衡实例为非active状态 |
IncorrectLoadBalancerHealthCheck | The current health check type of specified load balancer does not support this action. | 400 | 指定伸缩规则所属的伸缩组的负载均衡实例未开启健康检查 |
InvalidLoadBalancerId.IncorrectInstanceNetworkType | The network type of the instance in specified load balancer does not support this action. | 400 | 指定的负载均衡实例含有的ECS实例的网络类型与伸缩组的网络类型不匹配 |
InvalidLoadBalancerId.VPCMismatch | The specified virtual switch and the instance in specified load balancer are not in the same VPC. | 400 | 指定的伸缩组的负载均衡实例含有的ECS实例与VSwitchId不在同一个VPC当中 |
IncorrectDBInstanceStatus | The current status of DB instance “XXX” does not support this action. | 400 | 指定伸缩规则所属的伸缩组的RDS实例为非running状态 |
QuotaExceeded.DBInstanceSecurityIP | Security IP quota exceeded in DB instance “XXX”. | 400 | 指定伸缩规则所属的伸缩组的RDS实例访问白名单的IP个数达到上限 |
QuotaExceeded.SecurityGroupInstance | Instance quota exceeded in the specified security group. | 400 | 指定的安全组已添加的ECS实例个数达到上限 |
IncorrectCapacity.NoChange | To execute the specified scaling rule, the total capacity will not change. | 400 | 伸缩规则未造成伸缩组实例数的变化 |
QuotaExceeded.ScalingInstance | Scaling instance quota exceeded. | 400 | 弹性伸缩的ECS实例使用个数达到上限 |
QuotaExceeded.AfterpayInstance | Living afterpay instance quota exceeded. | 400 | 按量付费ECS实例的使用个数达到上限 |
ResourceNotAvailable.ECS | The specified region or zone does not offer the specified disk or instance category. | 400 | 指定的区域无法创建指定的ECS实例类型或磁盘类型 |