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Func main()
        $html = "<html><head><meta charset='utf-8'   class='hello world'/><title id='133' class=1><title class=1 />hello<title class='ha'>world</title></title><title class='ha'>This is the second title</title></head></html>"
        $titleHtml = eGetHtmlByTag($html, "title")
        J_MsgBox("首个title标签的html代码为:" & $titleHtml)

        $titleAttr = eGetAttr($titleHtml, "id")
        J_MsgBox("首个title标签的id属性值为:" & $titleAttr)
        $headText = eGetTextByTag($html, "head")
        J_MsgBox("首个head标签的文本内容为:" & $headText)
        $titleHtmls = esGetHtmlByTag($html, "title")
        J_MsgBox("当前层的title标签共有:" & UBound($titleHtmls))
        for $i = 1 to UBound($titleHtmls) - 1

                J_MsgBox("第" & $i & "个title标签为:" & $titleHtmls[$i])

                $subTitleHtmls = esGetHtmlByTag(eGetInnerHtml($titleHtmls[$i]), "title")
                for $j = 1 to UBound($subTitleHtmls) - 1
                        J_MsgBox("内层第" & $j & "个标签:" & $subTitleHtmls[$j])

        $titleHtmlDemos = esGetHtmlByTagAndAttr($html, "title", "class", "ha")
        for $i = 1 to UBound($titleHtmlDemos) - 1
                J_MsgBox("class为ha的第" & $i & "个title标签为:" & $titleHtmlDemos[$i])
EndFunc   ;==>main

Func esGetHtmlByTagAndAttr($html, $tag, $attrName, $attrValue)
        dim $result
        $curElement = eGetHtmlByTag($html, $tag)
        while lengthString($curElement) > 3
                $html = J_StringReplace($html, $curElement, "")
                $curElement = J_StringReplace($curElement, chr(10), "")
                $curElement = J_StringReplace($curElement, chr(13), "")
                $innerString = subString($curElement, lengthString($tag) + 1, lengthString($curElement) - StringLen($tag) - 2)
                $subElement = esGetHtmlByTagAndAttr($innerString, $tag, $attrName, $attrValue)
                for $i = 1 to UBound($subElement) - 1
                        $result &= $subElement[$i] & chr(10)
                If eGetAttr($curElement, $attrName) == $attrValue Then
                        $result &= $curElement & chr(10)
                $curElement = eGetHtmlByTag($html, $tag)
        $result = subString($result, 1, lengthString($result) - 1)
        return J_String($result, "拆分", chr(10))
EndFunc   ;==>esGetHtmlByTagAndAttr

Func esGetHtmlByTag($html, $tag)
        dim $result
        $curElement = eGetHtmlByTag($html, $tag)
        while Stringlen($curElement) > 2
                $html = J_StringReplace($html, $curElement, "")
                $curElement = J_StringReplace($curElement, chr(10), "")
                $curElement = J_StringReplace($curElement, chr(13), "")
                $result &= $curElement & chr(10)
                $curElement = eGetHtmlByTag($html, $tag)
        $result = subString($result, 1, lengthString($result) - 1)
        return J_String($result, "拆分", chr(10))
EndFunc   ;==>esGetHtmlByTag

Func eGetAttr($html, $attr)
        $lStart = indexOf($html, " ")
        $tag = subString($html, 2, $lStart - 1)
        if not($lStart > 0) Then
                return ""
        Dim $result
        if indexOf($html, "</" & $tag & ">") > 0 then
                $lEnd = indexOf($html, ">")
                if $lEnd > ($lStart + 2) then
                        $result = subString($html, $lStart + 1, $lEnd - 1)

                $lEnd = indexOf($html, ">")
                if $lEnd > ($lStart + 2) then
                        $result = subString($html, $lStart + 1, $lEnd - 1)
                        $result = leftString($result, lastIndexOf($result, "/") - 1)
        $attrs = J_String($result, "拆分", "=")
        for $i = 1 to UBound($attrs) - 2
                $attrName = $attrs[$i]
                ;由于数组里面除了第一个以外,都是“上一个属性值 下一个属性名”这样存在的
                $attrNameStart = lastIndexOf($attrName, " ")
                $attrName = subString($attrName, $attrNameStart + 1, lengthString($attrName))
                $attrValue = $attrs[$i + 1]
                $attrValueEnd = lastIndexOf($attrValue, " ")
                if $i <> UBound($attrs) - 2 then
                        $attrValue = subString($attrValue, 1, $attrValueEnd - 1)
                if not(trimString($attrName) <> $attr) then
                        $result = $attrValue
                        if leftString($result, 1) == "'" or leftString($result, 1) == '"' Then
                                $result = subString($result, 2, lengthString($result))
                        if rightString($result, 1) == "'" or rightString($result, 1) == '"' Then
                                $result = subString($result, 1, lengthString($result) - 1)
                        return $result
        return ""
EndFunc   ;==>eGetAttr

Func eGetTextByTag($html, $tag)
        $result = eGetHtmlByTag($html, $tag)
        $lStart = indexOf($result, ">")
        $lEnd = lastIndexOf($result, "<")
        if $lEnd > $lStart Then
                $result = subString($result, $lStart + 1, $lEnd - 1)
                $result = J_EXP_Replace($result, "<[^<]*>", "")
                return $result
                Return ""
EndFunc   ;==>eGetTextByTag

Func eGetInnerHtml($html)
        $lStart = indexOf($html, ">")
        $spaceStart = indexOf($html, " ")
        Dim $tag = ""
        if $lStart > $spaceStart then
                $tag = subString($html, 2, $spaceStart - 1)
                $overLoc = lastIndexOf($html, "<")
                if $overLoc > $lStart Then
                        return subString($html, indexOf($html, ">") + 1, lastIndexOf($html, "<") - 1)
                        Return ""

        $tempString = eGetHtmlByTag($html, $tag)
        $endLabel = rightString($html, Stringlen($tag) + 3)
        j_log("endLabel:" & $endLabel)
        if $endLabel == "</" & $tag & ">" then
                return subString($html, indexOf($html, ">") + 1, lastIndexOf($html, "<") - 1)
                return ""

EndFunc   ;==>eGetInnerHtml
Func eGetHtmlByTag($html, $tag)
        $skip = 1
        $lStart = indexOf($html, '<' & $tag)
        if $lStart > 0 Then
                $result = subString($html, $lStart, StringLen($html))
                $lEnd = inString($result, "</" & $tag & ">", $skip)

                $single = J_EXP_Replace($result, "/\s+>", "/>")
                $singleOverLoc = indexOf($single, ">")
                $singleFullOverLoc = indexOf($single, "/>")
                J_LOG(">:" & $singleOverLoc & ",/>:" & $singleFullOverLoc & "," & $single)
                if Not($singleFullOverLoc + 1 == $singleOverLoc) Then
                        J_LOG("no single")
                        $tempString = leftString($result, $lEnd + 2 + lengthString($tag))
                        J_LOG("tempString:" & $tempString)
                        if(StringLen($tempString) - StringLen(J_StringReplace($tempString, "<" & $tag, ""))) / (StringLen($tag) + 1) > 1 Then
                                $skip = inString($tempString, "<" & $tag, StringLen($tag) + 1)
                                $subStringTemp = subString($result, $skip, StringLen($result))
                                $tempString = eGetHtmlByTag($subStringTemp, $tag)
                                $skip = StringLen($tempString) + $skip
                                $lEnd = inString($result, "</" & $tag & ">", $skip)
                        $result = leftString($result, $lEnd + 2 + StringLen($tag))
                        $result = leftString($result, indexOf($result, "/>"))
                                $single = J_EXP_Replace($html, "/\s+>", "/>")
                                $singleOverLoc = indexOf($single, ">")
                                $singleFullOverLoc = indexOf($single, "/>")
                                if $singleFullOverLoc + 2 > $singleOverLoc Then
                                return subString($html, 1, $singleOverLoc + 1)
                return $result
                return 0
EndFunc   ;==>eGetHtmlByTag

;取子串,$start开始位置 $end结束位置
func subString($str, $start, $end)
        return J_String($str, "取子串", $start & "," & ($end - $start + 1))
EndFunc   ;==>subString

func leftString($str, $count)
        return J_String($str, "取左子串", $count)
EndFunc   ;==>leftString

func rightString($str, $count)
        return J_String($str, "取右子串", $count)
EndFunc   ;==>rightString

Func lengthString($str)
        return StringLen($str)
EndFunc   ;==>lengthString

Func indexOf($str, $findStr)
        return J_String($str, "是否包含", $findStr)
EndFunc   ;==>indexOf

Func inString($str, $findStr, $start)
        return stringinstr($str, $findStr, 0, 1, $start)
EndFunc   ;==>inString

Func trimString($str)
        $length = lengthString($str)
        for $i = $length to 1 step -1
                $curString = subString($str, $i, $i)
                ;J_LOG($curString & "," & J_EXP($curString, "\s"))
                if lengthString(J_EXP($curString, "\s")) > 0 Then
                        $str = subString($str, 1, $i - 1)
        while True
                $length = lengthString($str)
                $curString = subString($str, 1, 1)
                if lengthString(J_EXP($curString, "\s")) > 0 Then
                        $str = subString($str, 2, $length)
        Return $str
EndFunc   ;==>trimString

Func Mbox($msg)

EndFunc   ;==>Mbox
Func StrReverse($str)
        $length = J_String($str, "长度", "")
        $nstr = ""
        for $i = $length to 1 step -1
                $nstr = $nstr & J_String($str, "取子串", $i & "," & 1)
        return $nstr
EndFunc   ;==>StrReverse

Func lastIndexOf($str, $findStr)
        $nstr = StrReverse($str)
        $length = J_String($str, "长度", "")
        $loc = J_String($nstr, "是否包含", $findStr)
        if $loc = 0 Then
                Return 0
                return $length - $loc + 1
EndFunc   ;==>lastIndexOf

Func lengthStringd($str)
        return StringLen($str)
EndFunc   ;==>lengthStringd

水晶心泉 2017-03-05 14:00:22 2374 分享 版权
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  • Re简单解析XML和HTML
    2017-03-11 23:06:39
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