将源站的内容主动预热到L2 Cache节点上,用户首次访问可直接命中缓存,缓解源站压力。
参数 | 类型 | 必要 | 描述 |
Action | String | 是 | 操作接口名,系统规定参数,取值:PushObjectCache |
ObjectPath | String | 是 | 输入示例:abc.com/image/1.png,多个URL之间需要用换行符(\n或\r\n)分隔 |
名称 | 类型 | 描述 |
PushTaskId | String | 预热返回的任务ID,多个任务ID用逗号(半角)分隔 |
ErrorCode 错误码 | Message 错误信息 | HTTP 状态 | 语义 |
Throttling | Request was denied due to request throttling. | 503 | 请求被流量控制限制 |
IllegalOperation | Illegal domain operate is not permitted. | 403 | 非法域名, 无法操作 |
OperationDenied | Your account does not open CDN service yet. | 403 | 未开通CDN服务 |
OperationDenied | Your CDN service is suspended. | 403 | CDN服务已被停止 |
InvalidDomain.NotFound | The domain provided does not belong to you. | 404 | 域名不存在或不属于当前用户 |
InvalidDomain.Offline | The domain provided is offline. | 404 | 域名已下线 |
QuotaExceeded.Refresh | You’ve exceeded the prescribed refresh limits. | 400 | 超出当日刷新限制 |
ServiceBusy | The specified Domain is configuring, please retry later. | 403 | 域名正在配置中, 请稍后再试 |
InvalidDomain.Configure_failed | Failed to configure the provided domain. | 500 | 域名配置失败, 无法刷新 |
MissingParameter | The input parameter “ObjectPath” that is mandatory for processing this request is not supplied. | 400 | 缺少ObjectPath参数 |
InvalidObjectPath.Malformed | The specific value of parameter ObjectPath is malformed. | 400 | ObjectPath值格式错误 |
InvalidExtensiveDomain.ValueNotSupported | Extensive domain not supported. | 400 | 不支持泛域名 |
"PushTaskId": "95248880",
"RequestId": "E5BD4B50-7A02-493A-AE0B-97B9024B4135"