1: #coding=utf8
2: from oss_api import *
3: from oss_xml_handler import *
4: import os
5: import sys
7: HOST="storage.aliyun.com"
8: ACCESS_ID = ""
11: class OssFS:
12: def __init__(self, oHost, oId="", oKey=""):
13: self.oHost = oHost
14: self.oId = oId
15: self.oKey = oKey
16: self.oss = OssAPI(oHost,oId,oKey)
17: self.buckets = []
18: res = self.oss.list_all_my_buckets()
19: http_body = res.read()
20: if 2 == (res.status/100):
21: bucket_list = GetServiceXml(http_body)
22: for bucket in bucket_list.list():
23: (h1,h2) = bucket
24: self.buckets.append(str(h1))
25: else:
26: print http_body
28: def show_buckets(self):
29: '''Show all buckets'''
30: for each in self.buckets:
31: print each
33: def sizetoKMGT(self,snum):
34: '''convert size number to KB/MB/GB/TB'''
35: if 0 == int(snum):
36: return "obj grp"
37: lsize = ['Bytes', 'KB', 'MB', 'GB', 'TB']
38: i = 0
39: snum = int(snum) * 1.0
40: while snum >; 1024:
41: snum = snum / 1024.0
42: i = 1;
43: return ('%.2f' " " lsize)%(snum)
46: def show_objects(self, bucket = '', path = ''):
47: '''Show all objects in the path from the bucket'''
48: res = self.oss.list_bucket(bucket)
49: http_body = res.read()
50: if 2 == (res.status / 100):
51: h = GetBucketXml(http_body)
52: (file_list ,common_list) = h.list()
53: for each in file_list:
54: (fname, ctime, etag, fsize, owner, owner2, fstyle) = each
55: print "s\t %s\t %s" % (str(fname),self.sizetoKMGT(fsize),etag)
56: else:
57: print http_body
59: def file_upload(self, bucket='' ,path='' ,file_name=''):
60: '''Upload a file from local PC to the OSS'''
61: res = self.oss.put_object_from_file(bucket, file_name, file_name)
62: if 2 == (res.status/100):
63: print "Success to upload the file: " file_name
64: return True
65: else:
66: print res.read()
68: def is_file(self, bucket, file_name):
69: '''Wether the file_name is in the bucket or not'''
70: res = self.oss.list_bucket(bucket)
71: http_body = res.read()
72: if 2 ==(res.status / 100):
73: h = GetBucketXml(http_body)
74: (file_list, common_list) = h.list()
75: for each in file_list:
76: fname = str(each[0])
77: if fname == file_name:
78: return True
79: return False
81: def file_download(self, bucket, file_name):
82: '''Download the file(file_name) from the bucket'''
83: res = self.get_object_to_file(bucket, file_name, file_name)
84: if 2 == (res.status / 100):
85: print "Get file: " file_name
86: else:
87: print res.read()
89: def file_delete(self, bucket, file_name):
90: '''Delete the file(file_name) from the bucket'''
91: res = self.oss.object_operation("DELETE", bucket, file_name)
92: if 2 == (res.status/100):
93: print "Success to delete the file: " file_name
94: return True
95: else:
96: print res.read()
97: return False
99: if __name__=="__main__":
100: isRoot = True;
101: #isRoot wether is root floder
102: uBucket = ''
103: uPath = ''
106: print "==============================================="
107: while True:
108: strCmd = raw_input("Input your command:")
109: cmd = strCmd.split(' ')
111: if "ls" == cmd[0]:
112: if 1 == len(cmd):
113: if True == isRoot:
114: uFs.show_buckets()
115: continue
116: else:
117: uFs.show_objects(uBucket,uPath)
118: continue
119: elif 2 == len(cmd):
120: if "local" == cmd[1]:
121: for each in os.listdir('.'):
122: print each
123: continue
124: else:
125: print ">>>ERROR: BAD option! (Try \"ls local\")"
126: continue
128: elif "cd" == cmd[0]:
129: if len(cmd) != 2:
130: print ">>>ERROR: BAD option! (Bucket name or file name need)"
131: continue
132: else:
133: if '.' == cmd[1]:
134: continue
135: elif '..' == cmd[1]:
136: if True == isRoot:
137: print "Root already"
138: else:
139: isRoot = True
140: continue
141: else:
142: if False == isRoot:
143: print ">>>ERROR BAD bucket, you are in bucket already"
144: continue
145: uBucket = cmd[1]
146: if uBucket not in uFs.buckets:
147: print ">>>ERROR BAD bucket" uBucket " is not in your buckets"
148: continue
149: isRoot = False
150: continue
152: elif "put" == cmd[0]:
153: if True == isRoot:
154: print ">>>ERROR: BAD PATH (you must cd a bucket first )"
155: continue
156: if len(cmd) != 2:
157: print ">>>ERROR: BAD option! (put a file one time)"
158: continue
159: else:
160: file_name = cmd[1]
161: if os.path.isfile(file_name): #file exist
162: uFs.file_upload(uBucket,uPath,file_name)
163: continue
164: else:
165: print ">>>ERROR: BAD file name (file not exist!)"
166: continue
168: elif "get" == cmd[0]:
169: if len(cmd) !=2:
170: print ">>>ERROR: BAD option"
171: continue
172: if True == isRoot:
173: print ">>>ERROR: BAD get, access a bucket first"
174: continue
175: file_name = cmd[1]
176: if False == uFs.is_file(uBucket, file_name):
177: print file_name " is not in your bucket" uBucket
178: continue
179: uFs.file_download(uBacket,file_name) #didnot consider the file has already exist
180: continue
182: elif "delete" == cmd[0]:
183: if True == isRoot:
184: print ">>>BAD delete, I will not let you delete your bucket!"
185: continue
186: if len(cmd) != 2:
187: print ">>>BAD options"
188: continue
189: file_name = cmd[1]
190: if False == uFs.is_file(uBucket, file_name):
191: print file_name " is not in your bucket" uBucket
192: continue
193: uFs.file_delete(uBucket, file_name)
194: continue
196: elif "help" == cmd[0]:
197: pass
198: continue
200: elif "quit" == cmd[0]:
201: break
203: else:
204: print "Unable to recognize your command!"
205: continue
206: print "==============================================="
http: //www.dullgull.com/2012/07/阿里云存储服务oss-api(python)/
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