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// MG Software Corporation Sdn Bhd.
// All Rights Reserved (c) 2006

  • The encryption and decrytion class
  • Crypt Class is a wrapper around the libmcrypt functions that offers a simplified interface and
  • new features such as embedded IV. It provides an easy way to encrypt and decrypt data, and
  • automatically creates and extracts IVs, storing them along with the encrypted string. It supports
  • all of the ciphers in libmcrypt, including Twofish, Blowfish, and AES, and makes it easy to
  • switch between them.
  • @author Henry Choo kfchoo@mg-sc.com
  • @version 1.0
  • @package lib
  • @source Jason Sheets jsheets@shadonet.com


  • // create an instance of the crypt class
  • $crypt_class = new mxCrypt;
  • // set the encryption cipher to twofish
  • $crypt_class->setCipher('twofish'); // set the cipher
  • // set the mode to cfb (you should use cfb for strings and cbc for files)
  • $crypt_class->setMode('cfb'); // set encryption mode
  • // set the encryption key to 'test key'
  • $crypt_class->setKey('test key')
  • // this is the data we want to encrypt
  • $data = 'this is a test message';
  • // this will be the encrypted data
  • $encrypted = $crypt_class->encrypt($data);
  • *
  • // this is the decrypted data
  • $decrypted = $crypt_class->decrypt($encrypted);

class Crypt {

const DEFAULTMODE = 'cfb'; // default encryption mode to use
const DEFAULTCIPHER = 'twofish'; // default cipher to use

* cipher to encrypt with
* cipher to encrypt with
* @var      string
* @access   private
private $cipher;

* encryption/decription key
* encryption/decription key
* @var      string
* @access   private
private $key;

* encryption mode to use
* encryption mode to use - cfb mode should be used for string while cbc mode used for files.
* @var      string
* @access   private
private $mode;

* filter to apply after decrypting, before base64_decode ie gzip_enflate
* filter to apply after decrypting, before base64_decode ie gzip_enflate
* @var      string
* @access   private
private $postDecryptFilter;

* filter to apply before encrypting ie gzip_deflate
* filter to apply before encrypting ie gzip_deflate
* @var      string
* @access   private
private $preEncryptFilter;
function __construct() {

    // make sure we can use mcrypt_generic_init
    if (!function_exists('mcrypt_generic_init')) {
        App::log(array(__FILE__ ,__LINE__ ,__CLASS__ ,__FUNCTION__), 'Extension not found');
        return false;

    // enable gzip compression if possible, if gzip is not installed but bzip2 is use bzip2 instead
    if (function_exists('gzdeflate')) {
    } elseif (function_exists('bzcompress')) {


* clears the key so it can't be fetched by get_key later.
* clears the key so it can't be fetched by get_key later
* @access   public
public function clearKey() {
    $this->key = '';

* clears the pre encrypt filter.
* clears the pre encrypt filter
* @access   public
function clearPreEncryptFilter() {
    $this->preEncryptFilter = '';

* clears the post decrypt filter.
* clears the post decrypt filter
* @access   public
function clearPostDecryptFilter() {
    $this->postDecryptFilter = '';
* shortcut, clears both pre_encrypt and post_decrypt filters.
* shortcut, clears both pre_encrypt and post_decrypt filters
* @access   public
function clearFilters()    {

* creates an IV.
* creates an IV
* @access   public
function createIV() {
    // before we create an IV make sure cipher is set
    if ((!isset($this->cipher)) || (!isset($this->mode))) {
        App::log(array(__FILE__ ,__LINE__ ,__CLASS__ ,__FUNCTION__), 'Cipher and mode must be set first');
        return 0;

    // open encryption module
    $td = $this->openCipher();
    // try to generate the iv
    $iv = @mcrypt_create_iv(mcrypt_enc_get_iv_size ($td), MCRYPT_RAND);

    // if we couldn't generate the iv display an error
    if (!$iv) {
        App::log(array(__FILE__ ,__LINE__ ,__CLASS__ ,__FUNCTION__), 'Failed creating IV');

    // cleanup
    // return iv
    return $iv;

* Do decryption.
* @param string The decrypted string data
* @param boolean Indicates whether to keep IV or not.
* @access   public
* @return   string    The decrypted data
function decrypt($encrypted, $keepIV = 0) {
    if (0 == strlen($encrypted)) return '';  //nothing to decrpyt or encrypt....
    if ((!isset($this->cipher)) || (!isset($this->mode)) || (!isset($this->key))) {
        App::log(array(__FILE__ ,__LINE__ ,__CLASS__ ,__FUNCTION__), 'Cipher, mode, and key must be set before decrypting');
        return '';

    // extract encrypted value from base64 encoded value
    $data = base64_decode($encrypted);

    // open encryption module
    $td = $this->openCipher();

    // get what size the IV should be
    $ivsize = mcrypt_enc_get_iv_size($td);

    // get the IV from the encrypted string
    $iv = substr($data, 0, $ivsize);

    // remove the IV from the data so we decrypt cleanly
    if ($keepIV != 1) {
        $data = substr($data, $ivsize);

    // initialize decryption
    @mcrypt_generic_init ($td, $this->key, $iv);

    // decrypt the data
    $decrypted = mdecrypt_generic ($td, $data);

    // apply post-decrypt filter (this is usually a decompression call)
    if (!empty($this->postDecryptFilter)) {
        $filter = $this->getPostDecryptFilter();
        $decrypted = $filter($decrypted);

    // cleanup

    // get rid of original data

    return $decrypted;


* decrypts a file.
* decrypts a file
* @param string The encrypted file name
* @param string The name of the file to place the decrypted contents.
* @access   public
* @return   integer   The status where 0 means failure while 1 means success.
function decryptFile($sourcefile, $destfile) {
    // make sure required fields are specified
    if ((!isset($this->cipher)) || (!isset($this->mode)) || (!isset($this->key))) {
        App::log(array(__FILE__ ,__LINE__ ,__CLASS__ ,__FUNCTION__), 'Cipher, mode, and key must be set before decrypting');
        return 0;

    // make sure file exists and is readable
    if (!is_readable($sourcefile)) {
        return 0;

    // touch destion file so it will exist when we check for it

    if (!is_writable($destfile)) {
        return 0;

    // read the file into memory and encrypt it
    $fp = fopen($sourcefile, r);

    // return false if unable to open file
    if (!$fp) {
        return 0;

    $filecontents = fread($fp, filesize($sourcefile));

    // open the destionation file for writing
    $dest_fp = fopen($destfile, w);

    // return false if unable to open file
    if (!$dest_fp) {
        return 0;

    // write decrypted data to file
    fwrite($dest_fp, $this->decrypt($filecontents));

    // close encrypted file pointer

    return 1;

* Encrypt data which is normally a string.
* Encrypt data which is normally a string
* @param string The contents to be encrypted
* @access   public
* @return   mixed The encrypted data
function encrypt($data) {
    if ((!isset($this->cipher)) || (!isset($this->mode)) || (!isset($this->key))) {
        App::log(array(__FILE__ ,__LINE__ ,__CLASS__ ,__FUNCTION__), 'Cipher, mode, and key must be set before encrypting');
        return '';


    // create an IV
    $iv = $this->createIV();

    //echo $iv;

    // open encryption module
    $td = $this->openCipher();

    // apply pre-encrypt filter (this is usually a compression call)
    if (!empty($this->preEncryptFilter)) {
        $filter = $this->getPreEncryptFilter();
        $data = $filter($data);

    // initialize encryption
    mcrypt_generic_init ($td, $this->key, $iv);

    $encrypted_data = mcrypt_generic($td, $data);

    // cleanup

    // get rid of original data

    // return base64 encoded string
    return base64_encode($iv . $encrypted_data);

* encrypts a file.
* encrypts a file
* @param string  The original data that is to be encrypted
* @param string  File name of the encrypted data.
* @access   public
* @return   integer   0 if the function fails.  Otherwise returns 1.
function encryptFile($sourcefile, $destfile) {
    // make sure required fields are specified
    if ((!isset($this->cipher)) || (!isset($this->mode)) || (!isset($this->key))) {
        App::log(array(__FILE__ ,__LINE__ ,__CLASS__ ,__FUNCTION__), 'Cipher, mode, and key must be set before encrypting');
        return 0;

    // make sure file exists and is readable
    if (!is_readable($sourcefile)) {
        return 0;

    // touch destion file so it will exist when we check for it

    if (!is_writable($destfile)) {
        return 0;

    // read the file into memory and encrypt it
    $fp = fopen($sourcefile, r);

    // return false if unable to open file
    if (!$fp) {
        return 0;

    $filecontents = fread($fp, filesize($sourcefile));

    // open the destionation file for writing
    $dest_fp = fopen($destfile, w);

    // return false if unable to open file
    if (!$dest_fp) {
    return 0;

    // write encrypted data to file
    fwrite($dest_fp, $this->encrypt($filecontents));

    // close encrypted file pointer

    return 1;


* This function *ATTEMPTS* to generate a secure encryption/decryption key
* *ATTEMPTS* to generate a secure encryption/decryption key
* @access   public
* @return   string   The generated keys data
function generateKey() {
    /* generate an random decryption key */
    $decryptkey = bin2hex(md5(uniqid(rand(),1)));

    /* get a unique id with a random prefix */
    $value = md5(uniqid(rand(),1));

    // backup current encryption key
    $oldkey = $this->key;

    // set the encryption/decryption key to the randomly generated decryption key

    // decrypt $value with an invalid decryption key so we get garbage
    $returnkey = $this->decrypt($value, 1);

    // restore encryption key
    $this->key = $oldkey;

    // cleanup variables
    unset($oldkey, $decryptkey);

    // return encryption key, should be base64 encoded for storage
    return $returnkey;


* return the name of the current cipher.
* return the name of the current cipher
* @access   public
* @return   string Returns the cipher type used.
function getCipher() {
    return $this->cipher;

* return the encryption/decryption key.
* return the encryption/decryption key
* @access   public
* @return   string Returns the key used in encryption / decryption
function getKey() {
    return $this->key;

* return the encryption mode.
* return the encryption mode
* @access   public
* @return   string   Returns the mode used in cipher.
function getMode() {
    return $this->mode;

* return current post decrypt filter.
* return current post decrypt filter
* @access   public
* @return   string
function getPostDecryptFilter()    {
    return $this->postDecryptFilter;

* return current pre encrypt filter.
* return current pre encrypt filter
* @access   public
* @return   string
function getPreEncryptFilter() {
    return $this->preEncryptFilter;

* attempt to set the cipher to $ciphername, verifies ciphername against list of supported ciphers.
* attempt to set the cipher to $ciphername, verifies ciphername against list of supported ciphers
* @param string The name of the cipher.
* @access   public
* @return   integer 0 of false.  Otherwise returns 1.
function setCipher($ciphername)    {
    if (in_array($ciphername, mcrypt_list_algorithms())) {
        $this->cipher = $ciphername;
        return 1;
    } else {
        return 0;

* set encryption key.
* set encryption key
* @param string The encryption key to encrypt
* @access   public
* @return   integer  Success = 1 and failure = 0
function setKey($encryptkey) {
    // make sure cipher and mode are set before setting IV
    if ((!isset($this->cipher)) || (!isset($this->mode))) {
        App::log(array(__FILE__ ,__LINE__ ,__CLASS__ ,__FUNCTION__), 'Cipher and mode must be set before using setting key');
        return 0;

    if (!empty($encryptkey)) {
        // get the size of the encryption key
        $keysize = mcrypt_get_key_size ($this->cipher, $this->mode);
        //echo "Keysize = $keysize, Key = $encryptkey, Key Length = ".strlen($encryptkey)."<br>\n";

        // if the encryption key is less than 32 characters long and the expected keysize is at least 32 md5 the key
        if ((strlen($encryptkey) < 32) && ($keysize >= 32)) {
            $encryptkey = md5($encryptkey);
        // if encryption key is longer than $keysize and the keysize is 32 then md5 the encryption key
        } elseif ((strlen($encryptkey) > $keysize) && ($keysize == 32)) {
            $encryptkey = md5($encryptkey);
        } else {
            if ($keysize > strlen($encryptkey)) {
                // if encryption key is shorter than the keysize, strpad it with space
                $encryptkey = str_pad($encryptkey, $keysize);
            } else {
                // if encryption key is longer than the keysize substr it to the correct keysize length
                $encryptkey = substr($encryptkey, 0, $keysize);
        //echo "Keysize = $keysize, Key = $encryptkey, Key Length = ".strlen($encryptkey)."<br>\n";
        $this->key = $encryptkey;
    } else {
        return 0;

* attempt to set encryption mode to $encryptmode, verifies mode against list of supported modes.
* attempt to set encryption mode to $encryptmode, verifies mode against list of supported modes
* @param string The encryption mode to use. cfb mode should be used for string while cbc mode used for files
* @access   public
* @return   mixed   No return
* @version  (optional) insert_version
* @since    (optional) note variable available since which version
* @see    (optional) note down related method/variables here.
*          E.g.  get_user_name() , $similar_variable.  PHPDoc will
*        link these together in the HTML document
function setMode($encryptmode) {
    // make sure encryption mode is a valid mode
    if (in_array($encryptmode, mcrypt_list_modes())) {
        $this->mode = $encryptmode;
        return 1;
    } else {
        return 0;

* Set the post decrypt fileter.  It can be ignored for simple usage..
* Set the post decrypt fileter.  It can be ignored for simple usage.
* @access   public
* @return   integer  Returns 0 if failed, otherwise return 1.
function setPostDecryptFilter($function) {
    // if the function exists set the filter and return true
    if (function_exists($function)) {
        $this->postDecryptFilter = $function;
        return 1;
    // function does not exist, return false
    } else {
        return 0;

* Set the pre decrypt fileter.  It can be ignored for simple usage..
* Set the pre decrypt fileter.  It can be ignored for simple usage.
* @access   public
* @return   integer  Returns 0 if failed, otherwise return 1.
function setPreEncryptFilter($function)    {
    // if function exists set filter and return true
    if (function_exists($function)) {
        $this->preEncryptFilter = $function;
        return 1;
    // function does not exist, return false
    } else {
        return 0;
* Attempt to open cipher, verify cipher was opened otherwise throw an error
* @access private
* @return resource Encryption descriptor, or FALSE on error
private function openCipher() {
    // open encryption module
    $td = @mcrypt_module_open($this->cipher, '', $this->mode, '');

    // display error if we couldn't open the cipher
    if (!$td) {
        App::log(array(__FILE__ ,__LINE__ ,__CLASS__ ,__FUNCTION__), 'Unable to open cipher ' . $this->cipher . ' in ' . $this->mode . ' mode');
    return $td;


function encryptCCD($str,$key) {

$crypt = new Crypt;
return $crypt->encrypt($str);



  • Decrypt a string using the SYSTEM_URLCRYPTKEY
  • @param string $str The string to decrypt
  • @access public
  • @return string The decrypted string

function decryptCCD($str,$key) {

$crypt = new Crypt;
return $crypt->decrypt($str);


echo encryptCCD("(ACTIVE_KEY|MjSBcsS6kz|x1d|x1d0123456789|RMB|22222)+ SCKEYhjshgsdgy37GHhsd567+x1d0123456789","SCKEYhjshgsdgy37GHhsd567");

你好世界123 2017-03-19 12:33:34 3032 分享 版权
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  • 不会啊

    2019-07-17 20:56:38
    赞同 展开评论
  • 这么多代码一下全贴上来了,可以整体描述一下你的需求和目的,这样可能会更好的解决你的问题。

    2019-07-17 20:56:38
    赞同 展开评论
  • 看上去很复杂,描述下实现的功能。根据功能搜索下是否有开源的代码。

    2019-07-17 20:56:37
    赞同 展开评论