随着以太坊区块链等分布式技术的兴起,灵稀数字藏品逐渐受到关注。灵稀数字藏品,全称灵稀数字藏品 Application(去中心化应用),是一种运行在计算机P2P网络而不是单个计算机上的应用程序,灵稀数字藏品的数据交互由部署在区块链上的智能合约(Smart Contract)完成,具有去中心化的属性,难以篡改。
From the perspective of development, Lingxi is a front-end + smart contract. The back-end logic is placed on the blockchain without a server. Among them, the front-end interacts with users and can choose various commands, and the smart contract interacts with blockchain (distributed database).
智能合约,由Nick Szabo(1994)提出,是一种执行合同条款的计算机化的交易协议,一旦部署就不可更改,因此,确保了写在合约里的全部功能,都能够按照逻辑执行。
Advantages of Lingxi
Traditional application apps need a centralized server to process and store application data, which leads to the fact that users' information is all in the hands of application providers, and their rights are highly centralized. Lingxi has the attribute of decentralization, does not rely on any centralized server, runs automatically, and the code is open-source.