Generating Sequences With Recurrent Neural Networks
2 Prediction Network 预测网络
2.1 Long Short-Term Memory
3 Text Prediction 文本预测
3.1 Penn Treebank Experiments Penn Treebank实验
3.2 Wikipedia Experiments 维基百科的实验
4 Handwriting Prediction 笔迹的预测
4.1 Mixture Density Outputs 混合密度输出
4.2 Experiments
4.3 Samples 样品
5 Handwriting Synthesis 字合成
5.1 Synthesis Network 合成网络
5.2 Experiments 实验
5.3 Unbiased Sampling 公正的抽样
5.4 Biased Sampling 有偏见的抽样
5.5 Primed Sampling 启动采样
6 Conclusions and Future Work 结论与未来工作
Acknowledgements 致谢
Generating Sequences With Recurrent Neural Networks
论文原文:Generating Sequences With Recurrent Neural Networks
Alex Graves Department of Computer Science
University of Toronto graves@cs.toronto.edu
1、Introduction 介绍
2 Prediction Network 预测网络
2.1 Long Short-Term Memory
3 Text Prediction 文本预测
3.1 Penn Treebank Experiments Penn Treebank实验
3.2 Wikipedia Experiments 维基百科的实验
4 Handwriting Prediction 笔迹的预测
4.1 Mixture Density Outputs 混合密度输出
4.3 Samples 样品
5 Handwriting Synthesis 字合成
5.1 Synthesis Network 合成网络
5.2 Experiments 实验
5.3 Unbiased Sampling 公正的抽样
5.4 Biased Sampling 有偏见的抽样
5.5 Primed Sampling 启动采样
6 Conclusions and Future Work 结论与未来工作
Acknowledgements 致谢
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