最近在团队中引入checkstyle[1] ,自动执行规范检查,加入到ci步骤里面,让流程工具化,工具自动化,摆脱人工检查,在团队开发中硬性统一,更便于协作顺畅
checkstyle里面有个规范:所有local variable必须修饰为final
public static void main(java.lang.String[]); Code: 0: ldc #2 // String Whoops bug 2: astore_1 3: iconst_3 4: istore_2 5: return LineNumberTable: line 13: 0 line 14: 3 line 15: 5 LocalVariableTable: Start Length Slot Name Signature 0 6 0 args [Ljava/lang/String; 3 3 1 name Ljava/lang/String; 5 1 2 pluginType I public void testFinal(); Code: 0: ldc #2 // String Whoops bug 2: astore_1 3: iconst_3 4: istore_2 5: return LineNumberTable: line 18: 0 line 19: 3 line 20: 5 LocalVariableTable: Start Length Slot Name Signature 0 6 0 this Lcom/jack/lang/LocalFinalTest; 3 3 1 name Ljava/lang/String; 5 1 2 pluginType I
public static void main(java.lang.String[]); Code: 0: ldc #2 // String Whoops bug 2: astore_1 3: iconst_3 4: istore_2 5: return LineNumberTable: line 13: 0 line 14: 3 line 15: 5 LocalVariableTable: Start Length Slot Name Signature 0 6 0 args [Ljava/lang/String; 3 3 1 name Ljava/lang/String; 5 1 2 pluginType I public void testFinal(); Code: 0: ldc #2 // String Whoops bug 2: astore_1 3: iconst_3 4: istore_2 5: return LineNumberTable: line 18: 0 line 19: 3 line 20: 5 LocalVariableTable: Start Length Slot Name Signature 0 6 0 this Lcom/jack/lang/LocalFinalTest; 3 3 1 name Ljava/lang/String; 5 1 2 pluginType I
final is one of the most under-used features of Java. Whenever you compute a value and you know it will never be changed subsequently put a final on it. Why?
final lets other programmers (or you reviewing your code years later) know they don’t have to worry about the value being changed anywhere else.
If you get in the habit of always using final, when it is missing, it warns people reading your code there is a redefinition of the value elsewhere.
final won’t let you or someone else inadvertently change the value somewhere else in the code, often by setting it to null. final helps prevent or flush out bugs. It can sometimes catch an error where an expression is assigned to the wrong variable. You can always remove it later.
final helps the compiler generate faster code, though I suspect a clever compiler could deducing finality, even when the final is missing. final values can sometimes be in-lined as literals. They can be further collapsed at compile time in other final expressions.
I have got into the habit of using final everywhere, even on local variables and if I am in doubt, I use final on every declaration then take it off when the compiler points out that I modified it elsewhere. When I read my own code, a missing final is a red flag there is something complicated going on to compute a value.
If you reference a static final in another class, that value often becomes part of your class at compile time. The source class then need not be loaded to get the value and the source class need not even be included in the jar. This helps conserve RAM (Random Access Memory) and keep your jars small.
At the machine language level, static finals can be implemented with inline literals, the most efficient form of addressing data.
A little known feature of Java is blank finals. You can declare member variables final, but not declare a value. This forces all constructors to initialise the blank final variables. A final idiom
public void test() { // Use of final to ensure a variable is always assigned a value, // and is assigned a value once and only once. int a = 4; final int x; if (a > 0) { x = 14; } else if (a < 0) { x = 0; } else { x = 3; } System.err.println(x); }
public void testSwitch(){ final String name; int pluginType = 3; switch (pluginType) { case 1: name = "Candidate Stuff"; //break; //should have handled all the cases for pluginType case 2: name = "fff"; } // code, code, code // Below is not possible with final //name = "Whoops bug"; }
public class ArrayBlockingQueue<E> extends AbstractQueue<E> implements BlockingQueue<E>, java.io.Serializable { /** Main lock guarding all access */ final ReentrantLock lock; public int remainingCapacity() { final ReentrantLock lock = this.lock; lock.lock(); try { return items.length - count; } finally { lock.unlock(); } }
Doug Lea给的答复是
It’s ultimately due to the fundamental mismatch between memory models and OOP Just about every method in all of j.u.c adopts the policy of reading fields as locals whenever a value is used more than once.This way you are sure which value applies when.This is not often pretty, but is easier to visually verify. The surprising case is doing this even for “final” fields.This is because JVMs are not always smart enough to exploit the fine points of the JMM and not reload read final values, as they would otherwise need to do across the volatile accesses entailed in locking. Some JVMs are smarter than they used to be about this, but still not always smart enough.
private final Integer v1 = 1; public void test(){ final Integer v2 = v1; Integer a = v2; Integer b = v2; System.err.println(v2); }
public class com.jack.lang.LocalFinalTest { private final java.lang.Integer v1; descriptor: Ljava/lang/Integer; public void test(); descriptor: ()V Code: 0: aload_0 1: getfield #3 // Field v1:Ljava/lang/Integer; 4: astore_1 5: aload_0 6: getfield #3 // Field v1:Ljava/lang/Integer; 9: astore_2 10: getstatic #4 // Field java/lang/System.err:Ljava/io/PrintStream; 13: aload_0 14: getfield #3 // Field v1:Ljava/lang/Integer; 17: invokevirtual #5 // Method java/io/PrintStream.println:(Ljava/lang/Object;)V 20: return
private final Integer v1 = 1; public void test(){ final Integer v2 = v1; Integer a = v2; Integer b = v2; System.err.println(v2); }
public void test(); descriptor: ()V Code: 0: aload_0 1: getfield #3 // Field v1:Ljava/lang/Integer; 4: astore_1 5: aload_1 6: astore_2 7: aload_1 8: astore_3 9: getstatic #4 // Field java/lang/System.err:Ljava/io/PrintStream; 12: aload_1 13: invokevirtual #5 // Method java/io/PrintStream.println:(Ljava/lang/Object;)V 16: return
0: aload_0 1: getfield
这就是Doug Lea所讲的没有充分利用JMM已经提供了安全保证的可优化点吗?
private volatile FieldType field; FieldType getField(){ FieldType result = field; if(result == null){ // first check (no locking) synchronized(this){ result = field; if(result == null) // second check (with locking) field = result = computeFieldValue(); } } return result; }
在单例模式懒汉方式下,加个局部的result变量,会有25%性能会提高(effective java 2第71条)
0x0000000114428e3e: inc %edi 0x0000000114428e40: mov %edi,0xc(%rsi) 0x0000000114428e43: lock addl $0x0,(%rsp) ;*putfield v1 ; - com.jack.lang.LocalFinalTest::test@9 (line 17)
现在我们以 x86 处理器为例,说明 final 语义在处理器中的具体实现。上面我们提到,写 final 域的重排序规则会要求译编器在 final 域的写之后,构造函数 return 之前,插入一个 StoreStore 障屏。读 final 域的重排序规则要求编译器在读 final 域的操作前面插入一个 LoadLoad 屏障。
由于 x86 处理器不会对写 - 写操作做重排序,所以在 x86 处理器中,写 final 域需要的 StoreStore 障屏会被省略掉。同样,由于 x86 处理器不会对存在间接依赖关系的操作做重排序,所以在 x86 处理器中,读 final 域需要的 LoadLoad 屏障也会被省略掉。也就是说在 x86 处理器中,final 域的读 / 写不会插入任何内存屏障!
final : Java Glossary[2]