7.1 查找选项
#!/bin/bash while [ -n "$1" ] do case "$1" in -a) echo "Found the -a option";; -b) echo "Found the -b option";; -c) echo "Found the -c option";; *) echo "$1 is not an option";; esac shift done # 结果 [njust@njust tutorials]$ ./bar16.sh -a -b -c -d Found the -a option Found the -b option Found the -c option -d is not an option
#!/bin/bash while [ -n "$1" ] do case "$1" in -a) echo "Found the -a option";; -b) echo "Found the -b option";; -c) echo "Found the -c option";; --) shift break;; *) echo "$1 is not an option";; esac shift done count=1 for param in $@ do echo "Parameter #$count: $param" count=$[ count + 1 ] done # 结果 [njust@njust tutorials]$ ./bar17.sh -c -a -b -- test1 test2 test3 Found the -c option Found the -a option Found the -b option Parameter #1: test1 Parameter #2: test2 Parameter #3: test3
处理带值的选项:有些选项会带上一个额外的参数值,如./bar666.sh -a test1 -b -c -d test2。当命令行选项要求额外的参数时,脚本必须能检测到并正确处理。如下例所示:
#!/bin/bash while [ -n "$1" ] do case "$1" in -a) echo "Found the -a option";; -b) param="$2" echo "Found the -b option,with parameter value $param." shift;; -c) echo "Found the -c option";; --) shift break;; *) echo "$1 is not an option";; esac shift done count=1 for param in "$@" do echo "Parameter #$count: $param" count=$[ $count + 1 ] done # 结果 [njust@njust tutorials]$ ./bar19.sh -a -b test1 -f -- demo1 demo2 Found the -a option Found the -b option,with parameter value test1. -f is not an option Parameter #1: demo1 Parameter #2: demo2
7.2 使用getopt命令
getopt optstring parameters
[njust@njust tutorials]$ getopt ab:cd -a -b test1 -cd test2 test3 -a -b test1 -c -d -- test2 test3
[njust@njust tutorials]$ getopt ab:cd -a -b test1 -cdf test2 test3 getopt:无效选项 -- f -a -b test1 -c -d -- test2 test3
set -- $(getopt -q ab:cd "$@")
#!/bin/bash set -- $(getopt -q ab:cd "$@") # 注意此条语句!!! while [ -n "$1" ] do case "$1" in -a) echo "Found the -a option";; -b) param="$2" echo "Found the -b option,with parameter value $param." shift;; -c) echo "Found the -c option";; --) shift break;; *) echo "$1 is not an option";; esac shift done count=1 for param in "$@" do echo "Parameter #$count: $param" count=$[ $count + 1 ] done # 结果 [njust@njust tutorials]$ ./bar20.sh -ac # 合并选项情况下也能处理! Found the -a option Found the -c option
[njust@njust tutorials]$ ./bar20.sh -a -b test1 -c "test2 test3" test4 Found the -a option Found the -b option,with parameter value 'test1'. Found the -c option Parameter #1: 'test2 Parameter #2: test3' Parameter #3: 'test4'
7.4 更高级的getopts命令
getopts optstring variable
#!/bin/bash while getopts :ab:c opt do case "$opt" in a) echo "Found the -a option";; # 注意:getopts命令在解析命令行选项时会移除开头的单破折线,所以在case定义中不用单破折线! b) echo "Found the -b option,with value $OPTARG";; c) echo "Found the -c option";; *) echo "Unknown option: $opt";; esac done # 结果 [njust@njust tutorials]$ ./bar21.sh -ab test1 -c Found the -a option Found the -b option,with value test1 Found the -c option
[njust@njust tutorials]$ ./bar21.sh -b "test1 test2" -a Found the -b option,with value test1 test2 Found the -a option
[njust@njust tutorials]$ ./bar21.sh -abdemo1 Found the -a option Found the -b option,with value demo1
[njust@njust tutorials]$ ./bar21.sh -acdf Found the -a option Found the -c option Unknown option: ? Unknown option: ?
#!/bin/bash while getopts :ab:cd opt do case "$opt" in a) echo "Found the -a option";; b) echo "Found the -b option,with value $OPTARG";; c) echo "Found the -c option";; d) echo "Found the -d option";; *) echo "Unknown option: $opt";; esac done shift $[ $OPTIND - 1 ] count=1 for param in "$@" do echo "Parameter $count:$param" count=$[ $count + 1 ] done # 结果 [njust@njust tutorials]$ ./bar22.sh -a -b test1 -d test2 test3 test4 Found the -a option Found the -b option,with value test1 Found the -d option Parameter 1:test2 Parameter 2:test3 Parameter 3:test4
选项 含义 -a 显示所有对象 -c 生成一个计数 -d 指定一个目录 -e 扩展一个对象 -f 指定读入数据的文件 -h 显示命令的帮助信息 -i 忽略文本大小写 -l 产生输出的长格式版本 -n 使用非交互模式 -o 将所有输出重定向到指定的输出文件 -q 以安静模式运行 -r 递归地处理目录和文件 -s 以安静模式运行 -v 生成详细输出 -x 排除某个对象 -y 对所有问题回答yes
尽管命令行选项和参数是从脚本用户处获得输入的一种重要方式,但是有时候脚本的交互性还需要更强一些。例如在运行脚本时问一个问题,并等待运行脚本的人来回答,bash shell为此提供了read命令。
9.1 基本的读取
#!/bin/bash echo -n "Please Enter your name: " # -n选项不会在字符串末尾输出换行符,允许脚本用户紧跟其后输入数据,而不是在下一行输入! read name echo "Hello $name,welcome to my home." # 结果 [njust@njust tutorials]$ ./bar23.sh Please Enter your name: Curry # 自己输入的! Hello Curry,welcome to my home.
#!/bin/bash read -p "Please Enter your age: " age days=$[ $age * 365 ] echo "That makes you over $days days old" # 结果 [njust@njust tutorials]$ ./bar24.sh Please Enter your age: 28 That makes you over 10220 days old
#!/bin/bash read -p "Enter your name: " echo "Hello $REPLY,welcome to NewYork." # 结果 [njust@njust tutorials]$ ./bar25.sh Enter your name: Stephen Curry Hello Stephen Curry,welcome to NewYork.
9.2 超时
#!/bin/bash if read -t 5 -p "Please enter your name: " name then echo "Hello $name,welcome to NewYork." else echo echo "Sorry, it's wrong!" fi # 结果 [njust@njust tutorials]$ ./bar26.sh Please enter your name: Sorry, it's wrong!
#!/bin/bash read -n1 -p "Do you want to continue [Y/N]? " answer case $answer in Y | y) echo echo "Fine,continue on...";; N | n) echo echo "Ok,goodbye" exit;; esac echo "This is the end of the script" # 结果 [njust@njust tutorials]$ ./bar27.sh Do you want to continue [Y/N]? Y Fine,continue on... This is the end of the script
9.3 隐藏方式读取
#!/bin/bash read -s -p "Enter you password: " passwd echo echo "Is your password really $passwd? " # 结果 [njust@njust tutorials]$ ./bar28.sh Enter you password: Is your password really 12345?
9.4 从文件中读取
#!/bin/bash count=1 cat demodemo | while read line do echo "Line $count: $line" count=$[ $count + 1 ] done echo "Finished processing the file" # 结果 [njust@njust tutorials]$ ./bar29.sh Line 1: The quick brown dog jumps over the lazy fox. Line 2: This is a test, this is only a test. Line 3: O Romeo, Romeo!Wherefore art thou Romeo? Finished processing the file