Flink 1.11.x WatermarkStrategy 不兼容问题

实时计算 Flink 版,5000CU*H 3个月
简介: 最近群里的一个同学问了这么一个问题,在 Scala 代码中使用了 WatermarkStrategy ,代码在编译的时候会抛出异常,具体的报错信息如下:Error:Error:line (31)Static methods in interface require -target:jvm-1.8 .assignTimestampsAndWatermarks(WatermarkStrategy.forBoundedOutOfOrderness[String](Duration.ofSeconds(5)))刚开始我以为是他的 JDK 版本设置的有问题,后来他说

最近群里的一个同学问了这么一个问题,在 Scala 代码中使用了 WatermarkStrategy ,代码在编译的时候会抛出异常,具体的报错信息如下:

Error:Error:line (31)Static methods in interface require -target:jvm-1.8

刚开始我以为是他的 JDK 版本设置的有问题,后来他说 IDE 所有地方的版本都设置的是 1.8 的,因为最近我没有用 Scala 开发过 Flink 应用,在 Java 代码里面用过新版本的接口 WatermarkStrategy 是没有问题的,然后我就自己测试了下面的 Scala 代码.确实在编译的时候就会直接报错.

env.addSource(new FlinkKafkaConsumer[String](topic_, new SimpleStringSchema(), properties).setStartFromLatest())

此编译错误明确指出,正在调用接口的静态方法,并且由于 Java 1.8 版本的接口中提供了静态方法,因此通常需要 Target JVM 1.8 版。因为是在 Scala 代码里面调用了 Java Interface 静态方法,所以导致了 Scala 和 Java 8 兼容性的问题.

这个代码实际调用的是 Java WatermarkStrategy 这个接口里面的方法,源码如下所示:

  * Creates a watermark strategy for situations where records are out of order, but you can place
  * an upper bound on how far the events are out of order. An out-of-order bound B means that
  * once the an event with timestamp T was encountered, no events older than {@code T - B} will
  * follow any more.
  * <p>The watermarks are generated periodically. The delay introduced by this watermark
  * strategy is the periodic interval length, plus the out of orderness bound.
  * @see BoundedOutOfOrdernessWatermarks
 static <T> WatermarkStrategy<T> forBoundedOutOfOrderness(Duration maxOutOfOrderness) {
  return (ctx) -> new BoundedOutOfOrdernessWatermarks<>(maxOutOfOrderness);

看到上面的代码你可能会感觉到疑惑? interface 里面什么时候可以定义 static 方法了? 没错,在 JDK 1.8 之前,接口里面确实不允许定义 static 方法,但是在 JDK 1.8 之后新增了两个特性增强了接口,那就是接口中可以定义默认的方法 (default) 和静态方法 (static) .就像在 Scala 的 trait 里面可以定义默认方法和静态方法一样.

默认方法 (default) 的主要优势是提供一种拓展接口的方法,而不破坏现有代码。假如我们有一个已经投入使用的接口需要拓展一个新的方法,在 JDK8 以前,如果为一个使用的接口增加一个新方法,则我们必须在所有实现类中添加该方法的实现,否则编译会出现异常。如果实现类数量少并且我们有权限修改,可能会工作量相对较少。如果实现类比较多或者我们没有权限修改实现类源代码,这样可能就比较麻烦。而默认方法则解决了这个问题,它提供了一个实现,当没有显示提供其他实现时就采用这个实现。这样新添加的方法将不会破坏现有代码。默认方法的另一个优势是该方法是可选的,子类可以根据不同的需求 Override 默认实现, 也可以选择不实现.

那 Flink 在 WatermarkStrategy 接口里面为什么使用 static 方法呢? 接着往下面看.

在 Flink 1.11.1 为了简化和统一水印生成策略,重构了水印生成的接口即 WatermarkStrategy (之前是有两个不同的接口) 源码如下:

public interface WatermarkStrategy<T> extends
  TimestampAssignerSupplier<T>, WatermarkGeneratorSupplier<T> {
 // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
 //  Methods that implementors need to implement.
 // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
  * Instantiates a WatermarkGenerator that generates watermarks according to this strategy.
 WatermarkGenerator<T> createWatermarkGenerator(WatermarkGeneratorSupplier.Context context);
  * Instantiates a {@link TimestampAssigner} for assigning timestamps according to this
  * strategy.
 default TimestampAssigner<T> createTimestampAssigner(TimestampAssignerSupplier.Context context) {
  // By default, this is {@link RecordTimestampAssigner},
  // for cases where records come out of a source with valid timestamps, for example from Kafka.
  return new RecordTimestampAssigner<>();
 // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
 //  Builder methods for enriching a base WatermarkStrategy
 // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
  * Creates a new {@code WatermarkStrategy} that wraps this strategy but instead uses the given
  * {@link TimestampAssigner} (via a {@link TimestampAssignerSupplier}).
  * <p>You can use this when a {@link TimestampAssigner} needs additional context, for example
  * access to the metrics system.
  * <pre>
  * {@code WatermarkStrategy<Object> wmStrategy = WatermarkStrategy
  *   .forMonotonousTimestamps()
  *   .withTimestampAssigner((ctx) -> new MetricsReportingAssigner(ctx));
  * }</pre>
 default WatermarkStrategy<T> withTimestampAssigner(TimestampAssignerSupplier<T> timestampAssigner) {
  checkNotNull(timestampAssigner, "timestampAssigner");
  return new WatermarkStrategyWithTimestampAssigner<>(this, timestampAssigner);
  * Creates a new {@code WatermarkStrategy} that wraps this strategy but instead uses the given
  * {@link SerializableTimestampAssigner}.
  * <p>You can use this in case you want to specify a {@link TimestampAssigner} via a lambda
  * function.
  * <pre>
  * {@code WatermarkStrategy<CustomObject> wmStrategy = WatermarkStrategy
  *   .<CustomObject>forMonotonousTimestamps()
  *   .withTimestampAssigner((event, timestamp) -> event.getTimestamp());
  * }</pre>
 default WatermarkStrategy<T> withTimestampAssigner(SerializableTimestampAssigner<T> timestampAssigner) {
  checkNotNull(timestampAssigner, "timestampAssigner");
  return new WatermarkStrategyWithTimestampAssigner<>(this,
  * Creates a new enriched {@link WatermarkStrategy} that also does idleness detection in the
  * created {@link WatermarkGenerator}.
  * <p>Add an idle timeout to the watermark strategy. If no records flow in a partition of a
  * stream for that amount of time, then that partition is considered "idle" and will not hold
  * back the progress of watermarks in downstream operators.
  * <p>Idleness can be important if some partitions have little data and might not have events
  * during some periods. Without idleness, these streams can stall the overall event time
  * progress of the application.
 default WatermarkStrategy<T> withIdleness(Duration idleTimeout) {
  checkNotNull(idleTimeout, "idleTimeout");
  checkArgument(!(idleTimeout.isZero() || idleTimeout.isNegative()),
    "idleTimeout must be greater than zero");
  return new WatermarkStrategyWithIdleness<>(this, idleTimeout);
 // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
 //  Convenience methods for common watermark strategies
 // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
  * Creates a watermark strategy for situations with monotonously ascending timestamps.
  * <p>The watermarks are generated periodically and tightly follow the latest
  * timestamp in the data. The delay introduced by this strategy is mainly the periodic interval
  * in which the watermarks are generated.
  * @see AscendingTimestampsWatermarks
 static <T> WatermarkStrategy<T> forMonotonousTimestamps() {
  return (ctx) -> new AscendingTimestampsWatermarks<>();
  * Creates a watermark strategy for situations where records are out of order, but you can place
  * an upper bound on how far the events are out of order. An out-of-order bound B means that
  * once the an event with timestamp T was encountered, no events older than {@code T - B} will
  * follow any more.
  * <p>The watermarks are generated periodically. The delay introduced by this watermark
  * strategy is the periodic interval length, plus the out of orderness bound.
  * @see BoundedOutOfOrdernessWatermarks
 static <T> WatermarkStrategy<T> forBoundedOutOfOrderness(Duration maxOutOfOrderness) {
  return (ctx) -> new BoundedOutOfOrdernessWatermarks<>(maxOutOfOrderness);
  * Creates a watermark strategy based on an existing {@link WatermarkGeneratorSupplier}.
 static <T> WatermarkStrategy<T> forGenerator(WatermarkGeneratorSupplier<T> generatorSupplier) {
  return generatorSupplier::createWatermarkGenerator;
  * Creates a watermark strategy that generates no watermarks at all. This may be useful in
  * scenarios that do pure processing-time based stream processing.
 static <T> WatermarkStrategy<T> noWatermarks() {
  return (ctx) -> new NoWatermarksGenerator<>();

可以看到这个接口里面提供了很多 default 方法,为了方便我们开发, Flink 还内置了很多 static 水印生成的方法供我们使用.正是因为 forBoundedOutOfOrderness 这个方法是静态的所以我们才可以直接 WatermarkStrategy.forBoundedOutOfOrderness 使用.

那在 Scala 2.11.x 版本和 Java 8 接口里面定义静态方法这种语法是不兼容的,所以就造成了这个报错.

说了半天该怎么解决这个问题呢? 第一种方法是在 IDEA 里面 Scala 的附加编译选项里添加 -target:jvm-1.8,然后就可以正常运行这段代码了.具体的配置参考下图:


但是当你打包的时候还会遇到这个报错,因为打包的时候也需要指定 -target:jvm-1.8.

不要着急,通过查看官方文档: https://davidb.github.io/scala-maven-plugin/compile-mojo.html#addScalacArgs

发现 Optional Parameters 里面有相关的配置,感兴趣的同学可以点上面的链接看一下,里面有相关的解决办法.



使用命令打包 mvn clean package

使用 scala-maven-plugin 插件打包


maven 命令打包

如果你是用 maven 命令打包的话可以添加 -D 参数如下:

mvn clean package -DaddScalacArgs=-target:jvm-1.8

scala-maven-plugin 插件打包

如果你是用 scala-maven-plugin 插件打包的话可以在 pom 里面添加 addScalacArgs 配置:


上面两种方式都可以解决这个问题,建议直接在 pom 里面添加 addScalacArgs 配置,这样既可以正常运行代码也可以正常打包.

其实还有第三种更简单的方式,直接把 Scala 的版本升级到 2.12.0 以上就可以了.因为 Scala 2.12.0 版本里对编译器进行了升级,提高了和 Java 8 的兼容性和互操作性,就不存在这个问题了.

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