
简介: Single-Pass算法又称单通道法或单遍法,是流式数据聚类的经典方法。对于依次到达的数据流,该方法按输入顺序每次处理一个数据,依据当前数据与已有类的匹配度大小,将该数据判为已有类或者创建一个新的数据类,实现流式数据的增量和动态聚类,适合对流数据进行挖掘,而且算法的时间效率高;不足之处主要表现在该方法具有输入次序依赖特性,即对于同一聚类对象按不同的次序输入,会出现不同的聚类结果。



(1) 随机选取一篇文章,其文本向量记为d;

(2) d逐一与已有的话题中各报道进行相似度计算,并取最大者作为与该话题的相似度(single-link策略);如果是第一篇文章,则创建一个新话题(或者说新标签)。

(3) 在所有话题间选出与d相似度最大的一个,以及此时的相似度值;

(4) 如果相似度大于阈值TC,d所对应的互联网文本被分配给这个话题模型文本类,跳至(6);

(5) 如果相似度值小于阈值TC,d所对应的文本不属于已有的话题,创建新话题,同时把这篇文本归属创建的新话题模型文本类;

(6) 本次聚类结束,等待接收新的文本到来。



假设我们有下面5个文档Doci以及词袋表示向量Ti,然后我们尝试使用single pass算法来聚类文档。

Doc1 Doc2 Doc3 Doc4 Doc5
T1 1 2 0 0 1
T2 3 1 2 3 0
T3 3 0 0 0 1
T4 2 1 0 3 0
T5 2 2 1 5 1

  1. 首先我们从Doc1开始,并且假设它的聚类中心为C1,此时C1只有一篇文档Doc1,所以我们可以使用Doc1的向量表示C1

C1 = <1, 3, 3, 2, 2>

  1. 然后开始选择下一篇文档Doc2,然后与当前所有聚类中心进行计算相似度,此时只有一个聚类中心C1,简单地,我们这里使用点积作为相似度计算方法:

SIM(Doc2,C1) = 1*2 + 1*3 + 0*3 + 1*2 + 2*2 = 11

  1. 此时我们需要一个超参数threshold来控制类别的判断,假设threshold为10,如果一个文档与当前聚类中心的相似度大于1ode,我们就将该文档添加到当前聚类中,否则的话产生一个新的聚类中心。


  1. 所以我们将Doc2添加到聚类中心C1中。现在我们要重新计算C1的聚类中心向量(此时聚类包含两个文档Doc1和Doc2)。我们使用平均的方法更新中心向量:

C1 = <3/2, 4/2, 3/2, 3/2, 4/2>

  1. 下一步我们开始选择Doc3,此时只有一个聚类中心C1,所以我们只需要计算Doc3与C1的相似度即可:

SIM(Doc3, C1) = 0 + 8/2 + 0 + 0 + 4/2 = 6

  1. 此时Doc3与C1的相似度小于阈值,所以我们使用Doc3产生一个新的类别:

C1 = {Doc1, Doc2}
C2 = {Doc3}

  1. 我们继续选择下一个文档Doc4,此时我们需要计算Doc4与C1和C2的相似度,并且选择一个相似度最大的类别作为Doc4的标签:

SIM(Doc4, C1) = <0, 3, 0, 3, 5> . <3/2, 4/2, 3/2, 3/2, 4/2>
            = 0 + 12/2 + 0 + 9/2 + 20/2 = 20.5
SIM(Doc4, C2) = <0, 3, 0, 3, 5> . <0, 2, 0, 0, 1>
            = 0 + 6 + 0 + 0 + 5 = 11

  1. 此时两个相似度都大于10,所以我们选择一个较大值的类别C1,将Doc4放到C1类别中,此时我们聚类中心的文档情形如下:

C1 = {Doc1, Doc2, Doc4}
C2 = {Doc3}

  1. 更新聚类中心向量:

C1 = <3/3, 7/3, 3/3, 6/3, 9/3>
C2 = <0, 2, 0, 0, 1>

  1. 现在只剩下一篇文档Doc5,然后分别于C1和C2计算相似度:

SIM(Doc5, C1) = <1, 0, 1, 0, 1> . <3/3, 7/3, 3/3, 6/3, 9/3>
            = 3/3 + 0 + 3/3 + 0 + 9/3 = 5
SIM(Doc5, C2) = <1, 0, 1, 0, 1> . <0, 2, 0, 0, 1>
            = 0 + 0 + 0 + 0 +1 = 1

这些相似性度没有一个超过阈值。因此,T5 需要放进新的聚类中C3。没有其他未分类的文档了,因此 我们完成了一次Single Pass算法。最后的聚类结果是:

C1 = {T1, T2, T4}
C2 = {T3}
C3 = {T5}



import os
import re
import json
import math
import numpy as np
from gensim import corpora, models, similarities, matutils
from smart_open import  smart_open
import pandas as pd
from pyltp import SentenceSplitter
from  textrank4zh import TextRank4Keyword,TextRank4Sentence
from tkinter import _flatten
from pyltp import Segmentor,Postagger
class Single_Pass_Cluster(object):
    def __init__(self,
                 stop_words_file = '停用词汇总.txt',
                 theta = 0.5, 
                 LTP_DATA_DIR = r'D:\ltp-models\\',  # ltp模型目录的路径
                 segmentor = Segmentor(),
                 postagger = Postagger(),
        self.filename = filename
        self.stop_words_file = stop_words_file
        self.theta = theta 
        self.LTP_DATA_DIR = LTP_DATA_DIR 
        self.cws_model_path = os.path.join(self.LTP_DATA_DIR, 'cws.model')
        self.pos_model_path = os.path.join(self.LTP_DATA_DIR, 'pos.model')  
        self.segmentor = segmentor  # 初始化实例
        self.segmentor.load_with_lexicon(self.cws_model_path, self.LTP_DATA_DIR + 'dictionary.txt')  # 加载模型
        self.postagger = postagger  # 初始化实例
        self.postagger.load(self.pos_model_path)  # 加载模型         
    def loadData(self,filename):
        Data = []
        i = 0
        with smart_open(self.filename,encoding='utf-8') as f:        
            texts = [list(SentenceSplitter.split(i.strip().strip('\ufeff'))) for i in f.readlines()]
            print ("............................................................................................")  
            texts = [i.strip() for i in list(_flatten(texts)) if len(i) > 5]
            for line in texts:
                i  += 1
                Data.append(line )
        return Data
    def word_segment(self,sentence):
        stopwords = [line.strip() for line in open( self.stop_words_file,encoding='utf-8').readlines()]
        post_list = ['n','nh','ni','nl','ns','nz','j','ws','a','z','b']
        sentence = sentence.strip().replace('。','').replace('」','').replace('//','').replace('_','').replace('-','').replace('\r','').replace('\n','').replace('\t','').replace('@','').replace(r'\\','').replace("''",'')
        words = self.segmentor.segment(sentence.replace('\n',''))  # 分词
        postags = self.postagger.postag(words)  # 词性标注
        dict_data = dict(zip(words,postags))
        table = {k: v for k, v in dict_data.items() if v in post_list}
        words = list(table.keys())
        word_segmentation = []
        for word in words:
            if word == ' ':
            if word not in stopwords:
        return word_segmentation
    def get_Tfidf_vector_representation(self,word_segmentation,pivot= 10, slope = 0.1):
        dictionary = corpora.Dictionary(word_segmentation)
        corpus = [dictionary.doc2bow(text) for text in word_segmentation]
        tfidf = models.TfidfModel(corpus,pivot=pivot, slope =slope)
        corpus_tfidf = tfidf[corpus]
        return corpus_tfidf
    def get_Doc2vec_vector_representation(self,word_segmentation):
        corpus_doc2vec = [get_avg_feature_vector(i, model, num_features = 50) for i in word_segmentation]
        return corpus_doc2vec 
    def getMaxSimilarity(self,dictTopic, vector):
        maxValue = 0
        maxIndex = -1
        for k,cluster in dictTopic.items():
            oneSimilarity = np.mean([matutils.cossim(vector, v) for v in cluster])
            #oneSimilarity = np.mean([cosine_similarity(vector, v) for v in cluster])
            if oneSimilarity > maxValue:
                maxValue = oneSimilarity
                maxIndex = k
        return maxIndex, maxValue
    def single_pass(self,corpus,texts,theta):
        dictTopic = {}
        clusterTopic = {}
        numTopic = 0 
        cnt = 0
        for vector,text in zip(corpus,texts): 
            if numTopic == 0:
                dictTopic[numTopic] = []
                clusterTopic[numTopic] = []
                numTopic += 1
                maxIndex, maxValue = self.getMaxSimilarity(dictTopic, vector)
                if maxValue >= theta:
                    dictTopic[numTopic] = []
                    clusterTopic[numTopic] = []
                    numTopic += 1
            cnt += 1
            if cnt % 500 == 0:
                print ("processing {}...".format(cnt))
        return dictTopic, clusterTopic  
    def fit_transform(self,theta=0.5):
        datMat = self.loadData(self.filename)  
        word_segmentation = []
        for i in range(len(datMat)):
        print ("............................................................................................")  
        print('文本已经分词完毕 !')
        corpus_tfidf = self.get_Tfidf_vector_representation(word_segmentation)
        #corpus_tfidf =  self.get_Doc2vec_vector_representation(word_segmentation)
        dictTopic, clusterTopic = self.single_pass(corpus_tfidf, datMat, theta)
        print ("............................................................................................")  
        print( "得到的主题数量有: {} 个 ...".format(len(dictTopic)))
        print ("............................................................................................\n")  
        clusterTopic_list = sorted(clusterTopic.items(),key=lambda x: len(x[1]),reverse=True)
        for k in clusterTopic_list[:30]:
            cluster_title = '\n'.join(k[1]) 
            word = TextRank4Keyword()
            word.analyze(''.join(self.word_segment(''.join(cluster_title))),window = 5,lower = True)
            w_list = word.get_keywords(num = 10,word_min_len = 2)
            sentence = TextRank4Sentence()
            sentence.analyze('\n'.join(k[1]) ,lower = True)
            s_list = sentence.get_key_sentences(num = 3,sentence_min_len = 5)[:30]
            print ("【主题索引】:{} \n【主题声量】:{} \n【主题关键词】: {} \n【主题中心句】 :\n{}".format(k[0],len(k[1]),','.join([i.word for i in w_list]),'\n'.join([i.sentence for i in s_list])))
            print ("-------------------------------------------------------------------------")

single_pass_cluster = Single_Pass_Cluster('http://docs.bosonnlp.com/_downloads/text_comments.txt',
      stop_words_file= '/home/kesci/work/停用词汇总.txt')
single_pass_cluster.fit_transform(theta = 0.15)


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