Solr DisjunctionMax 注解

简介: 假期重新把之前在新浪博客里面的文字梳理了下,搬到这里。

Disjunction Max 析取最大 (并集)

本质多域联合搜索,并且不同域指定不同的权重,命中时取最大得分域结果作为结果得分。与直接多域boost求和是完全不同的结果。使用起来非常复杂,需要debugquery 看结果,反复尝试!

What’s a “DisMax” ? Posted by hossman

The term “dismax” gets tossed around(被抛出来) on the Solr lists frequently, which can be fairly confusing to new users. It originated as a shorthand name for the DisMaxRequestHandler (which I named after the DisjunctionMaxQueryParser, which I named after the DisjunctionMaxQuery class that it uses heavily). In recent years, the DisMaxRequestHandler and the StandardRequestHandler were both refactored into(重构) a single SearchHandler class, and now the term “dismax” usually refers to the DisMaxQParser.

注解:dismax 现在对应于DisMaxQParser,而DismaxRequestHandler standardRequestHandler 重构到SearchHandler

Clear as Mudd, right?

Regardless of whether you use the DisMaxRequestHandler via the qt=dismax parameter, or use the SearchHandler with the DisMaxQParser via defType=dismax the end result is that your q parameter gets parsed by the DisjunctionMaxQueryParser.


The original goals of dismax (whichever meaning you might infer) have never changed:

… supports a simplified version of the Lucene QueryParser syntax. Quotes can be used to group phrases(分组短语), and +/- can be used to denote mandatory(强制性、必选的) and optional(可选的) clauses … but all other Lucene query parser special characters are escaped to simplify the user experience. The handler takes responsibility for building a good query from the user’s input using BooleanQueries containing DisjunctionMaxQueries across fields and boosts you specify It also allows you to provide additional boosting queries, boosting functions, and filtering queries to artificially(人工) affect the outcome of all searches. These options can all be specified as default parameters for the handler in your solrconfig.xml or overridden the Solr query URL.

In short: You worry about what fields and boosts you want to use when you configure it, your users just give you words w/o worrying too much about syntax.

注解: dismax句柄主要负责使用布尔查询封装DisjunctionMaxQueries,同时允许手工执行query激励、函数激励、过滤query影响最终搜索结果。所有参数可以通过在solrconfig.xml中配置,作为全局查询用,也可以通过url添加参数,在每一次或者每一类查询中动态使用。

The magic of dismax (in my opinion) comes from the query structure it produces. What it essentially boils down to is matrix multiplication: a one column matrix of each “chunk” of your user’s input, multiplied by a one row matrix of the qf fields to produce a big matrix of every field:chunk permutation(排列). The matrix is then turned into a BooleanQuery consisting of DisjunctionMaxQueries for each row in the matrix. DisjunctionMaxQuery is used because it’s score is determined by the maximum score of it’s subclauses — instead of the sum like a BooleanQuery — so no one word from the user input dominates the final score. The best way to explain this is with an example, so let’s consider the following input…

defType = dismax

    mm = 50%

    qf = features^2 name^3

     q = +"apache solr" search server

First off, we consider the “markup” characters of the parser that appear in this q string:

·      white space – dividing input string into chunk ( 分词 )

·      quotes – makes a single phrase chunk ( 括号 )

·      + – makes a chunk mandatory ( 组合关系 )

So we have 3 “chunks” of user input:

·      “apache solr” (must match)

·      “search” (should match)

·      “server” (should match>

If we “multiply” that with our qf list (features, name) we get a matrix like this…

features:”apache solr”

name:”apache solr”

(must match)



(should match)



(should match)

If we then factor in the mm param to determing the “minimum number of ‘ShouldMatch’ clauses that (ahem) must match” (50% of 2 == 1) we get the following query structure (in psuedo-code)…

q = BooleanQuery(

 minNumberShouldMatch => 1,

 booleanClauses => ClauseList(


     PhraseQuery("features","apache solr")^2,

     PhraseQuery("name","apache solr")^3)











注解:boolean查询这个是最最基本的原子查询,其他高级查询都是基于这个查询的组合、封装,Dismax也是如此。从dismax qp分解过程和定义看,dismax也是分解为boolean查询,并且field激励也同一般域boost一致,但是不同的时候dismax是以最大得分作为最终得分,而一般多域独立boost时候是求和得分。

With me so far right?

Where people tend to get tripped up(绊倒), is in thinking about how Solr’s per-field analysis configuration (in schema.xml) impacts all of this. Our example above was pretty straight forward, but lets consider for a moment what might happen if:

·      The name field uses the WordDelimiterFilter单词分割符过滤器at query time but features does not.

·      The features field is configured so that “the” is a stopword, but name is not.

Now let’s look at what we get when our input parameters are structurally similar to what we had before, but just different enough to for WordDelimiterFilter and StopFilter to come into play…

defType = dismax

    mm = 50%

    qf = features^2 name^3

     q = +"apache solr" the search-server

Our resulting query is going to be something like…

q = BooleanQuery(

 minNumberShouldMatch => 1,

 booleanClauses => ClauseList(


     PhraseQuery("features","apache solr")^2,

     PhraseQuery("name","apache solr")^3)







     PhraseQuery("name","search server")^3))


The use of WordDelimiterFilter hasn’t changed things very much: features is treating “search-server” as a single Term, while in the name field we are searching for the phrase “search server” — hopefully this shouldn’t surprise anyone given the use of WordDelimiterFilter for the name field (presumably that’s why it’s being used). This DisjunctionMaxQuery still “makes sense”, but other fields with odd analysis that produce less/more Tokens then a “typical” field for the same thunk might produce queries that aren’t as easily to understand. In particular consider what has happened in our example with the word “the”: Because “the” is a stop word in the features field, no Query object is produced for that field/chunk combination. But a Query is produced for the name field, which means the total number of “ShouldMatch” clauses in our top level query is still 2 so our minNumberShouldMatch is still 1 (50% of 2 == 1).

This type of situation tends to confuse a lot of people: since “the” is a stop word in one field, they don’t expect it to matter in the final query — but as long as at least one qf field produces a Token for it (name in our example) it will be included in the final query, and will contribute to the count of “ShouldMatch” clauses.

So, what’s the take away from all of this?

DisMax is a complicated creature. When using it, you need to consider all of it’s optionscarefully, and look at the debugQuery=true output while experimenting with different query strings and different analysis configurations to make really sure you understand how queries from your users will be parsed.

注解:dismax 构造非常复杂,使用的时候需要仔细考虑所有选项,同时,开启debugQuery=true,针对不同的查询串和分词器。

For qf (Query Fields), pf (Phrase Fields), mm (Minimum ‘Should’ Match), and tie (Tie Breaker), see: the Solr Wiki DisMaxQParserPlugin.

Solr: Forcing items with all query terms to the top of a Solr search » Robot Librarian

Lucid Imagination » Solr Powered ISFDB – Part #10: Tweaking Relevancy


Lucid Imagination » Solr Powered ISFDB – Part #11: Using DisMax


Using Solr’s Dismax Tie Parameter « Another Word For It (tie breake配合断路器)


Solr Powered ISFDB – Part #11: Using DisMax

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