总结 | ACL2022主会论文分类整理(一)

NLP 自学习平台,3个模型定制额度 1个月
简介: 总结 | ACL2022主会论文分类整理(一)


ACL 2022是CCF A类会议,人工智能领域自然语言处理(Natural Language Processing,NLP)方向最权威的国际会议之一。第60届计算语言学协会计划于今年5月22日-5月27日在爱尔兰都柏林召开。

本文对ACL 2022接受列表中的的602篇主会长文论文,**按不同的研究主题进行分类整理(分类标准参考 ACL 官方投稿主题),**整理过程中难免有疏漏,欢迎大家在下方评论留言,交流探讨!

论文列表已经同步更新到 GitHub,欢迎大家关注和 Star。


  • Adversarial attack and Robustness【对抗攻击和鲁棒性】

  • Dialogue and Interactive Systems【对话与交互系统】

  • Discourse and Pragmatics【语篇和语用学】

  • Data Augmentation【数据增广】

  • Generation【文本生成】

  • Information Extraction【信息抽取】

  • Information Retrieval and Text Mining【信息检索与文本挖掘】

  • Interpretability and Analysis of Models for NLP【NLP模型的可解释性与分析】

  • Language Model【语言模型】

  • Machine Learning for NLP【NLP中的机器学习】

  • Machine Translation and Multilinguality【机器翻译与多语】

  • Question Answering【问答与理解】

  • Resources and Evaluation【数据集与评估方法】

  • Sentence-level Semantics, Textual Classification, and Other Areas【句子级语义和关系推理】

  • Semantics and Syntax Parsing【语义与句法解析】

  • Speech and Multimodality【语音与多模态】

  • Summation【摘要】

  • Knowledge Graph【知识图谱】

  • Special Track【特殊任务】

Adversarial attack and Robustness【对抗攻击和鲁棒性】

  • Adversarial Authorship Attribution for Deobfuscation

  • Adversarial Soft Prompt Tuning for Cross-Domain Sentiment Analysis

  • Flooding-X: Improving BERT’s Resistance to Adversarial Attacks via LossRestricted Fine-Tuning

  • From the Detection of Toxic Spans in Online Discussions to the Analysis of Toxic-to-Civil Transfer

  • Imputing Out-of-Vocabulary Embeddings with LOVE Makes Language Models Robust with Little Cost

  • ParaDetox: Detoxification with Parallel Data

  • Pass off Fish Eyes for Pearls: Attacking Model Selection of Pre-trained Models

  • SHIELD: Defending Textual Neural Networks against Multiple Black-Box

  • Adversarial Attacks with Stochastic Multi-Expert Patcher

  • Towards Robustness of Text-to-SQL Models Against Natural and Realistic Adversarial Table Perturbation

  • ToxiGen: A Large-Scale Machine-Generated Dataset for Adversarial and Implicit Hate Speech Detection

Dialogue and Interactive Systems【对话与交互系统】

  • A Model-agnostic Data Manipulation Method for Persona-based Dialogue Generation

  • A Taxonomy of Empathetic Questions in Social Dialogs

  • Achieving Conversational Goals with Unsupervised Post-hoc Knowledge Injection

  • Achieving Reliable Human Assessment of Open-Domain Dialogue Systems

  • An Interpretable Neuro-Symbolic Reasoning Framework for Task-Oriented Dialogue Generation

  • Beyond Goldfish Memory: Long-Term Open-Domain Conversation

  • Beyond the Granularity: Multi-Perspective Dialogue Collaborative Selection for Dialogue State Tracking

  • CASPI Causal-aware Safe Policy Improvement for Task-oriented Dialogue

  • ChatMatch: Evaluating Chatbots by Autonomous Chat Tournaments

  • CICERO: A Dataset for Contextualized Commonsense Inference in Dialogues

  • Contextual Fine-to-Coarse Distillation for Coarse-grained Response Selection in Open-Domain Conversations

  • Continual Prompt Tuning for Dialog State Tracking

  • DEAM: Dialogue Coherence Evaluation using AMR-based Semantic Manipulations

  • DialogVED: A Pre-trained Latent Variable Encoder-Decoder Model for Dialog Response Generation

  • Dynamic Schema Graph Fusion Network for Multi-Domain Dialogue State Tracking

  • GlobalWoZ: Globalizing MultiWoZ to Develop Multilingual Task-Oriented Dialogue Systems

  • HeterMPC: A Heterogeneous Graph Neural Network for Response Generation in Multi-Party Conversations

  • Improving Multi-label Malevolence Detection in Dialogues through Multifaceted Label Correlation Enhancement

  • Interactive Word Completion for Plains Cree

  • Internet-Augmented Dialogue Generation

  • Knowledge Enhanced Reflection Generation for Counseling Dialogues

  • M3ED: Multi-modal Multi-scene Multi-label Emotional Dialogue Database

  • MISC: A Mixed Strategy-Aware Model integrating COMET for Emotional Support Conversation

  • Multi-Party Empathetic Dialogue Generation: A New Task for Dialog Systems

  • Multi-Task Pre-Training for Plug-and-Play Task-Oriented Dialogue System

  • Multimodal Dialogue Response Generation

  • Online Semantic Parsing for Latency Reduction in Task-Oriented Dialogue

  • Other Roles Matter! Enhancing Role-Oriented Dialogue Summarization via Role Interactions

  • ProphetChat: Enhancing Dialogue Generation with Simulation of Future Conversation

  • QAConv: Question Answering on Informative Conversations

  • SaFeRDialogues: Taking Feedback Gracefully after Conversational Safety Failures

  • SafetyKit: First Aid for Measuring Safety in Open-domain Conversational Systems

  • SalesBot: Transitioning from Chit-Chat to Task-Oriented Dialogues

  • Should a Chatbot be Sarcastic? Understanding User Preferences Towards Sarcasm Generation

  • Situated Dialogue Learning through Procedural Environment Generation

  • Structural Characterization for Dialogue Disentanglement

  • The AI Doctor Is In: A Survey of Task-Oriented Dialogue Systems for Healthcare Applications

  • There Are a Thousand Hamlets in a Thousand People’s Eyes: Enhancing Knowledge-grounded Dialogue with Personal Memory

  • Think Before You Speak: Explicitly Generating Implicit Commonsense Knowledge for Response Generation

  • UniTranSeR: A Unified Transformer Semantic Representation Framework for Multimodal Task-Oriented Dialog System

  • What does the sea say to the shore? A BERT based DST style approach for speaker to dialogue attribution in novels

  • Where to Go for the Holidays: Towards Mixed-Type Dialogs for Clarification of User Goals

  • Speaker Information Can Guide Models to Better Inductive Biases: A Case Study On Predicting Code-Switching

Discourse and Pragmatics【语篇和语用学】

  • CoCoLM: Complex Commonsense Enhanced Language Model with Discourse Relations

  • Context Matters: A Pragmatic Study of PLMs’ Negation Understanding

  • Learning to Mediate Disparities Towards Pragmatic Communication

  • Modeling Persuasive Discourse to Adaptively Support Students’ Argumentative Writing

  • Neural reality of argument structure constructions

  • Probing for Predicate Argument Structures in Pretrained Language Models

  • RST Discourse Parsing with Second-Stage EDU-Level Pre-training

Data Augmentation【数据增广】

  • An Investigation of the (In)effectiveness of Counterfactually Augmented Data

  • CipherDAug: Ciphertext based Data Augmentation for Neural Machine Translation

  • Continual Few-shot Relation Learning via Embedding Space Regularization and Data Augmentation

  • Deduplicating Training Data Makes Language Models Better

  • FlipDA: Effective and Robust Data Augmentation for Few-Shot Learning

  • Generating Data to Mitigate Spurious Correlations in Natural Language Inference Datasets

  • Keywords and Instances: A Hierarchical Contrastive Learning Framework Unifying Hybrid Granularities for Text Generation

  • MELM: Data Augmentation with Masked Entity Language Modeling for LowResource NER

  • PromDA: Prompt-based Data Augmentation for Low-Resource NLU Tasks

  • Synthetic Question Value Estimation for Domain Adaptation of Question Answering

  • Training Data is More Valuable than You Think: A Simple and Effective Method by Retrieving from Training Data


  • A Token-level Reference-free Hallucination Detection Benchmark for Freeform Text Generation

  • A Well-Composed Text is Half Done! Composition Sampling for Diverse Conditional Generation

  • Accurate Online Posterior Alignments for Principled Lexically-Constrained Decoding

  • Active Evaluation: Efficient NLG Evaluation with Few Pairwise Comparisons

  • AraT5: Text-to-Text Transformers for Arabic Language Generation

  • Continual Sequence Generation with Adaptive Compositional Modules

  • Controllable Dictionary Example Generation: Generating Example Sentences for Specific Targeted Audiences

  • CTRLEval: An Unsupervised Reference-Free Metric for Evaluating Controlled Text Generation

  • Few-shot Controllable Style Transfer for Low-Resource Multilingual Settings

  • Fine-Grained Controllable Text Generation Using Non-Residual Prompting

  • Flexible Generation from Fragmentary Linguistic Input

  • FrugalScore: Learning Cheaper, Lighter and Faster Evaluation Metrics for Automatic Text Generation

  • Generating Scientific Definitions with Controllable Complexity

  • Hierarchical Sketch Induction for Paraphrase Generation

  • How Do Seq2Seq Models Perform on End-to-End Data-to-Text Generation?

  • Hybrid Semantics for Goal-Directed Natural Language Generation

  • Improving Compositional Generalization with Self-Training for Data-to-Text Generation

  • Improving Personalized Explanation Generation through Visualization

  • Inducing Positive Perspectives with Text Reframing

  • latent-GLAT: Glancing at Latent Variables for Parallel Text Generation

  • Lexical Knowledge Internalization for Neural Dialog Generation

  • Mix and Match: Learning-free Controllable Text Generationusing Energy Language Models

  • Multitasking Framework for Unsupervised Simple Definition Generation

  • Neural Pipeline for Zero-Shot Data-to-Text Generation

  • Non-neural Models Matter: a Re-evaluation of Neural Referring Expression Generation Systems

  • ODE Transformer: An Ordinary Differential Equation-Inspired Model for Sequence Generation

  • Overlap-based Vocabulary Generation Improves Cross-lingual Transfer Among Related Languages

  • PLANET: Dynamic Content Planning in Autoregressive Transformers for Long-form Text Generation

  • Predicate-Argument Based Bi-Encoder for Paraphrase Identification

  • Principled Paraphrase Generation with Parallel Corpora

  • Quality Controlled Paraphrase Generation

  • Rare Tokens Degenerate All Tokens: Improving Neural Text Generation via Adaptive Gradient Gating for Rare Token Embeddings

  • RoMe: A Robust Metric for Evaluating Natural Language Generation

  • Semi-Supervised Formality Style Transfer with Consistency Training

  • So Different Yet So Alike! Constrained Unsupervised Text Style Transfer

  • Spurious Correlations in Reference-Free Evaluation of Text Generation

  • Tailor: Generating and Perturbing Text with Semantic Controls

  • Towards Better Characterization of Paraphrases

  • Uncertainty Determines the Adequacy of the Mode and the Tractability of Decoding in Sequence-to-Sequence Models

  • An Imitation Learning Curriculum for Text Editing with Non-Autoregressive Models

  • Understanding Iterative Revision from Human-Written Text

Information Extraction【信息抽取】

  • Alignment-Augmented Consistent Translation for Multilingual Open Information Extraction

  • Automatic Error Analysis for Document-level Information Extraction

  • BenchIE: A Framework for Multi-Faceted Fact-Based Open Information Extraction Evaluation

  • Dynamic Global Memory for Document-level Argument Extraction

  • Dynamic Prefix-Tuning for Generative Template-based Event Extraction

  • FaVIQ: FAct Verification from Information-seeking Questions

  • FormNet: Structural Encoding beyond Sequential Modeling in Form Document Information Extraction

  • Generating Scientific Claims for Zero-Shot Scientific Fact Checking

  • JointCL: A Joint Contrastive Learning Framework for Zero-Shot Stance Detection

  • KNN-Contrastive Learning for Out-of-Domain Intent Classification

  • Legal Judgment Prediction via Event Extraction with Constraints

  • MILIE: Modular & Iterative Multilingual Open Information Extraction

  • Modeling U.S. State-Level Policies by Extracting Winners and Losers from Legislative Texts

  • OIE@OIA: an Adaptable and Efficient Open Information Extraction Framework

  • Packed Levitated Marker for Entity and Relation Extraction

  • Pre-training to Match for Unified Low-shot Relation Extraction

  • Prompt for Extraction? PAIE: Prompting Argument Interaction for Event Argument Extraction

  • Retrieval-guided Counterfactual Generation for QA

  • Right for the Right Reason: Evidence Extraction for Trustworthy Tabular Reasoning

  • Saliency as Evidence: Event Detection with Trigger Saliency Attribution

  • Text-to-Table: A New Way of Information Extraction

  • Toward Interpretable Semantic Textual Similarity via Optimal Transportbased Contrastive Sentence Learning

  • Transkimmer: Transformer Learns to Layer-wise Skim

  • Unified Structure Generation for Universal Information Extraction

Information Retrieval and Text Mining【信息检索与文本挖掘】

  • Automatic Identification and Classification of Bragging in Social Media

  • Bilingual alignment transfers to multilingual alignment for unsupervised parallel text mining

  • Can Unsupervised Knowledge Transfer from Social Discussions Help Argument Mining?

  • ClarET: Pre-training a Correlation-Aware Context-To-Event Transformer for Event-Centric Generation and Classification

  • Cross-Lingual Phrase Retrieval

  • Learning to Rank Visual Stories From Human Ranking Data

  • Multi-View Document Representation Learning for Open-Domain Dense Retrieval

  • New Intent Discovery with Pre-training and Contrastive Learning

  • Pre-training and Fine-tuning Neural Topic Model: A Simple yet Effective Approach to Incorporating External Knowledge

  • RELiC: Retrieving Evidence for Literary Claims

  • Retrieval-guided Counterfactual Generation for QA

  • SDR: Efficient Neural Re-ranking using Succinct Document Representation

  • Sentence-aware Contrastive Learning for Open-Domain Passage Retrieval

  • Show Me More Details: Discovering Hierarchies of Procedures from Semistructured Web Data

  • Training Data is More Valuable than You Think: A Simple and Effective Method by Retrieving from Training Data

  • UCTopic: Unsupervised Contrastive Learning for Phrase Representations and Topic Mining

  • Unsupervised Corpus Aware Language Model Pre-training for Dense Passage Retrieval

  • Zoom Out and Observe: News Environment Perception for Fake News Detection

Interpretability and Analysis of Models for NLP【NLP模型的可解释性与分析】

  • A Closer Look at How Fine-tuning Changes BERT

  • A Comparative Study of Faithfulness Metrics for Model Interpretability Methods

  • A Comparison of Strategies for Source-Free Domain Adaptation

  • Active Evaluation: Efficient NLG Evaluation with Few Pairwise Comparisons

  • Adaptive Testing and Debugging of NLP Models

  • An Empirical Study of Memorization in NLP

  • An Empirical Study on Explanations in Out-of-Domain Settings

  • An Empirical Survey of the Effectiveness of Debiasing Techniques for Pretrained Language Models

  • An Investigation of the (In)effectiveness of Counterfactually Augmented Data

  • Can Explanations Be Useful for Calibrating Black Box Models?

  • Can Pre-trained Language Models Interpret Similes as Smart as Human?

  • Can Prompt Probe Pretrained Language Models? Understanding the Invisible Risks from a Causal View

  • Can Synthetic Translations Improve Bitext Quality?

  • Can Transformer be Too Compositional? Analysing Idiom Processing in Neural Machine Translation

  • Causal Probing for Grammatical Number: From Encoding to Usage

  • Coherence boosting: When your pretrained language model is not paying enough attention

  • Context Matters: A Pragmatic Study of PLMs’ Negation Understanding

  • Cross-Lingual Ability of Multilingual Masked Language Models: A Study of Language Structure

  • Dataset Geography: Mapping Language Data to Language Users

  • Do Transformer Models Show Similar Attention Patterns to Task-Specific Human Gaze?

  • Does Recommend-Revise Produce Reliable Annotations? An Analysis on Missing Instances in DocRED

  • Explanation Graph Generation via Pre-trained Language Models: An Empirical Study with Contrastive Learning

  • Finding Structural Knowledge in Multimodal-BERT

  • Generating Biographies on Wikipedia: The Impact of Gender Bias on the Retrieval-Based Generation of Women Biographies

  • GPT-D: Inducing Dementia-related Linguistic Anomalies by Deliberate Degradation of Artificial Neural Language Models

  • How can NLP Help Revitalize Endangered Languages? A Case Study and Roadmap for the Cherokee Language

  • ILDAE: Instance-Level Difficulty Analysis of Evaluation Data

  • IMPLI: Investigating NLI Models’ Performance on Figurative Language

  • Improving Generalizability in Implicitly Abusive Language Detection with Concept Activation Vectors

  • Interpretability for Language Learners Using Example-Based Grammatical Error Correction

  • Interpreting Character Embeddings With Perceptual Representations: The Case of Shape, Sound, and Color

  • Investigating Failures of Automatic Translation in the Case of Unambiguous Gender

  • Investigating Non-local Features for Neural Constituency Parsing

  • Is Attention Explanation? An Introduction to the Debate

  • Life after BERT: What do Other Muppets Understand about Language?

  • Low-Rank Softmax Can Have Unargmaxable Classes in Theory but Rarely in Practice

  • Measuring Fairness of Text Classifiers via Prediction Sensitivity

  • Memorisation versus Generalisation in Pre-trained Language Models

  • Metaphors in Pre-Trained Language Models: Probing and Generalization Across Datasets and Languages

  • On the Sensitivity and Stability of Model Interpretations in NLP

  • Pretraining with Artificial Language: Studying Transferable Knowledge in Language Models

  • Probing as Quantifying Inductive Bias

  • Probing Simile Knowledge from Pre-trained Language Models

  • ProtoTEx: Explaining Model Decisions with Prototype Tensors

  • Reports of personal experiences and stories in argumentation: datasets and analysis

  • Rewire-then-Probe: A Contrastive Recipe for Probing Biomedical Knowledge of Pre-trained Language Models

  • Sense Embeddings are also Biased – Evaluating Social Biases in Static and Contextualised Sense Embeddings

  • Signal in Noise: Exploring Meaning Encoded in Random Character Sequences with Character-Aware Language Models

  • Systematic Inequalities in Language Technology Performance across the World’s Languages

  • That Is a Suspicious Reaction!: Interpreting Logits Variation to Detect NLP Adversarial Attacks

  • The Dangers of Underclaiming: Reasons for Caution When Reporting How NLP Systems Fail

  • The Moral Debater: A Study on the Computational Generation of Morally Framed Arguments

  • The Paradox of the Compositionality of Natural Language: A Neural Machine Translation Case Study

  • Things not Written in Text: Exploring Spatial Commonsense from Visual Signals

  • Toward Interpretable Semantic Textual Similarity via Optimal Transportbased Contrastive Sentence Learning

  • Transformers in the loop: Polarity in neural models of language

  • Upstream Mitigation Is Not All You Need: Testing the Bias Transfer Hypothesis in Pre-Trained Language Models

  • When did you become so smart, oh wise one?! Sarcasm Explanation in Multi-modal Multi-party Dialogues

  • Where to Go for the Holidays: Towards Mixed-Type Dialogs for Clarification of User Goals

  • Which side are you on? Insider-Outsider classification in conspiracy theoretic social media

  • Word Order Does Matter and Shuffled Language Models Know It

Language Model【语言模型】


  • ABC: Attention with Bounded-memory Control

  • AdapLeR: Speeding up Inference by Adaptive Length Reduction

  • AlephBERT: Language Model Pre-training and Evaluation from Sub-Word to Sentence Level

  • Better Language Model with Hypernym Class Prediction

  • CAMERO: Consistency Regularized Ensemble of Perturbed Language Models with Weight Sharing

  • ClarET: Pre-training a Correlation-Aware Context-To-Event Transformer for Event-Centric Generation and Classification

  • ClusterFormer: Neural Clustering Attention for Efficient and Effective Transformer

  • Dependency-based Mixture Language Models

  • E-LANG: Energy-Based Joint Inferencing of Super and Swift Language Models

  • EPT-X: An Expression-Pointer Transformer model that generates eXplanations for numbers

  • Exploring and Adapting Chinese GPT to Pinyin Input Method

  • Few-Shot Tabular Data Enrichment Using Fine-Tuned Transformer Architectures

  • Fine- and Coarse-Granularity Hybrid Self-Attention for Efficient BERT

  • FORTAP: Using Formulas for Numerical-Reasoning-Aware Table Pretraining

  • Fully Hyperbolic Neural Networks

  • GLM: General Language Model Pretraining with Autoregressive Blank Infilling

  • infty-former: Infinite Memory Transformer

  • KinyaBERT: a Morphology-aware Kinyarwanda Language Model

  • Knowledge Neurons in Pretrained Transformers

  • LiLT: A Simple yet Effective Language-Independent Layout Transformer for Structured Document Understanding

  • Long-range Sequence Modeling with Predictable Sparse Attention

  • Low-Rank Softmax Can Have Unargmaxable Classes in Theory but Rarely in Practice

  • Making Transformers Solve Compositional Tasks

  • Pyramid-BERT: Reducing Complexity via Successive Core-set based Token Selection

  • SkipBERT: Efficient Inference with Shallow Layer Skipping

  • Sparsifying Transformer Models with Trainable Representation Pooling

  • StableMoE: Stable Routing Strategy for Mixture of Experts

  • TableFormer: Robust Transformer Modeling for Table-Text Encoding

  • Transkimmer: Transformer Learns to Layer-wise Skim


  • The Trade-offs of Domain Adaptation for Neural Language Models

  • A Simple Hash-Based Early Exiting Approach For Language Understanding and Generation

  • Feeding What You Need by Understanding What You Learned

  • Distinguishing Non-natural from Natural Adversarial Samples for More Robust Pre-trained Language Model

  • Training Data is More Valuable than You Think: A Simple and Effective Method by Retrieving from Training Data

  • ELLE: Efficient Lifelong Pre-training for Emerging Data

  • LinkBERT: Pretraining Language Models with Document Links

  • CoCoLM: Complex Commonsense Enhanced Language Model with Discourse Relations

  • Coherence boosting: When your pretrained language model is not paying enough attention

  • Feeding What You Need by Understanding What You Learned

  • LinkBERT: Pretraining Language Models with Document Links

  • MarkupLM: Pre-training of Text and Markup Language for Visually Rich Document Understanding

  • Sparse Progressive Distillation: Resolving Overfitting under Pretrain-andFinetune Paradigm

  • Token Dropping for Efficient BERT Pretraining

  • XLM-E: Cross-lingual Language Model Pre-training via ELECTRA


  • Compression of Generative Pre-trained Language Models via Quantization

  • BERT Learns to Teach: Knowledge Distillation with Meta Learning

  • Multi-Granularity Structural Knowledge Distillation for Language Model Compression

  • Structured Pruning Learns Compact and Accurate Models


  • A Closer Look at How Fine-tuning Changes BERT

  • A Good Prompt Is Worth Millions of Parameters: Low-resource Promptbased Learning for Vision-Language Models

  • Adversarial Soft Prompt Tuning for Cross-Domain Sentiment Analysis

  • An Information-theoretic Approach to Prompt Engineering Without Ground Truth Labels

  • Are Prompt-based Models Clueless?

  • bert2BERT: Towards Reusable Pretrained Language Models

  • CogTaskonomy: Cognitively Inspired Task Taxonomy Is Beneficial to Transfer Learning in NLP

  • Composable Sparse Fine-Tuning for Cross-Lingual Transfer

  • ConTinTin: Continual Learning from Task Instructions

  • Cross-Task Generalization via Natural Language Crowdsourcing Instructions

  • Efficient Unsupervised Sentence Compression by Fine-tuning Transformers with Reinforcement Learning

  • Enhancing Cross-lingual Natural Language Inference by Prompt-learning from Cross-lingual Templates

  • Fantastically Ordered Prompts and Where to Find Them: Overcoming FewShot Prompt Order Sensitivity

  • Few-Shot Learning with Siamese Networks and Label Tuning

  • Knowledgeable Prompt-tuning: Incorporating Knowledge into Prompt Verbalizer for Text Classification

  • On Continual Model Refinement in Out-of-Distribution Data Streams

  • Overcoming Catastrophic Forgetting beyond Continual Learning: Balanced Training for Neural Machine Translation

  • PPT: Pre-trained Prompt Tuning for Few-shot Learning

  • Prompt-Based Rule Discovery and Boosting for Interactive WeaklySupervised Learning

  • Prompt for Extraction? PAIE: Prompting Argument Interaction for Event Argument Extraction

  • Prompt-free and Efficient Few-shot Learning with Language Models

  • Prototypical Verbalizer for Prompt-based Few-shot Tuning

  • Turning Tables: Generating Examples from Semi-structured Tables for Endowing Language Models with Reasoning Skills

  • UniPELT: A Unified Framework for Parameter-Efficient Language Model Tuning

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