Google Earth Engine——PROBA-V C1 Top Of Canopy Daily Synthesis 100m/333m数据集

简介: Google Earth Engine——PROBA-V C1 Top Of Canopy Daily Synthesis 100m/333m数据集

Proba-V is a satellite mission tasked to map land cover and vegetation growth. It was designed to provide continuity for the VGT optical instrument from the SPOT-4 and SPOT-5 missions.

The sensor collects data in three VNIR (visible and near-infrared) bands and one SWIR (short-wave infrared) spectral band with a 2250km field of view. Global images are produced every 2 days at 300m resolution, and a 100m image from nadir observations every 5 days. These images are later composited to produce this daily synthesis dataset. The description of the compositing and atmospheric correction procedures can be found in the user manual.

The reflectances provided in this dataset are presented as Digital Count Numbers (DN) and must be converted according to the guidelines in Section 4.6.1 of the user manual.




Dataset Availability

2013-10-17T00:00:00 - 2021-09-18T00:00:00

Dataset Provider

Vito / ESA

Collection Snippet



100 meters

Bands Table

Name Description Units Wavelength
RED Top of canopy reflectance RED channel 658nm, FWHM: 82nm
NIR Top of canopy reflectance NIR channel 834nm, FWHM: 121nm
BLUE Top of canopy reflectance BLUE channel 460nm, FWHM: 42nm
SWIR Top of canopy reflectance SWIR channel 1610nm, FWHM: 89nm
NDVI Normalized Difference Vegetation Index
SZA Solar zenith angle Degrees
SAA Solar azimuth angle Degrees
SWIRVAA Viewing azimuth angles SWIR detector Degrees
SWIRVZA Viewing zenith angle SWIR detector Degree
VNIRVAA Viewing azimuth angle VNIR detector Degrees
VNIRVZA Viewing zenith angle VNIR detector Degrees
SM Quality / Information band.
SM Bitmask
  • Bits 0-2: Cloud/ice snow/shadow flag
    • 0: Clear
    • 1: Shadow
    • 2: Undefined
    • 3: Cloud
    • 4: Ice
  • Bit 3: Land/sea
    • 0: Sea
    • 1: Land (pixels with this value may include areas of sea)
  • Bit 4: Radiometric quality SWIR flag
    • 0: Bad
    • 1: Good
  • Bit 5: Radiometric quality NIR flag
    • 0: Bad
    • 1: Good
  • Bit 6: Radiometric quality RED flag
    • 0: Bad
    • 1: Good
  • Bit 7: Radiometric quality BLUE flag
    • 0: Bad
    • 1: Good
TIME Time elapsed since the start of image collection of this mosaic Minutes


Name Type Description
ARCHIVING_DATE String Archiving date
CLOUD_COVER_PERCENTAGE Double Cloud cover percentage
LAND_PERCENTAGE Double Land percentage
MISSING_DATA_PERCENTAGE Double Missing data percentage
PROBAV_ATMCORR_SMAC_VERSION String Initial version of the atmospheric correction algorithm
PROBAV_CLOUDICESNOWDETECTION_VERSION String Initial version of the cloud and snow/ice detection algorithm
PROBAV_COMPOSITING_MVC_VERSION String Initial version of the MVC compositing algorithm
PROBAV_GEOMODELLING_VERSION String Initial version of the geometric modelling algorithm
PROBAV_MAPPING_VERSION String Initial version of the projection algorithm
PROBAV_MOSAIC_VERSION String Initial version of the mosaicking algorithm
PROBAV_RADIOMODELLING_VERSION String Initial version of the radiometric modelling algorithm
PROBAV_SHADOWDETECTION_VERSION String Initial version of the shadow detection algorithm
PRODUCT_VERSION String Product version
SNOW_COVER_PERCENTAGE Double Snow cover percentage


PROBA-V 300m and 100m data are freely available for data older than 1 month.

Copyright ESA-BELSPO, produced by Vito

版本:PROBA-V C1 Top Of Canopy Daily Synthesis 100m


var dataset = ee.ImageCollection('VITO/PROBAV/S1_TOC_100M');
var visualization = {
  bands: ['RED', 'NIR', 'BLUE'],
  min: 20.0,
  max: 2000.0,
Map.setCenter(17.93, 7.71, 2);
Map.addLayer(dataset, visualization, 'False Color');



var dataset = ee.ImageCollection('VITO/PROBAV/S1_TOC_333M');
var visualization = {
  bands: ['RED', 'NIR', 'BLUE'],
  min: 20.0,
  max: 2000.0,
Map.setCenter(17.93, 7.71, 2);
Map.addLayer(dataset, visualization, 'False Color');

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