Step By Step
import http.client
import urllib.request
import json
import time
class TtsHeader:
def __init__(self, appkey, token):
self.appkey = appKey
self.token = token
def tojson(self, e):
return {'appkey': e.appkey, 'token': e.token}
class TtsContext:
def __init__(self, device_id):
self.device_id = device_id
# 将序列化函数定义到类中。
def tojson(self, e):
return {'device_id': e.device_id}
class TtsRequest:
def __init__(self, voice, sample_rate, format, enable_subtitle, text):
self.voice = voice
self.sample_rate = sample_rate
self.format = format
self.enable_subtitle = enable_subtitle
self.text = text
def tojson(self, e):
return {'voice': e.voice, 'sample_rate': e.sample_rate, 'format': e.format, 'enable_subtitle': e.enable_subtitle, 'text': e.text}
class TtsPayload:
def __init__(self, enable_notify, notify_url, tts_request):
self.enable_notify = enable_notify
self.notify_url = notify_url
self.tts_request = tts_request
def tojson(self, e):
return {'enable_notify': e.enable_notify, 'notify_url': e.notify_url, 'tts_request': e.tts_request.tojson(e.tts_request)}
class TtsBody:
def __init__(self, tts_header, tts_context, tts_payload):
self.tts_header = tts_header
self.tts_context = tts_context
self.tts_payload = tts_payload
def tojson(self, e):
return {'header': e.tts_header.tojson(e.tts_header), 'context': e.tts_context.tojson(e.tts_context), 'payload': e.tts_payload.tojson(e.tts_payload)}
# 根据特定信息轮询检查某个请求在服务端的合成状态,每隔10秒钟轮询一次状态.轮询操作非必须,如果设置了回调url,则服务端会在合成完成后主动回调。
def waitLoop4Complete(url, appkey, token, task_id, request_id):
# fullUrl = url + "?appkey=" + appkey + "&task_id=" + task_id + "&token=" + token + "&request_id=" + request_id
fullUrl = url + "?appkey=" + appkey + "&task_id=" + \
task_id + "&token=" + token + "&request_id=" + request_id
print("fullUrl=", fullUrl)
host = {"Host": "", "Accept": "*/*",
"Connection": "keep-alive", 'Content-Type': 'application/json'}
while True:
result = urllib.request.urlopen(fullUrl).read()
print("query result = ", result)
jsonData = json.loads(result)
# jsonData["data"]["audio_address"] is None表示还在未合成完成的状态...每隔10秒钟轮询一次状态
if (jsonData["data"]["audio_address"] is None):
print(" Tts Queuing...please wait...")
elif "error_code" in jsonData and jsonData["error_code"] == 20000000 and "data" in jsonData and (jsonData["data"]["audio_address"] != ""):
print("Tts Finished! task_id = " + jsonData["data"]["task_id"])
print("Tts Finished! audio_address = " +
print("Tts Running...")
# 长文本语音合成restful接口,支持post调用,不支持get请求。发出请求后,可以轮询状态或者等待服务端合成后自动回调(如果设置了回调参数)。
def requestLongTts4Post(tts_body, appkey, token):
host = ''
url = 'https://' + host + '/rest/v1/tts/async'
# 设置HTTP Headers
http_headers = {'Content-Type': 'application/json'}
print('The POST request body content: ' + tts_body)
conn = http.client.HTTPSConnection(host)
#conn = httplib.HTTPConnection(host)
conn.request(method='POST', url=url, body=tts_body, headers=http_headers)
response = conn.getresponse()
print('Response status and response reason:')
print(response.status, response.reason)
contentType = response.getheader('Content-Type')
body =
if response.status == 200:
jsonData = json.loads(body)
print('The request succeed : ', jsonData)
print('error_code = ', jsonData['error_code'])
task_id = jsonData['data']['task_id']
request_id = jsonData['request_id']
print('task_id = ', task_id)
print('request_id = ', request_id)
# 说明:轮询检查服务端的合成状态,轮询操作非必须。如果设置了回调url,则服务端会在合成完成后主动回调。
waitLoop4Complete(url, appkey, token, task_id, request_id)
print('The request failed: ' + str(body))
appKey = 'your appkey'
token = 'your token'
text = '今天是周一,天气挺好的。'
# 拼接HTTP Post请求的消息体内容。
th = TtsHeader(appKey, token)
tc = TtsContext("mydevice")
# TtsRequest对象内容为:发音人、采样率、语音格式、待合成文本内容。
tr = TtsRequest("xiaoyun", 16000, "wav", False, text)
# 是否设置回调url,回调url地址,TtsRequest对象。
tp = TtsPayload(True, "", tr)
tb = TtsBody(th, tc, tp)
body = json.dumps(tb, default=tb.tojson)
requestLongTts4Post(str(body), appKey, token)
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