
简介: 介绍一些sentinel中的重要概念




0-默认策略(default or directly)-DefaultController:使用时间窗口进行QPS限流,如果未达到QPS就放行。达到QPS,而prioritized=true,会让线程sleep到下一个时间窗口在尝试。
1-warm up-warmUpController

public boolean canPass(Node node, int acquireCount, boolean prioritized) {
    long passQps = (long) node.passQps();

    long previousQps = (long) node.previousPassQps();

    // 开始计算它的斜率
    // 如果进入了警戒线,开始调整他的qps
    long restToken = storedTokens.get();
    if (restToken >= warningToken) {
        long aboveToken = restToken - warningToken;
        // 消耗的速度要比warning快,但是要比慢
        // current interval = restToken*slope+1/count
        double warningQps = Math.nextUp(1.0 / (aboveToken * slope + 1.0 / count));
        if (passQps + acquireCount <= warningQps) {
            return true;
    } else {
        if (passQps + acquireCount <= count) {
            return true;

    return false;

protected void syncToken(long passQps) {
    long currentTime = TimeUtil.currentTimeMillis();
    currentTime = currentTime - currentTime % 1000;
    long oldLastFillTime = lastFilledTime.get();
    if (currentTime <= oldLastFillTime) {

    long oldValue = storedTokens.get();
    long newValue = coolDownTokens(currentTime, passQps);

    if (storedTokens.compareAndSet(oldValue, newValue)) {
        long currentValue = storedTokens.addAndGet(0 - passQps);
        if (currentValue < 0) {


private long coolDownTokens(long currentTime, long passQps) {
    long oldValue = storedTokens.get();
    long newValue = oldValue;

    // 添加令牌的判断前提条件:
    // 当令牌的消耗程度远远低于警戒线的时候
    if (oldValue < warningToken) {
        newValue = (long)(oldValue + (currentTime - lastFilledTime.get()) * count / 1000);
    } else if (oldValue > warningToken) {
        if (passQps < (int)count / coldFactor) {
            newValue = (long)(oldValue + (currentTime - lastFilledTime.get()) * count / 1000);
    return Math.min(newValue, maxToken);


public WarmUpController(double count, int warmUpPeriodInSec) {
    construct(count, warmUpPeriodInSec, 3);

private void construct(double count, int warmUpPeriodInSec, int coldFactor) {

    if (coldFactor <= 1) {
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("Cold factor should be larger than 1");

    this.count = count;

    this.coldFactor = coldFactor;

    // thresholdPermits = 0.5 * warmupPeriod / stableInterval.
    // warningToken = 100;
    warningToken = (int)(warmUpPeriodInSec * count) / (coldFactor - 1);
    // / maxPermits = thresholdPermits + 2 * warmupPeriod /
    // (stableInterval + coldInterval)
    // maxToken = 200
    maxToken = warningToken + (int)(2 * warmUpPeriodInSec * count / (1.0 + coldFactor));

    // slope
    // slope = (coldIntervalMicros - stableIntervalMicros) / (maxPermits
    // - thresholdPermits);
    slope = (coldFactor - 1.0) / count / (maxToken - warningToken);

2-rate limiter-RateLimiterController:和default模式相比,更侧重于从频率层面限流。比如对于Default模式,如果QPS设置为10,那1秒内不管这10个请求什么时候进来,都是可以通过的。可以在最后100ms内通过10个请求。而Rate limiter的要求是,第一个请求通过后,必须再过超过100ms才能有第二个请求通过。

public boolean canPass(Node node, int acquireCount, boolean prioritized) {
    // Pass when acquire count is less or equal than 0.
    if (acquireCount <= 0) {
        return true;
    // Reject when count is less or equal than 0.
    // Otherwise,the costTime will be max of long and waitTime will overflow in some cases.
    if (count <= 0) {
        return false;

    long currentTime = TimeUtil.currentTimeMillis();
    // Calculate the interval between every two requests.
    long costTime = Math.round(1.0 * (acquireCount) / count * 1000);

    // Expected pass time of this request.
    long expectedTime = costTime + latestPassedTime.get();

    if (expectedTime <= currentTime) {
        // Contention may exist here, but it's okay.
        return true;
    } else {
        // Calculate the time to wait.
        long waitTime = costTime + latestPassedTime.get() - TimeUtil.currentTimeMillis();
        if (waitTime > maxQueueingTimeMs) {
            return false;
        } else {
            long oldTime = latestPassedTime.addAndGet(costTime);
            try {
                waitTime = oldTime - TimeUtil.currentTimeMillis();
                if (waitTime > maxQueueingTimeMs) {
                    return false;
                // in race condition waitTime may <= 0
                if (waitTime > 0) {
                return true;
            } catch (InterruptedException e) {
    return false;

3-warm up + rate limiter-WarmUpRateLimiterController
这个就字面意思,warm up的rate limiter版本,把warm up的QPS换成频率来计算限流。

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