1 装饰器模式
2 类图实现
3 代码实现
public interface Shape { void draw(); }
public class Rectangle implements Shape { @Override public void draw() { System.out.println("Shape: Rectangle"); } }
public class Circle implements Shape { @Override public void draw() { System.out.println("Shape: Circle"); } }
public abstract class ShapeDecorator implements Shape { protected Shape decoratedShape; public ShapeDecorator(Shape decoratedShape){ this.decoratedShape = decoratedShape; } public void draw(){ decoratedShape.draw(); } }
public class RedShapeDecorator extends ShapeDecorator { public RedShapeDecorator(Shape decoratedShape) { super(decoratedShape); } @Override public void draw() { decoratedShape.draw(); setRedBorder(decoratedShape); } private void setRedBorder(Shape decoratedShape){ System.out.println("Border Color: Red"); } }
public class DecoratorPatternDemo { public static void main(String[] args) { Shape circle = new Circle(); ShapeDecorator redCircle = new RedShapeDecorator(new Circle()); ShapeDecorator redRectangle = new RedShapeDecorator(new Rectangle()); //Shape redCircle = new RedShapeDecorator(new Circle()); //Shape redRectangle = new RedShapeDecorator(new Rectangle()); System.out.println("Circle with normal border"); circle.draw(); System.out.println("\nCircle of red border"); redCircle.draw(); System.out.println("\nRectangle of red border"); redRectangle.draw(); } }
4 运行结果
Circle with normal border Shape: Circle Circle of red border Shape: Circle Border Color: Red Rectangle of red border Shape: Rectangle Border Color: Red
5 优点