如何判断当前的SAP Spartacus已经运行在SSR模式,而不是PWA模式下了

简介: 如何判断当前的SAP Spartacus已经运行在SSR模式,而不是PWA模式下了

You can try running “yarn build:ssr” and “yarn serve:ssr” locally to validate that SSR mode is working.

Once you run the serve command and visit the site, you should be able to see that your first HTML request contains some data rather than just a blank page. This would signify that SSR is working correctly.


After you have confirmation locally, you can go ahead and try a deployment to CCv2.

You can follow the steps on the SAP Help Portal https://help.sap.com/viewer/b2f400d4c0414461a4bb7e115dccd779/v2005/en-US/cd5b94c25a68456ba5840f942f33f68b.html. Once your deployment is done you can validate it in the same way you did locally.

If you see a blank page rather than a page with data you can take a look at Kibana for your JS Storefront service. If you see a log like “SSR rendering exceeded timeout, fallbacking to CSR for” it means SSR is functioning correctly but for performance, reason rendered the CSR page.Regards,Louis

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