来源 | HaaS技术社区
1、LE Audio介绍
1.1、LE Audio传输协议
2019年底,蓝牙官方组织SIG发布了蓝牙5.2版本的核心协议,其中增加了一个重要的特性---LE Audio。
蓝牙的应用协议都是从应用层到物理层完整包含的协议,LE Audio也不例外。但蓝牙5.2核心协议仅仅定义了蓝牙LE的链路层传输Audio的方式,上层协议以及完整的LE Audio规范迟迟未出,近日,蓝牙官方组织释放了LE Audio较为完整的规范文档。
1.2、LE Audio完整应用
本次Sig组织定义了如下规范和协议,这些规范协议连同核心协议组成了LE Audio的完整应用
- Basic Audio Profile(BAP)
基础音频规范,LE Audio的关键规范,定义了各类角色以及每个角色需要支持的能力,以及如何使用如下各服务完成音频应用的传输。LE Audio支持点对点音频模式和广播音频模式,2种模式下,会使用不同的服务。
- Published Audio Capabilities Service(PACS)
- Audio Stream Control Service(ASCS)
- Broadcast Audio Scan Service(BASS)
- Low Complexity Comunication Codec(LC3)
用于LE Audio的音频编解码器,顾名思义,此编码器属于低复杂度的音频编码器。LC3编码器可选参数范围很大,应用范围从8KHz单声道语音到48KHZ多声道音乐均支持,同时相比经典蓝牙音频规范使用的编码器SBC,同码率下音质有很大的提升。
2、LE Audio详解
BAP规范作为LE Audio的基础音频规范,其位于如下蓝牙协议层。
Unicast Role |
Unicast Server |
点对点音频从设备 |
Unicast Client |
点对点音频主设备 |
Broadcast Role |
Broadcast Source |
广播音频发射设备 |
Broadcast Sink |
广播音频接收设备 |
Broadcast Assistant |
广播音频协助设备 |
Scan Delegator |
广播音频扫描设备 |
每类角色支持的服务如下(注: X代表不支持,M代表必须支持,O代码可选支持)
BAP Role Service Role |
Unicast Server |
Unicast Client |
Broadcast Source |
Broadcast Sink |
Scan Delegator |
Broadcast Assistant |
ASCS Client |
X |
M |
X |
X |
X |
X |
ASCS Server |
M |
X |
X |
X |
X |
X |
PACS Client |
X |
M |
X |
X |
X |
O |
PACS Server |
M |
X |
X |
M |
X |
X |
BASS Client |
X |
X |
X |
X |
X |
M |
BASS Server |
X |
X |
X |
X |
M |
X |
以Unicast Server和Unicast Client为例,其步骤如下
- Unicast Client通过GATT服务发现操作发现Unicast Server的PACS服务并得知音频参数。
- Unicast Client通过GATT服务发现操作发现Unicast Server的ASCS服务并得知当前状态。
- Unicast Client如发现其音频参数匹配且Server的状态处于IDLE状态,即可连接音频服务。
- Unicast Client通过ASCS定义的操作码,配置音频编解码参数和音频传输参数,然后开启音频。
- Unicast Client通过核心协议5.2定义的方式,根据配置参数,在链路层开启CIS音频传输流。
- Unicast Sink通过ASCS操作码,通知Unicast Source已可接收音频。
- Unicast Source开启LC3编解码器,并将编码后的音频流通过CIS传输到Unicast Sink。
- Unicast Sink接收音频流,解码并播放。
Characteristic Name |
Requirement |
Mandatory Properties |
Optional Properties |
Security Permissions |
Sink PAC |
C.1 |
Read |
Notify |
Encryption required |
Sink Audio Locations |
C.2 |
Read |
Notify, Write |
Encryption required |
Source PAC |
C.1 |
Read |
Notify |
Encryption required |
Source Audio Locations |
C.3 |
Read |
Notify, Write |
Encryption required |
Available Audio Contexts |
M |
Read, Notify |
None |
Encryption required |
Supported Audio Contexts |
M |
Read |
Notify |
Encryption required |
其中,Source PAC为音频发送能力属性,当设备支持音频发送时才需要定义,其格式如下:
Parameter |
Size (Octets) |
Description |
Number_of_PAC_records |
1 |
Number of PAC records, [i], for this characteristic |
Codec_ID[i] |
5 |
Octet 0: Coding_Format value of the [ith] PAC record. Coding_Format values are defined in Bluetooth Assigned Numbers. Octet 1–2: Company _ID value of the [ith] PAC record. Shall be 0x0000 if octet 0 is not 0xFF. Company_ID values are defined in Bluetooth Assigned Numbers. Octet 3–4: Vendor-specific codec_ID value of the [ith] PAC record. Shall be 0x0000 if octet 0 is not 0xFF. |
Codec_Specific_Capabilities_Length[i] |
1 |
Length of the Codec_Specific_Capabilities value of the [ith] PAC record. Shall be 0x00 if the Codec_Specific_Capabilities value of the [ith] PAC record is empty. |
Codec_Specific_Capabilities[i] |
Varies |
Codec_Specific_Capabilities value of the [ith] PAC record. |
Metadata_Length[i] |
1 |
Length of the Metadata field of the [ith] PAC record. Shall be 0x00 if the Metadata value of the [ith] PAC record value is empty. |
Metadata[i] |
Varies |
LTV-formatted Metadata applicable to the [ith] PAC record. Shall exist only if the value of the Metadata_Length field is not 0x00. |
Sink PAC为音频接收能力属性,当设备支持音频接收时才需要定义,其格式如下:
Parameter |
Size (Octets) |
Description |
Number_of_PAC_records |
1 |
Number of PAC records, [i], in this characteristic. |
Codec_ID[i] |
5 |
Octet 0: Coding Format of the [ith] PAC record. Coding_Format values are defined in Bluetooth Assigned Numbers Octet 1–2: Company_ID value of the [ith] PAC record. Company_ID values are defined in Bluetooth Assigned Numbers Shall be 0x0000 if octet 0 is not 0xFF. Octet 3–4: Vendor-specific codec_ID value of the [ith] PAC record. Shall be 0x0000 if octet 0 is not 0xFF. |
Codec_Specific_Capabilities_Length[i] |
1 |
Length, in octets, of the Codec_Specific_Capabilities value of the [ith] PAC record. Shall be 0x00 if the Codec_Specific_Capabilities value of the [ith] PAC record is empty. |
Codec_Specific_Capabilities[i] |
Varies |
Codec_Specific_Capabilities value of the [ith] PAC record. |
Metadata_Length[i] |
1 |
Length of the Metadata field of the [ith] PAC record. Shall be 0x00 if the Metadata value of the [ith] PAC record value is empty. |
Metadata[i] |
Varies |
Length-type-value (LTV)-formatted Metadata applicable to the [ith] PAC record. Shall exist only if the value of the Metadata_Length field is not 0x00. |
Characteristic Name |
Requirement |
Mandatory Properties |
Optional Properties |
Security Permissions |
Sink ASE |
C.1 |
Read, Notify |
None |
Encryption required |
Source ASE |
C.1 |
Read, Notify |
None |
Encryption required |
ASE Control Point |
M |
Write, WriteWithoutResponse, Notify |
None |
Encryption required |
Characteristic Name |
Requirement |
Mandatory Properties |
Optional Properties |
Security Permissions |
Broadcast Audio Scan Control Point |
M |
Write, Write Without Response |
None |
Encryption required |
Broadcast Receive State |
M |
Read, Notify |
None |
Encryption required |
LC3编解码器用于LE Audio的音频编解码,与MP3,AAC类似,属于频域编码,编码效率远高于SBC子带编码,而10毫秒和7.5毫秒的短帧结构,对于音频延迟有较大改善。
3、LE Audio支持展望
LE Audio作为一个非常重要的特性,发布至今除少量demo仍未见应用。大规模普及仍依赖于操作系统厂商是否支持,诸如苹果的IOS以及谷歌的Android,从目前的进展(IOS14以及Android11)来看,仍未看到有支持LE Audio。
但翻看AOSP的代码,在Android12(android-s-beta版)上,已能发现LE Audio的痕迹,如下
从目前的代码完整度来看,仍不算完整功能支持,预计在Android12上会完善并开始应用,等手机支持后,相信会有厂商推出支持LE Audio的耳机。
但音频应用属于一个通用应用,苹果以及其他操作系统诸如微软的windows的支持也极其重要,从这个角度讲,LE Audio要大规模普及可能仍需要时间。