业界率先支持 MCP-OVER-XDS 协议,Nacos 2.0.1 + 1.4.2 Release 正式发布

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简介: Nacos 致力于帮助您发现、配置和管理微服务。Nacos 提供了一组简单易用的特性集,帮助您快速实现动态服务发现、服务配置、服务元数据及流量管理。

来源 | 阿里巴巴云原生公众号

Nacos 是阿里巴巴开源的服务发现与配置管理项目,本次同时发布两个版本:

  1. 发布 2.0.1 版本,主要致力于支持 MCP-OVER-XDS 协议,解决 Nacos 与 Istio 数据服务同步问题。
  2. 发布 1.4.2 版本,极大增强 K8s 环境中 JRaft 集群 Leader 选举的稳定性。

Nacos 2.0.1

2.0.1 主要变更为:

  1. 在 nacos-istio 插件及模块中,支持 MCP-OVER-XDS 协议,解决 Nacos 与 Istio 数据服务同步问题。
  2. 增强了 Jraft 协议在 K8s 环境中的 Leader 选举的稳定性。
  3. 修复了频繁抛出 Server is Down 错误的问题。


[#3484] Support ldap login.
[#4856] Support mcp over xds.
[#5137] Support service list add view subscriber.
[#5367] Support client encryption plugin for nacos 2.0.
[#5307] Push support config some parameters
[#5334] Fix Server is Down problem in k8s environment.
[#5361] Check isUseGrpcFeatures() when register instance using GRPC protocol.
[#5486] Refactor Distro Config as singleton and replace GlobalConfig.
[#5169] Fix instance beat run only by responsible server.
[#5175] Fix publishConfig lost type.
[#5178] Fix NPE when init server list failed.
[#5182] Fix throw NoSuchFieldException in ConfigController when service connect to nacos.
[#5204] Fix query error when pageNo is larger than service number.
[#5268] Fix subscriber app unknown
[#5327] Fix ThreadPool usage problem and add some monitor for distro.
[#5384] Fix the problem of unable to shutdown NacosConfigService.
[#5404] Fix frequently udp push for client 1.X.
[#5419] Fix Nacos 2.0 client auth may invalid for non public namespace.
[#5442] change state to UP when received status form old version server.
[#5096] Add unit tests in nacos 2.0.
[#5171][#5421][#5436][#5450][#5464] Fix IT for nacos 2.0.

Nacos 1.4.2

  1. 该版本优化了 JRaft 模块,与最新的 nacos-k8s 项目配合使用,极大增强集群选主的稳定性。
  2. 另外,该版本了修复有关“Server is Down”问题的提示及众多 1.4.1 版本中的 Bug。


[#4452] Add config compare features.
[#4602] Add new way for export config.
[#4996] Make log level changeable for nacos-core module.
[#5367] Add pre-plugin in client for encrypting config.
[#3922] Method createServiceIfAbsent in ServiceManager require sync.
[#4274] skip master-select task when db.num is 1.
[#4753] Use SafeConstructor to parse yaml configuration.
[#4762] Naming health check thread num support user define it by self.
[#4770] Beta publish: change the way of select betaIps, from input to select.
[#4778] Make SecurityProxy.accessToken threadsafe in single writer multi reader.
[#4903] Add securuty hint for login page.
[#4917] Raft ops interface add auth.
[#4980] Log4J2NacosLogging.loadConfiguration() return directly When location is blank.
[#5010] Fix the usage of TemplateUtils.
[#5190] Add some hint log when login failed.
[#5234] Solve the problem that page can be edited while publishing-config request is processing.
[#5331] Fix the mouse hovers over the margin in a pointer state and cannot be clicked.
[#5350] Add hint and detail reason for consistence status Down.
[#5439] Support specified naming UDP push port for client.
[#5434] Optimize the ConfigType.isValidType method.
[#3779] Check groupName can't be empty.
[#4661] ConfigServletInner#doGetConfig code optimization.
[#3610] Fix the press F1 to full screen issue in new config page.
[#3876] Fix push empty service name.
[#4306] Fix search service by group error problem.
[#4573,#4629] Jraft leader status check error.
[#4672] Fix cloning configuration lost description.
[#4699] Fix metadata batch operation may delete instance problem.
[#4756] Fix config list sort and search problem.
[#4787] Losting member if parsing host throw UnknownHostException.
[#4806] Fix addListener method comment.
[#4829] Remove instance when distro and raft remove instances data.
[#4852] Fix main.js is too large problem.
[#4854] Modify Header to support Keys Ignore Case.
[#4898] Fix instance list page bug.
[#4925] Fix member list change will cover member status and metadata problem.
[#5078] Fix the problem of inconsistent results for querying subscriber list data multiple times.
[#5026] Fix MetricsHttpAgent metrics twice.
[#5018] Check group and dataId in groupKey.
[#5114] ConcurrentHashSet.java is not compatible with jdk1.6 or 1.7.
[#5253] Fix missing auth identity header error.
[#5291] Fix Beat task will stop when throw unexpected exception.
[#5301] Respond all kinds of collections for istio's request.
[#5351] Fix Consistence status can't switch to UP after Jraft election.
[#5390] Fix ip verify error.
[#5427] Fix NPE if Jraft leader is null in CurcuitFilter.
[#5437] Fix config beta feature will lost dump event problem.
[#5451] Fix the tag can't be removed problem.
[#4822][#4823][#4824][#4825][#4979][#5506] Fix dependency security problem.
[#5277] Subscriber list servername add required.
[#5380][#5418] Add and enhance unit test.


随着 Nacos 2.0.1 及 1.4.2 的发布 Nacos 社区又新增了一位 Committer:haoyann,这位同学在推进多数据源支持、鉴权及安全性、配置模块优化与完善等内容中作出许多贡献,并积极参与社区讨论。


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About Nacos

Nacos 致力于帮助您发现、配置和管理微服务。Nacos 提供了一组简单易用的特性集,帮助您快速实现动态服务发现、服务配置、服务元数据及流量管理。

Nacos 帮助您更敏捷和容易地构建、交付和管理微服务平台。Nacos 是构建以“服务”为中心的现代应用架构 (例如微服务范式、云原生范式) 的服务基础设施。

欢迎来到《容器应用与集群管理》课程,本课程是“云原生容器Clouder认证“系列中的第二阶段。课程将向您介绍与容器集群相关的概念和技术,这些概念和技术可以帮助您了解阿里云容器服务ACK/ACK Serverless的使用。同时,本课程也会向您介绍可以采取的工具、方法和可操作步骤,以帮助您了解如何基于容器服务ACK Serverless构建和管理企业级应用。 学习完本课程后,您将能够: 掌握容器集群、容器编排的基本概念 掌握Kubernetes的基础概念及核心思想 掌握阿里云容器服务ACK/ACK Serverless概念及使用方法 基于容器服务ACK Serverless搭建和管理企业级网站应用
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对于Nacos 2.x版本,默认是通过gRPC协议进行通信的
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