天池 × 九章算法 周赛第2场题解

简介: 天池在线编程大赛第2场题解,本解析由九章算法旗下专业刷题平台@lintcode.com提供

每周限时赛(内测版) 第2场 题解

1. 粉刷天花板



我们仔细观察题目里s数组生成的式子,我们可以发现s数组是递增的,即s_i > s_{i - 1}恒成立。因此,我们要求满足s_i * s_j <= a(i,j)即可。


// This solution is powered by @lintcode.com
class Solution {
     * @param s0: the number s[0]
     * @param n: the number n
     * @param k: the number k
     * @param b: the number b
     * @param m: the number m
     * @param a: area
     * @return: the way can paint the ceiling
    long long painttheCeiling(int s0, int n, int k, int b, int m, long long a) {
        // write your code here
        long long ans = 1;
        int right = 0;
        vector<int> s;
        if (1LL * s0 * s0 > a) {
            return 0;
        int last = s0;
        for (int i = 1; i < n; i++) {
            last = (1LL * k * last + b) % m + 1 + last;
            if (1LL * last * last <= a) {
                ans += i * 2 + 1;
                right = i;
            else {
                while (right >= 0 && 1LL * s[right] * last > a) {
                ans += 2 * (right + 1);
        return ans;
# This solution is powered by @lintcode.com
class Solution:
    @param s0: the number s[0]
    @param n: the number n
    @param k: the number k
    @param b: the number b
    @param m: the number m
    @param a: area
    @return: the way can paint the ceiling
    def painttheCeiling(self, s0, n, k, b, m, a):
        # write your code here
        ans = 0
        right = n - 1
        s = []
        last = s0
        for i in range(1, n):
            last = (k * last + b) % m + 1 + last
        for i in range(n):
            while (right >= 0 and s[right] * s[i] > a):
                right -= 1
            ans += right + 1
        return ans

Java题解详见 九章算法solution

2. 第二直径


  • 从任意点P出发,找离它最远的Q,再从Q出发,找离它最远的W,W到Q的简单路径便是直径
  • 证明:
  1. 若P在直径上,那么根据直径定义,Q也在直径上,而且Q为直径的一个端点
  2. 若P不在直径上,假设WQ不是直径,AB是直径

    • AB与PQ有交点,因为P到Q最远那么PC+CQ>PC+CA,所以CQ>CA 所以CQ+CB>CA+CB 最后推出QB>AB,与AB是直径的假设矛盾
    • 若AB与PQ没有交点,M为AB上任意一点,N为PQ上任意一点。首先还是NP+NQ>NQ+MN+MB,推出 NP>MN+MB,易知NP+MN>MB,所以NP+MN+MA>MB+MA,即NP+MN+MA>AB,与AB是直径矛盾
  • 通过上述的证明我们知道了从一个点P出发,找最远的点Q,那么Q一定是直径的端点之一


  • 先求出树的第一直径的两个端点,两个端点分别遍历整个树,算出每个点i到两个端点的距离distanceOne_i,distanceTwo_i
  • 由上述证明的性质知道了到i的最远点一定是直径端点之一 那么maxDistance_i=max(distanceOne_i,distanceTwo_i)
  • 忽略掉第一直径的值,再求两两点对之间的距离的最大值便是答案,那只需要我们遍历一遍,算出max(maxDistance_i ) 要求i不是第一直径的端点,就可以找出第二直径的答案了


  • 时间复杂度


  • 空间复杂度


// This solution is powered by @lintcode.com
typedef struct Edge {
    int to, value;
    Edge (int to, int value) : to (to), value (value) {}
} Edge ;
    void bfs(int begin, int n, vector<long long> &distance, vector<vector<Edge> > &pointEdge) {

        vector<bool>visited(n, false);

        visited[begin] = true;
        distance[begin] = 0;

        while(!q.empty()) {
            int now = q.front();

            for(int i = 0; i < pointEdge[now].size(); i++) {
                int toPoint = pointEdge[now][i].to;
                int value = pointEdge[now][i].value;
                if(!visited[toPoint]) {
                    visited[toPoint] = true;
                    distance[toPoint] = distance[now] + value;
    int findMaxDistanceIndex(vector<long long> &distance) {
        long long maxDistance = 0;
        int index = 0;

        for(int i = 0; i < distance.size(); i++) {
            if(distance[i] > maxDistance) {
                maxDistance = distance[i];
                index = i;

        return index;
     * @param edge: edge[i][0] [1] [2]  start point,end point,value
     * @return: return the second diameter length of the tree
    long long getSecondDiameter(vector<vector<int> > &edge) {
        // write your code here

        int edgeNumber = edge.size();
        int n = edgeNumber + 1;

        vector<long long>distance(n, 0);
        vector<long long>distanceOne(n, 0);
        vector<long long>distanceTwo(n, 0);
        vector<vector<Edge> >pointEdge(n);

        for(int i = 0; i < edgeNumber; i++) {
            pointEdge[edge[i][0]].push_back(Edge(edge[i][1], edge[i][2]));
            pointEdge[edge[i][1]].push_back(Edge(edge[i][0], edge[i][2]));

        bfs(0, n, distance, pointEdge);
        //找出距离指定起点的最远的点 ,也就是直径的第一个端点
        int diameterFirstPointIndex = findMaxDistanceIndex(distance);
        bfs(diameterFirstPointIndex, n, distanceOne, pointEdge);
        //找出距离第一个端点最远的点 ,也就是直径的第二个端点
        int diameterSecondPointIndex = findMaxDistanceIndex(distanceOne);
        bfs(diameterSecondPointIndex, n, distanceTwo, pointEdge);

        long long secondDiameter = 0;

        for(int i = 0; i < n; i++) {

            if(i != diameterFirstPointIndex && i != diameterSecondPointIndex) {
                secondDiameter = max(secondDiameter, max(distanceOne[i], distanceTwo[i]));

        return secondDiameter;
# This solution is powered by @lintcode.com
class Solution:
       从begin点开始bfs遍历整个树,并计算出begin到每个点的距离 存到distance数组里

    def bfs(self, begin, n, distance, pointEdge):

        # bfs队列
        deque = collections.deque()
        # 标记访问数组
        visited = [False] * n

        # 将begin压入队列
        distance[begin] = 0
        visited[begin] = True
        while (len(deque)):
            # 取出队首
            now = deque.popleft()

            # 枚举和now相连的其他点
            for i in range(len(pointEdge[now])):
                to = pointEdge[now][i][0]
                # print(to)
                value = pointEdge[now][i][1]
                # 如果相连的点没有访问过,则压入队列
                if visited[to] == False:
                    visited[to] = True
                    distance[to] = distance[now] + value


    def findMaxDistanceIndex(self, distance):

        # 初始化最大距离和最大距离所在的数组下标
        maxDistance = 0
        index = 0

        # 找出最大距离
        for i in range(len(distance)):
            if distance[i] > maxDistance:
                maxDistance = distance[i]
                index = i

        return index

       @param edge: edge[i][0] [1] [2]  start point,end point,value
       @return: return the second diameter length of the tree

    def getSecondDiameter(self, edge):
        # write your code here

        # 边的数量
        edgeNumber = len(edge)

        # 点的数量
        n = edgeNumber + 1

        # 距离指定起点的距离
        distance = [0] * n
        # 距离直径第一个端点的距离
        distanceOne = [0] * n
        # 距离直径第二个端点的距离
        distanceTwo = [0] * n
        # 每个点储存有哪些边
        pointEdge = [[] for i in range(n)]

        # 加无向边

        for i in range(edgeNumber):
            pointEdge[edge[i][0]].append((edge[i][1], edge[i][2]))
            pointEdge[edge[i][1]].append((edge[i][0], edge[i][2]))

        # print(pointEdge)

        # //从指定的起点开始BFS
        self.bfs(0, n, distance, pointEdge)
        # 找出距离指定起点的最远的点 ,也就是直径的第一个端点
        diameterFirstPointIndex = self.findMaxDistanceIndex(distance)
        # 从直径的第一个端点再开始BFS
        self.bfs(diameterFirstPointIndex, n, distanceOne, pointEdge)
        # 找出距离第一个端点最远的点 ,也就是直径的第二个端点
        diameterSecondPointIndex = self.findMaxDistanceIndex(distanceOne)
        # 从直径的第二个端点再开始BFS
        self.bfs(diameterSecondPointIndex, n, distanceTwo, pointEdge)

        # 第二直径的值
        secondDiameter = 0

        # 遍历每个点,找到每个点的最远距离更新第二直径

        for i in range(n):
            # 最长的边是第一直径,如果我们把第一直径的两个端点去掉,就可以把第一直径给忽略了
            # 这样只需要在忽略第一直径后剩下的距离找一个最大值就是第二直径

            if i != diameterFirstPointIndex and i != diameterSecondPointIndex:
                # 到i的最远距离的点肯定是第一直径的两个端点之一
                secondDiameter = max(secondDiameter, max(distanceOne[i], distanceTwo[i]))

        return secondDiameter

Java题解详见 九章算法solution

3. 最大非负子序和


  • 因为题目要求的子序和最大,并且所选元素都是非负整数,那我们一定是将所选的非负整数子数组延长到不能延长的地方(到达数组的末尾或者是到达数组元素为负数的位置)。


我们令 maxSubArraySum[i] 表示以A[i]结尾的最大非负子序和。

  1. 先将maxSubArraySum[i]初始化为-1
  2. 如果A[i]为负数,那么maxSubArraySum[i]仍为-1,当我们在尽可能延伸子数组的时候,如果延伸到-1位置就应该停止了,因为这时候遇到了负数。
  3. 如果A[i]不是负数,那么我们可以考虑将A[i]拼接到A[i-1]所在的子数组的末尾,形成新的子数组

    • 如果maxSubArraySum[i-1]-1,表明A[i-1]为负数,这时候只能A[i]自己作为一个新的子数组的开头,那么maxSubArraySum[i] = A[i]
    • 如果maxSubArraySum[i-1]不为-1,表明A[i-1]为非负数,这时候只能A[i]可以拼接到A[i]结尾的子数组的末尾,使得子数组尽可能地延伸长度,那么maxSubArraySum[i] = A[i] + maxSubArraySum[i-1]
  4. 统计完maxSubArraySum,根据maxSubArraySum的定义,以A[i]结尾的最大非负子序和。那么我们再枚举以谁结尾,求一个最大值,就是这个给定数组A的最大的连续非负子数组的和


在上面算法流程中发现我们提到的maxSubArraySum数组,maxSubArraySum[i] 只与 maxSubArraySum[i-1]A[i]有关,那么我们可以只用一个变量lastIndexSubArraySum记录maxSubArraySum[i-1],代表上一个位置的最大连续非负子序和,一个nowIndexSubArraySum代表当前位置的最大连续非负子序和。


  • 时间复杂度

    • 令n为给定的整数数组长度,我们只需要遍历一遍给定的整数数组即可,那么时间复杂度为O(n)
  • 空间复杂度

    • 令n为给定的整数数组长度,如果开辟maxSubArraySum数组,所以空间复杂度是 O(n)


// This solution is powered by @lintcode.com
class Solution {
     * @param A: an integer array
     * @return: return maxium contiguous non-negative subarray sum
    int maxNonNegativeSubArray(vector<int> &A) {
        // write your code here

        int n = A.size();

        // maxSubArraySum[i] 表示以A[i]结尾的最大非负子序和
        // 若maxSubArraySum[i]为-1 ,表示A[i] 为负值
        // 因为maxSubArraySum[i]只与maxSubArraySum[i-1] A[i]有关 我们可以只使用一个变量lastIndexSubArraySum记录maxSubArraySum[i-1]

        int lastIndexSubArraySum = -1;


        if(A[0] >= 0) {
            lastIndexSubArraySum = A[0];

        int maxSubArraySumAnswer = -1;
        maxSubArraySumAnswer = lastIndexSubArraySum;

        for(int i = 1; i < n; i++) {

            int nowIndexSubArraySum = -1;

            if(A[i] >= 0) {

                //maxSubArraySum[i-1]为-1 表明A[i-1]为负数,我们从i位置重新开始一段新的子数组

                if(lastIndexSubArraySum == -1) {
                    nowIndexSubArraySum = A[i];
                //maxSubArraySum[i-1]不是-1 表明A[i-1]为非负整数,那我们将A[i]接在A[i-1]的子数组的后面,

                else {
                    nowIndexSubArraySum = lastIndexSubArraySum + A[i]; ;


            maxSubArraySumAnswer = max(maxSubArraySumAnswer, nowIndexSubArraySum);

            lastIndexSubArraySum = nowIndexSubArraySum;

        //如果maxSubArraySumAnswer还是-1 说明整个A数组都是负数

        return maxSubArraySumAnswer;

# This solution is powered by @lintcode.com
class Solution:
    @param A: an integer array
    @return: return maxium contiguous non-negative subarray sum

    def maxNonNegativeSubArray(self, A):
        # write your code here
        # A数组长度

        n = len(A)

        # maxSubArraySum[i] 表示以A[i]结尾的最大非负子序和
        # 若maxSubArraySum[i]为-1 ,表示A[i] 为负值
        # 因为maxSubArraySum[i]只与maxSubArraySum[i-1] A[i]有关 我们可以只使用一个变量lastIndexSubArraySum记录maxSubArraySum[i-1]

        lastIndexSubArraySum = -1

        # 初始化边界条件
        # 记录0位置的答案
        if A[0] >= 0:
            lastIndexSubArraySum = A[0]


        maxSubArraySumAnswer = -1

        maxSubArraySumAnswer = lastIndexSubArraySum

        for i in range(1, n):

            # 用nowIndexSubArraySum来代替maxSubArraySum[i]

            nowIndexSubArraySum = -1

            # 如果A[i]为非负整数,计算A[i]结尾的最大非负子序和

            if A[i] >= 0:
                # maxSubArraySum[i-1]为-1 表明A[i-1]为负数,我们从i位置重新开始一段新的子数组
                # 我们用lastIndexSubArraySum记录maxSubArraySum[i-1]
                # 只用maxSubArraySum[i-1]即可判断

                if lastIndexSubArraySum == -1:

                    nowIndexSubArraySum = A[i]

                # maxSubArraySum[i-1]不是-1 表明A[i-1]为非负整数,那我们将A[i]接在A[i-1]的子数组的后面
                # 我们用lastIndexSubArraySum记录maxSubArraySum[i-1]
                # 只用maxSubArraySum[i-1]即可判断

                    nowIndexSubArraySum = lastIndexSubArraySum + A[i]

            # 更新答案

            maxSubArraySumAnswer = max(maxSubArraySumAnswer, nowIndexSubArraySum)

            # 更新lastIndexSubArraySum

            lastIndexSubArraySum = nowIndexSubArraySum

        # 如果maxSubArraySumAnswer还是-1 说明整个A数组都是负数

        return maxSubArraySumAnswer

Java题解详见 九章算法solution

4. 排序方案



如果使用二分查找,找到对应的位置,然后模拟插入的话,时间复杂度会退化到 O(N^2)

对于第 i 个数的插入,我们可以认为前 i - 1 个数已经排好序了,只需考虑先将前缀取出,还是先将后缀取出。所以我们需要统计前 i - 1 个数中比当前数小的个数,以及比当前数大的个数。采取较小的方案即可。


树状数组(Binary Indexed Tree(B.I.T), Fenwick Tree)是一个查询和修改复杂度都为log(n)的数据结构。


某个数加上它的 lowbit,即他的二进制最低位 1 的位的二次幂,可以找到它对应节点的父节点。

某个数减去它的 lowbit,可以找打计算前缀和时的下一位置,直到减到零为止。


设待插入的数组长度为 N


  • 树状数组每次插入和查询的时间复杂度为 O(logN)。总时间复杂度为 O(NlogN)


  • 树状数组的空间复杂度为 O(N)


// This solution is powered by @lintcode.com
class Solution {
     * @param nums: the array of elements to be inserted.
     * @return: return the least operation number.
    long long sortedArrangement(vector<int> &nums) {
        int n = nums.size();
        // 树状数组
        vector<int> binaryIndexTree(n + 1);
        long long result = 0;
        for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
            int number = nums[i];
            // 先获取前缀中比当前数小的个数
            int prefixSmallerCount = query(number - 1, binaryIndexTree);
            // 计算前缀中比当前数大的个数
            int prefixLargerCount = i - prefixSmallerCount;
            // 计算结果,采取更小的方案
            result += 2 * min(prefixSmallerCount, prefixLargerCount) + 1;
            // 将当前数也加入树状数组中, 在number位置上+1,代表number出现过
            update(number, 1, binaryIndexTree);
        return result;
    int lowbit(int x) {
        return x & (-x);
    // 更新position位置的值,使其加上value
    void update(int position, int value, vector<int>& binaryIndexTree) {
        while (position < (int)binaryIndexTree.size()) {
            binaryIndexTree[position] += value;
            position += lowbit(position);
    // 查询[1, position]的所有值的和
    int query(int position, vector<int>& binaryIndexTree) {
        int prefixSum = 0;
        while (position > 0) {
            prefixSum += binaryIndexTree[position];
            position -= lowbit(position);
        return prefixSum;
# This solution is powered by @lintcode.com
class Solution:
    @param nums: the array of elements to be inserted.
    @return: return the least operation number.
    def sortedArrangement(self, nums):
        n = len(nums)
        # 树状数组
        binary_index_tree = [0] * (n + 1)
        result = 0
        for i, number in enumerate(nums):
            # 先获取前缀中比当前数小的个数
            prefix_smaller_count = self.query(number - 1, binary_index_tree)
            # 计算前缀中比当前数大的个数
            prefix_larger_count = i - prefix_smaller_count
            # 计算结果,采取更小的方案
            result += 2 * min(prefix_smaller_count, prefix_larger_count) + 1
            # 将当前数也加入树状数组中, 在number位置上+1,代表number出现过
            self.update(number, 1, binary_index_tree)
        return result
    def lowbit(self, x):
        return x & (-x)
    # 更新position位置上的值,使其加上value
    def update(self, position, value, binary_index_tree):
        while position < len(binary_index_tree):
            binary_index_tree[position] += value
            position += self.lowbit(position)
    # 查询[1,position]所有值的和
    def query(self, position, binary_index_tree):
        prefix_sum = 0
        while position > 0:
            prefix_sum += binary_index_tree[position]
            position -= self.lowbit(position)
        return prefix_sum

Java题解详见 九章算法solution

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