Learn English -- Being late

简介: 个人学习笔记



We may not be free of being late in our daily life. This article talk about the "late" things

1. Why late

a. The alarm

  • I overslept because I didn't hear the alarm
  • I slept right through the alarm.
  • The alarm didn't go off, you probably won't get us until you naturally wake up.

b. Do things slowly

  • I wanted to be on time, but I spent too much time deciding what to wear

c. You underestimate the time needed

  • You may think you only need 20 minutes to finish a task, but actually it can take up to 40 minutes

d. I left my phone at home and had to go back

e. Went the wrong way

  • Actually people can easily get lost when they go to a new place especially you don't have a good sense of direction.

f. On the way

  • Sometimes, even though we leave home early and go the right way, we still end up being late.
  • The traffic was much worse than usual and therefore the cars were moving slowly
  • Bus No.38 was supposed to come at 8:30, but it was 5 minutes late
  • My flight was delayed and I missed my meeting
  • I couldn’t find a parking space

2. What to do when we are late

  • I'm sorry, but I am running late
  • I'm afraid that I'm going to be late for the meeting
  • I'll be there in 5 minutes
  • I am terrible sorry, I won't be late again and I'll be working late tonight.
  • Try to make the most of your time
  • Dinner is on me
  • I will buy you lunch
  • I will treat you a movie

3. Tips on how to avoid being late.

  • Put your alarm on the other side of room
  • Set multiple alarms
  • Leave home early
  • Pack the bag before
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