- #!/bin/bash
- # Query the memory of all nodes in a cluster
- #
- # Output example:
- # $ ./query_redis_cluster.sh
- # [] Used: 788.57M Max: 15.00G System: 125.56G
- # [] Used: 756.98M Max: 15.00G System: 125.56G
- # [] Used: 743.93M Max: 15.00G System: 125.56G
- # [] Used: 21.73M Max: 15.00G System: 125.56G
- # [] Used: 819.11M Max: 15.00G System: 125.56G
- # [] Used: 771.70M Max: 15.00G System: 125.56G
- # [] Used: 920.77M Max: 15.00G System: 125.56G
- # [] Used: 889.09M Max: 15.00G System: 125.27G
- # [] Used: 741.24M Max: 15.00G System: 125.56G
- # [] Used: 699.55M Max: 15.00G System: 125.56G
- # [] Used: 752.89M Max: 15.00G System: 125.27G
- # [] Used: 716.05M Max: 15.00G System: 125.56G
- # [] Used: 784.82M Max: 15.00G System: 125.56G
- # [] Used: 726.40M Max: 15.00G System: 125.56G
- # [] Used: 726.09M Max: 15.00G System: 125.56G
- # [] Used: 844.59M Max: 15.00G System: 125.56G
- # [] Used: 14.00M Max: 15.00G System: 125.56G
- # [] Used: 770.13M Max: 15.00G System: 125.56G
- REDIS_CLI=${REDIS_CLI:-redis-cli}
- function usage()
- {
- echo "Usage: `basename $0` redis_node"
- echo "Example: `basename $0`"
- }
- # with a parameter: single redis node
- if test $# -ne 1; then
- usage
- exit 1
- fi
- eval $(echo "$1" | awk -F[\:] '{ printf("REDIS_IP=%s\nREDIS_PORT=%s\n",$1,$2) }')
- if test -z "$REDIS_IP" -o -z "$REDIS_PORT"; then
- echo "Parameter error"
- usage
- exit 1
- fi
- # 确保redis-cli可用
- which "$REDIS_CLI" > /dev/null 2>&1
- if test $? -ne 0; then
- echo "\`redis-cli\` not exists or not executable"
- exit 1
- fi
- redis_nodes=`redis-cli -h $REDIS_IP -p $REDIS_PORT cluster nodes | awk -F[\ \:\@] '!/ERR/{ printf("%s:%s\n",$2,$3); }'`
- if test -z "$redis_nodes"; then
- # standlone
- else
- # cluster
- for redis_node in $redis_nodes;
- do
- if test ! -z "$redis_node"; then
- eval $(echo "$redis_node" | awk -F[\:] '{ printf("redis_node_ip=%s\nredis_node_port=%s\n",$1,$2) }')
- if test ! -z "$redis_node_ip" -a ! -z "$redis_node_port"; then
- items=(`$REDIS_CLI -h $redis_node_ip -p $redis_node_port INFO MEMORY 2>&1 | tr '\r' ' '`)
- used_memory_rss_human=0
- maxmemory_human=0
- total_system_memory_human=0
- for item in "${items[@]}"
- do
- eval $(echo "$item" | awk -F[\:] '{ printf("name=%s\nvalue=%s\n",$1,$2) }')
- if test "$name" = "used_memory_rss_human"; then
- used_memory_rss_human=$value
- elif test "$name" = "maxmemory_human"; then
- maxmemory_human=$value
- elif test "$name" = "total_system_memory_human"; then
- total_system_memory_human=$value
- fi
- done
- echo -e "[\033[1;33m${redis_node_ip}:${redis_node_port}\033[m]\tUsed: \033[0;32;32m$used_memory_rss_human\033[m\tMax: \033[0;32;32m$maxmemory_human\033[m\tSystem: \033[0;32;32m$total_system_memory_human\033[m"
- fi
- fi
- done
- fi